Academic Plan SY 2016-17

Ø  Reflect. Briefly summarize your school’s progress on implementing all six of the Department’s priority strategies/Other Complex-wide and/or School strategies, and meeting key performance targets set in the prior year Academic Plan.
Progress on implementing all DOE priority strategies was monitored twice a year during the 2015-16 school year through the Field Assessment. The overall ratings on the Field Assessment as of December 2015 were as follows, based on a four point rubric where 4 is the highest and 1 is the lowest:
·  Academic Review Team – 3
·  Common Core State Standards - 3
·  Comprehensive Student Support System-Response to Intervention – 2
·  Educator Effectiveness System– 3
·  Formative Assessment and Differentiated Instruction – 3
·  Induction and Mentoring – 3
·  STEM – 2
PHIS engages in progress monitoring to measure the implementation of targeted traits based on recommendations from our Comprehensive Needs Assessment and WASC Accreditation Focus on Learning Report. The mid-cycle review for our WASC accreditation showed we met five out of the seven recommendations, and no new recommendations were added. The two recommendations are about developing a long term technology plan and to address student attendance. In Spring 2017, we will be visited by WASC as part of full Self-Study. We are currently in the process of writing that Self-Study report.
Ø  Organize. Identify your Academic Review Team members, assign them specific strategies or activities to oversee, and set the cycle for the Academic Review Team to monitor implementation quality. Number of strategies/activities will vary across schools.
Name of lead who is responsible for reporting during ART process
(can change if roles change) / Responsible for
(link to strategy)
1. Tom Van Deren (Coach)
2. Kim Williamson (VP)
3. Tom Van Deren (Coach)
4. Darlene Bee
5. Tom Van Deren (Coach)
6. Darlene Bee
7. Kim Williamson (VP)
10. / 1. Common Core State Standards
2. Comprehensive Student Supports
3. Formative Instruction/Data Teams
4. Educator Effectiveness
5. Induction & Mentoring
6. Academic Review Team
(ART lead needs to be on the team, yet the strategy doesn’t need its own page in the plan)

Goal 1 Student Success: All DOE students demonstrate they are on a path toward success in college, career and citizenship.

State Priority Strategies to Improve Student Achievement and Reduce Achievement Gaps (Required, and defined within the Implementation Continuums) / Does your Financial Plan
support this strategy? / If not, why?
1. Fully implement the Hawaii Common Core Standards / YES ☒ NO ☐
2. Tier and provide comprehensive student supports for all students / YES ☒ NO ☐
3. Implement data teams process within each grade span/content area and formative instruction within classrooms / YES ☒ NO ☐
Additional Strategies (Optional) / Does your Financial Plan
support this strategy? / If not, why?
YES ☐ NO ☐
Data Driven Rationale for Additional Priorities:

