Video Guide
- Describe Russia?
- How is/was Russia different from rest of Europe?
- What time period is considered the birth of Russia? By what Dynastic family?
- Who are the many people that inhabit Russia then and now?
- What geographically connected Russia and was essential to expansion?
- What was the greatest of the cities?
- Identify Vladimir
- According to Vladimir, what was the key to unification?
- How did Constantinople influence Vladimir?
- How did the Mongols affect the land of the rus?
- Identify the Golden Horde?
- What was the significance of the city of Moscow?
- How did the city win the favor of the Mongols?
- When and who cut the money ties to the Mongols?
- Who took the first unofficial title of TSAR?
- When and to whom did Constantinople fall to the Ottoman Turks?
- Where did the double eagle symbol come from?
- What does the word CZAR mean?
- Identify the Kremlin?
- How did Ivan III change life in Russia?
- Explain the prophecies regarding Ivan III son?
- Identify Ivan the Terrible?
- Who were the boyars?
- What happened during Ivan’s boyhood?
- How did Ivan handle the threat of the boyars?
- Explain the coronation ceremony of Ivan IV in 1547
- How did Ivan IV centralize and control Russia?
- Discuss the powers of Ivan IV?
- Define autocracy –
- How did Ivan IV build an Empire?
- How did Ivan IV commemorate his victories?
- When and Why did fate change for Ivan?
- How did this change Ivan IV?
- Why did the Czar turn on his advisors?
- Why did Ivan IV leave the country?
- What was the result of him leaving?
- What conditions did Ivan IV return under?
- Define oprichniks –
- Why did Ivan IV massacre entire families?
- How long did Ivan wage war on his own country?
- What happened when the Tartars invaded?
- How did Ivan react?
- Discuss Ivan’s pattern of marriage?
- Who would succeed the throne after Ivan?
- What was the fate of Ivan IV son?
- Describe the Time of Troubles?
- How did people survive?
- How many different men claimed the title of Czar?
- What groups tried to conquer Russia?
- When and Who is considered the founder of the Romanov dynasty?
- How were the nobles rewarded (broad base of support)?
- Define serfdom –
- What reforms did the Alexis Romanov make?
- What territories did Russia seek to control?
- Who would succeed Alexis?
- How did Sophia treat Peter and his family?
- Why did Sophia refrain from killing Peter?
- Why was Sophia never crowned Tsar?
- Describe Peter I (Great):
- What happened to Sophia?
- What happened to Ivan V?
- What did Peter hope for Russia?
- What was the main problem for Peter and Russia?
- Where did Peter hope to gain a “warm water port”?
- Was he successful? What action did he take as a result?
- What did this say about the characteristics of Peter’s personality?
- How did Peter shatter tradition?
- Why did Peter disguise his title?
- What happened 16 months after Peter had left Russia?
- What changes did Peter hope to make?
- How did Peter change people’s appearance?
- Identify the Streltzi:
- What was the “window to the west”?
- Identify the Great Northern War:
- How did Peter react to the defeat?
- What is the term of service for the Russian army?
- Why did Peter want to create a NEW city?
- What was the cost of the building of St. Petersburg?
- What innovations did Peter incorporate into Russian culture?
- What new title did Peter take? Why?
Video Guide
- Who succeeded Peter I?
- Who did Elizabeth name as her successor?
- Identify Peter III:
- Who did Elizabeth choose as a wife for Peter III?
- Describe the relationship between Catherine and Peter:
- What was the biggest threat to Catherine’s power?
- How did Catherine assimilate into Russian culture?
- How did Peter III threaten his wife Catherine?
- Who did Russia engage in warfare?
- Identify Gregory Orlov?
- What were the first actions of Peter III as Czar of Russia?
- What was the fate of Peter III?
- Why is this truly Machiavellian?
- Describe the accomplishments of Catherine II?
- What was the date and era in which Catherine seized the throne?
- What was the dangerous paradox?
- What happened in 1773?
- What were the goals of Pugachev?
- How did Catherine respond to his rebellion?
- How did effect Catherine’s rule?
- Survival in Russia depended upon?
- Why was expansion beneficial? To whom?
- Identify Potemkin:
- What happened in 1784?
- What was the population of Russia during Catherine’s reign?
- What caused Catherine to doubt Enlightenment ideals?
- Why was Catherine’s son Paul so dangerous?
- Identify Alexander I:
- How long did Catherine rule?
- How did Catherine die?
- Compare/Contrast Napoleon I and Alexander I:
- What was the decree created by Paul I?
- What was the fate of Paul?
- What was the constant military strategy of Russia?
- Describe the Battle of Borodino?
- How many miles were the French from home?
- What happened to the city of Moscow?
- How long was the country of France engaged in revolution and war?
- What revolutionary ideas influenced the Russian soldiers?
- Identify Nicholas I:
- Describe the Decembrist Revolt of 1825:
- Describe politics in Russia:
- Identify Alexander Pushkin:
- Identify the ideology that spread across Western Europe in 1848:
- What role did Russia play in the revolutions of 1848:
- What was the significance of the Crimean War for Russia?
- Who succeeded Nicholas I:
- What reforms were created by Alexander II?
- Which reform was considered his crowning achievement?
- What year did Alexander emancipate the serfs?
- What were the flaws of the emancipation?
- Identify the Peoples Will:
- What was the fate of Alexander II?
- How did this affect the role of the Czar?
- Who succeeded Alexander II?
- Who’s brother was executed in an attempted assassination of Czar Alexander III?
- Identify Lenin:
- Who succeeded Alexander III?
- Identify Nicholas II:
- Describe Nicholas II wife:
- Identify the results of the Russo-Japanese War 1905?
- Who was the heir to the throne?
- What was considered the curse of the Romanov family?
- Describe Bloody Sunday:
- How many people died?
- What was the significance of Bloody Sunday?
- Identify the October Manifesto:
- Describe the beliefs of Nicholas II:
- Identify Rasputin:
- How did the people of Russia view Rasputin?
- How long did the Romanov’s hold power?
- What happened in 1914?
- How many Russians fought and died in WWI?
- What was Lenin’s slogan?
- What was the fate of Rasputin?
- What happened in February 1917?
- How long were revolutionaries plotting for this day?
- What was the demand of the Duma?
- How did Nicholas II react?
- What happened in October 1917?
- What was the fate of the Romanov family?
- How were the Communist rulers or Russia ironically similar to the past Czars?