The League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital

Trustee Application Pack

January 2015

Thank you for your interest in the role of Trustee for The League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital.

The League of Friends is a registered charity whose members and volunteers have worked tirelessly for more than 30 years to raise funds to improve the facilities and equipment at this greatly valued community hospital. Of the money raised to date, some £8 million has already been dedicated to the benefit of the hospital and its patients.

The League provides regular support complementing the services within the hospital to help improve the patient experience. In addition, a number of major projects have been undertaken in collaboration with the appropriate NHS bodies, and we are in regular discussion with them and other stakeholders regarding future ventures. In accordance with our charity objects, all our projects are for the benefit of patients, former patients of the hospital or people in the London borough of Richmond Upon Thames who are sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped, infirm or in need of medical attention or financial assistance and, generally to support the charitable work of the Teddington Memorial Hospital.

We are looking for expand our Board of Trustees to bring new skills, experience and insights which will help lead the organisation as we continue our work to ensure the long term future of the hospital and that it retains its key role at the heart of our community. The role of trustee is one of the most important in our organisation and they have key responsibility for our charity. They are, in law, the guardians of its purpose and are expected ensure the strategic direction of the organisation, are accountable for the financial governance and are responsible for the appropriate distribution of the charities resources.

We are looking for two enthusiastic and self-motivated individuals who are committed to maintaining Teddington Memorial Hospital as a centre for local health services and providing support and services to patients, staff and visitors to the hospital and the local community. In particular we are looking for people with skills/knowledge in one or more of the following areas:

·  Marketing/PR

·  Fundraising

It would also be very helpful if Trustees have knowledge of volunteering and/or working with volunteers.

You will be joining a dedicated team of people who care passionately about our cause and enjoy supporting the hospital and being part of an active local community. You will find more information about The League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital on our website ( ).

Please contact Louise Robertson on if you would like to discuss these roles.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Pamela Bryant MBE




Teddington Memorial Hospital has grown from a Cottage Hospital donated by a Teddington resident in 1875 to a Memorial Hospital that was built, managed, and maintained with funds raised from the community until the inception of the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948. At this point, the hospital was taken over by the NHS and from 1993 to the present, the hospital has functioned under a number of different NHS organisations and the range of services has increased. It is currently managed by Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust and continues to be a vital provider of local healthcare services.

A League of Friends was first formed in 1954 to raise funds and provide voluntary services for the benefit of patients. This evolved into the independent League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital in 1981 and since then significant funds have been raised by the League members to modernise the wards, improve out-patient facilities and provide support and services to hospital patients, staff and visitors.

The hospital, supported by the League of Friends, has always been at the heart of the community and enjoys enormous support from the local residents. We currently have eight trustees and are seeking to expand the Board to ten people to ensure a broad range of skills and experience that are needed as the organisation develops. We welcome applicants from everyone who meets the essential criteria and shares our aims.

Location: Our board meetings are usually held at Teddington Memorial Hospital.

Time commitment: The Board meets on the second Monday of each month, usually from 7.30 to 9.30pm. Trustees are required to attend these meetings and assist with sub-committees and other matters as required between meetings, for example strategic planning or fundraising activities. Trustees are also expected to attend occasional relevant events such as local fairs and community events.

Duration: Trustees are appointed on a three year basis in the first instance and we are looking for individuals who can commit to this time period. Appointments are confirmed at our Annual General Meeting which is usually held in May.

Salary: This is an unpaid voluntary position. Reasonable travel expenses to meetings and events within the UK can be covered.

Trustee Role Description

The statutory duties of a trustee

1.  To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.

2.  To ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing document.

3.  To ensure the organisation uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects: the organisation must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities are.

4.  To contribute actively to the board of trustees’ role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.

5.  To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation.

6.  To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.

7.  To ensure the financial stability of the organisation.

8.  To protect and manage the property of the charity and to ensure the proper investment of the charity’s funds.

9.  If the organisation employs staff, to appoint the chief executive officer and monitor his/her performance.

Other duties

In addition to the above statutory duties, each trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This may involve:

·  Scrutinising board papers

·  Leading discussions

·  Focusing on key issues

·  Providing guidance on new initiatives

·  Other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.

(This role description appears on the NCVO website and is reproduced with kind permission of NCVO.)

In addition the League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital requires that its trustees:

·  Attend monthly Trustee Meetings

·  Help promote the League and support our projects and fundraising activities

·  Represent the League at functions, public meetings and acting as spokesperson as required.

Person Specification

Essential skills and experience:

·  A commitment to Teddington Memorial Hospital and projects/services for the benefit of the hospital patients, former patients and the local community

·  Knowledge of and support for aims and work of the League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital

·  An ability to perform as part of a team with respect and compassion for all involved

·  Understanding of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship

·  Leadership qualities

·  Able to demonstrate strategic vision and think creatively

·  Willing to speak their mind and exercise independent judgement

·  Tact and diplomacy

·  Impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences

·  Willingness to support, directly or indirectly, the League’s fundraising activities.

·  Not disqualified from being a trustee (bankruptcy, disqualification as a director, removal as a trustee, non-spent conviction of dishonesty or corruption)

For the current vacancies knowledge of one or more of the following would also helpful:

·  Marketing and public relations experience including organising/running events

·  Fundraising

·  Membership recruitment and management

·  Online communications including website content and using social media.

How to Apply

Please send your CV and cover letter, together with contact details of 2 referees to

Your covering letter should highlight your interest for the League of Friends of Teddington Memorial Hospital and your motivation for joining our board as well as detailing your skills and experience.

Recruitment Process

We will acknowledge receipt of all applications.

Once an application is received, it is reviewed by the recruiting panel of the Chairman and one other trustee to decide if your skills and interests meet the current requirements of the management board.

If we think from your application that you might have the skills and interests to work with our board of trustees we will offer you an interview with the Chairman and one other trustee.

If all parties agree to take things forward, the next step is that we will invite you to meet the Trustees and key members of the team, usually as an observer at one of Board meetings. Here you will learn more about the structure of the organisation, our strategic direction and our policies and procedures. At the meeting you will be able to contribute to discussions but you will be unable to vote on matters.

After this you will have a review with the Chairman. If you are both happy to proceed and the current Trustees agree you will be co-opted on to the management board at the next Board Meeting and then formally stand for election as a Trustee at the League’s Annual General Meeting which is usually held in May.

Trustees are required to stand for re-election after three years.