Goal 1, Strategy 1: Common Core State Standards

Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Math Proficiency will increase from 31% to 46%; Reading Proficiency will increase from 45% to 52%, and Science Proficiency will increase from 21% to 55%; baseline measured by the 2016 HSA, SBA Assessment and the 2016 HSA Science Assessment and reported in STRIVE HI
Planning / Capacity / Evidence of Progress
Enabling Activities / Name of lead responsible for reporting during ART process / Target Population(s)
Choose all that apply / Source of Funds
Choose all that apply, and list amounts / What leading indicators will you monitor progress against during your ART routine that will show progress against your goal? Please include any short term measurable objectives.
1. Ensure alignment of all courses to HCPS III or CCSS (as appropriate) both at the topic level and at the level of cognitive demand of the standards. (SW2, SW4)
·  All pacing guides will include elements 1-6 and will be updated for 2016-17 before school starts in July 2016 (Subs provided for teacher pull out)
·  All core pacing guides will be reviewed by the TIPS team/PHIS team for alignment at the topical and taxonomic levels to standards (CCSS or HSA). If guides do not align, teachers will be given support to make additional revisions.
·  All teachers will align their instruction to the revised pacing guides ensuring standards-based instruction for all students
·  Common assessments will be used to measure achievement of the benchmarks and assessment scoring will be calibrated to insure consistency (CFA Process)
·  Increase in classrooms determined to be “Standards-Based” by collecting classroom observation data on “the lesson is aligned topically and taxonomically to the pacing guide”
·  Teachers will increase student higher order thinking assignments / Academic Coaches / ☒ All Students
☐ Economically Disadvantaged
☐ English Language Learners
☐ Students with Disabilities
☐ Other: / ☒ WSF $
☒ Title I $16,010
☐ Title III $
☒ IDEA $
☒ CTE $
☐ Focus/Priority $
☐ CTE $
☐ Other $
☐ N/A / A1: Percentage of teachers who demonstrate effective instructional organization will meet or exceed the 95% trajectory line by the end of each quarter as measured by TIPS classroom observations
A2. Percentage of teachers who demonstrate effective instructional strategies will meet or exceed the 95% trajectory line by the end of each quarter as measured by TIPS classroom observations
B1: Percentage of students proficient in Reading will meet the target of 52% on SBA in 2017.
B2: Percentage of students proficient in Math will meet the target of 46% on SBA in 2017.
B3: Percentage of students proficient in Science will meet the target of 55% on the HSA in 2017.
2. Implement Common Core curriculums that have been approved by the State in ELA and Math classes (SW2) / Academic Coaches / ☐ All Students
☐ Economically Disadvantaged
☐ English Language Learners
☐ Students with Disabilities
☐ Other: / ☒ WSF $
☒ Title I $1500
☐ Title III $
☒ IDEA $
☐ CTE $
☐ Focus/Priority $
☐ CTE $
☐ Other $
☐ N/A / A1: Percentage of classroom teachers who are trained to use Common Core materials will continue to be 100% as measured by attendance at trainings
B1: Percentage of students reporting that their classes are “Captivating” on Tripod Survey will increase from 62% for middle school and from 45% for high school (baseline from 2015 Tripod)
Ø  Choose or design a common rubric for schoolwide use to assess writing. Common Core Committee will collaborate on the choice or design of the rubric. / Common Core Committee / ☐ All Students
☐ Economically Disadvantaged
☐ English Language Learners
☐ Students with Disabilities
☐ Other: / ☒ WSF $
☐ Title I
☐ Title III $
☒ IDEA $
☐ CTE $
☐ Focus/Priority $
☐ CTE $
☐ Other $
☐ N/A / A1: Common Core Committee agrees on a common rubric for schoowide use by June 2017.

Goal 1, Strategy 2: Comprehensive Student Supports

Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Graduation Rate will increase from 79% to 88%; College-Going Rate will increase from 49%; as measured by the 2017 Strive HI data metrics.
Planning / Capacity / Evidence of Progress
Enabling Activities / Name of lead responsible for reporting during ART process / Target Population(s)
Choose all that apply / Source of Funds
Choose all that apply, and list amounts / What leading indicators will you monitor progress against during your ART routine that will show progress against your goal? Please include any short term measurable objectives.
1. Seek additional ways to improve student behavior, address the interests and needs of all students, and maintain a safe and nurturing campus and to improve attendance (SW2, SW9)
·  Teachers will review the discipline plan with students at the beginning of each Semester and with individual students as needed
·  Teachers will implement the “meet and greet” strategy at the beginning of every class
·  Maintain and monitor GLO Labs with EAs to support positive behavior choices and attendance in class / school
·  Develop a plan to implement a Dagger Awards program that rewards positive behaviors including attendance and grades. (RTI Committee)
·  Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL) is taught through middle school Leadership classes (supported by RTI/PBS Committee, and Department of Health SBBH
·  All teachers develop and implement classroom management plans that include tier 1, 2 and 3 interventions (supported by RTI/PBS Committee and Department of Health SBBH). Continue to implement a shared vision of student behavior and to educate teachers on strategies that support positive student behavior.
·  Continue the Senior Advisory Elective to support transitions beyond high school and implement a Freshman Advisory Transitions to High School course
·  Build the Early College program from two on-campus Running Start classes to four
·  Continue to support AVID classes at all grade levels and provide AVID training to teachers.
·  Continue to implement a Readers Workshop using Read 180 to support struggling readers
·  Continue to support the ACT Prep elective course
·  Implement the College Math course for Seniors who need the course for college pre-requisite
·  Expand elective opportunities for students (STEAM, Newswriting/ Oral Communication, etc) and investigate and implement e-school options / Academic Coaches / ☒ All Students
☐ Economically Disadvantaged
☐ English Language Learners
☐ Students with Disabilities
☐ Other: / ☒ WSF $
☒ Title I $54,250
☐ Title III $
☒ IDEA $
☐ CTE $
☐ Focus/Priority $
☒ CTE $
☒ Other $
☒ N/A / A1. Percentage of teachers who demonstrate effective behavior management will meet or exceed the 95% trajectory line by the end of each quarter as measured by TIPS classroom observations (Category D)
B1. Percentage of students counted as “not engaged” or “off task” will be at or below the 5% trajectory line by the end of each quarter as measured by TIPS classroom observations (Category F)
B2: Percentage of students who are tier 1 based on GLO data will not be less than 85% when measured monthly
B3: Percentage of students who respond positively on the composite “School Safety “ dimension on the SQS will increase from 71% in Middle School and 57% in high school (SQS Spring 2016 baseline)
2. Monitor and improve Safety Nets beyond the regular classroom to improve attendance, health, safety, and academic achievement. (SW9, SW10) (GSS)
·  Continue to Implement a mentor program support for at risk 7th and 8th
·  Continue to seek and involve school and community partners for after-school extra-curricular activities such as After School All Stars/Uplink, Middle School Athletics, and other community partners
·  Implement a social-emotional curriculum for all Grade 7 students (Second Step) to decrease behaviors that lead to Class A and B offenses
·  Continue to pre and post conference with students who are suspended to decrease repeat behaviors that lead to Class A and B offenses
·  Continue to employ adult supervisors to support behavior on campus / Academic Coaches / X All Students
☐ Economically Disadvantaged
☐ English Language Learners
☐ Students with Disabilities
☐ Other: / X WSF
X Title I $100,000 Supplemental Funds
☐ Title III
X Other
☐ N/A / A1: Percentage of teachers using the Infinite Campus grading program so that parents can see in progress grades will be 100% by 2017-18 school year.
A2: Percentage of counselors monitoring RTI-A student data in PLC will increase to 100%
B1: Number of students enrolled in After School All Stars/Uplink will increase from 32% (61 out of 188 enrolled students as of August 2016.
B2: Percentage of student population in GLO Lab more than once a month will decrease every month
B3: Percentage of students failing one or more core subjects will decrease each quarter
B4: Percentage of Class A and B offenses will decrease
B5: Increase attendance monitored yearly
3. Provide varied means and opportunities for
parent input, communication and active involvement to support communication to high poverty families (Strategies from Eric Jensen’s work) and with families where English is not the first language (SW6)
·  Increase teacher involvement in providing PHIS website (calendar) with current information for students, parents, public to maximize opportunities for dissemination of information and to publicize school accomplishments
·  Write and distribute a monthly newsletter to parents with up-to-date information about activities at the school
·  Increase publicity through the monthly newsletters to encourage parent/community participation
·  Teacher course syllabi will include teachers’ lotus notes email addresses and phone extension to aid parents with communication.
·  Implement the Infinite Campus grading to provide parents and students access to grades online
·  Increase articulation with feeder schools
·  Search for a PTT to act as a parent contact person for attendance and parent requests for campus visits / Academic Coaches / X All Students
☐ Economically Disadvantaged
☐ English Language Learners
☐ Students with Disabilities
☐ Other: / X WSF
X Title I $7186
☐ Title III
X Other
☐ N/A / A1: Percentage of teachers using the Infinite Campus grading program so that parents can see in progress grades will be 100% by 2017-18 school year.
B1: Percentage of parents who respond positively to the “Satisfaction” dimension in the SQS will increase from 58% (Baseline SQS Spring 2016)
B2: Percentage of report cards picked up at Parent/Teacher Conferences will increase from 16% (Fall 2016) as measured by report card count at conferences once a semester

Goal 1, Strategy 3: Formative Instruction/Data Teams Process

Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Math Proficiency will increase from 31% to 46%; Reading Proficiency will increase from 45% to 52%, and Science Proficiency will increase from 21% to 55%; as measured by the 2017 HSA Science and SBA Assessments. Grade 11 ACT proficiency will increase from 29% as measured by the ACT administered in spring 2017.
Planning / Capacity / Evidence of Progress
Enabling Activities / Name of lead responsible for reporting during ART process / Target Population(s)
Choose all that apply / Source of Funds
Choose all that apply, and list amounts / What leading indicators will you monitor progress against during your ART routine that will show progress against your goal? Please include any short term measurable objectives.