The Kingsport District Newsletter, The United MethodistChurch

March 2008

James E. Swanson, Sr., Resident Bishop

Fred E. Dearing, III, District Superintendent

Susan S. Smith, Administrative Assistant



P.O. Box 894 Kingsport, TN 37662 618 Watauga St. Kingsport, TN


History, Organization,

Doctrine & Beliefs

The United MethodistChurch

April 4 and 5, 2008

April 4: 6:00 registration & gathering

6:30 –9:00 Class time

April 5: 8:30 a.m. – registration & gathering

9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Class time

Facilitators: Rev. Grady Winegar and Zane Scott

Who should take this course:

-Anybody who is interested

-Leaders in the church

-Lay Speakers can count this as an advanced class.

Host Church—First Broad Street UMC

Registration: $20 (includes lunch & materials)

Deadline to register is March 14

(Early deadline is so materials can be purchased.)

Bonus Session at 3:00 P.M. on Saturday

Updates on General Conference to be held in

April 2008 at Ft. Worth, TX

Guest Speaker—Rev. Jerry Russell, Holston Conference Delegate and a Candidate for the


Send check (made out to Kingsport District marked as “History”) for $20 to Kingsport District, P.O. Box 894, Kingsport, TN 37662. Include your name,

church, phone, address & email.


After School Terrific Tuesday Start Up

Saint Luke UMC is beginning an after school ministry

that we call Terrific Tuesday.

We need a little help from anyone looking to reach children for Christ. We would invite anyone from the district who likes to tell a Bible story, lead an exercise group in a physical activity, prepare a craft, or help a child with his or her homework, or prepare and serve a snack to contact Jean Starnes or Rev. April Milligan. Our program will start as soon as we feel confident that we have enough volunteers to help, possibly before school ends this May. Hours are from

3-5 every Tuesday at Saint Luke.

Please call 245-4947 or Pastor April at 741-1264 to volunteer or for more information.

Estonia Children-Travel Expenses

This July, twelve children and three adults will be coming from the Lighthouse in Estonia to Calvary UMC in Nashville, TN. We hope to provide five of the children’s’ airfare to Nashville at $1000 each for a total of $5000 . If any mission teams or churches in the Kingsport district would like to provide funds for this camp, send check written to Salem UMC with the memo saying “Lighthouse camp”. All money will be forwarded to Calvary UMC in Nashville. If this camp is successful, members of the Estonian Action Team will be working with the children in Nashville. We hope to bring the children to Buffalo Camp in 2009. Holston Conference has been a part of the Lighthouse Ministries since its inception in 2000. Mall Tamm has been the director since 2004 and will be escorting the children from Estonia along with two other teachers.

Jeff Tallent (Pastor, Salem UMC)

Chairperson Estonian Action Team

Pastor Salem UMC


Here’s your chance to let the Holston Conference know what the mid-adult age group is thinking. This survey, which is largely based on a survey prepared by the GeneralChurch, is intended for persons who were born between 1945 and 1975. It will be used to help Holston Conference better discern how to be in ministry with and for persons in this age group.

It only takes a few minutes to participate in this much needed survey, so log on to



8-9Lay Speaker Basic Course

11Pastors’ meeting, Mafair, 9:30 a.m.

11Discipleship Team, 7 pm, District Office

20-21Office Closed for Easter

24District Fellowship, 6:30 p.m., Kingsley

28Refiners’ Fire & CCYM Elections

30P.A.T.T.’s Puppets, St. Matthew, 5 p.m.


1Pastors’ meeting, Mafair, 9:30 a.m.

4-5The History & Organization of the UMC

Training event for District laity & lay

Speakers. Deadline to register is March 14-

6-8Jubilation at Meadowview

10Church Financial Audit due to District

23Administrative Professional’s Day

Tell your church Secretary/Admin. Assistants

“Thank You!”

23-May 2General Conference

24Board of Laity, 7 p.m., District office

26BuffaloMt.CampGolf Extravaganza

26Lay Leader/Pastor Breakfast,

Church Hill First, 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. $6

28District Fellowship, 6:30, Vermont


6Pastors’ Meeting, Mafair, 9:30 a.m.

16-17 & 17-18UMW Spiritual Enrichment

24Children’s Day at BuffaloMt.Camp



8-11Annual Conference

District Apportionments for 2007 Paid

Ebbing & Flowing Springs has paid 100% of their Kingsport District Apportionments for 2007.

District Youth Team 2008

Youth Coordinator: Joey Fleenor

Rick Anderson

Emily Fox

Aaron Pierce


CCYM Elections

March 28 at Refiners’ Fire

Refiner’s Fire 2008

Friday, March 28

6-8 p.m.

Rock Springs UMC

227 Church View Lane

Kingsport, TN 37664

SPEAKER - Brent Ronald - Director of Youth

Ministry at Cokesbury UMC in Knoxville, TN.

MUSIC - Cokesbury UMC Praise band

We'll have tables set up in the Fellowship Hall at 5 PM from the following: HiwasseeCollege, Emory & Henry College, Tennessee Wesleyan College, Ichthus from AsburyCollege and many more. CCYM elections will take place also.


(Puppets Are Teachers Too.)

St. Matthew UMC

March 30, 2008

5:00 p.m. Covered Dish Supper

6:00 p.m. Puppet Show

Enjoyment for All Ages!

“Loving All, Serving One, Spreading the Hope of Jesus Christ.”



Saturday, April 26

8:30 – 10:00 a.m.

Church Hill First UMC

Cost: $6 – Pay at the door.

To register call the District office (224-1533) by Friday, April 18 at noon.


Mental Health Matters

Focusing on our children, youth and their families.

Have you ever wondered how your youth group, SS class or preschool can be more open, welcoming, and hospitable to kids working through mental health

issues? Then there’s a workshop for you.

Saturday, April 19

8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Munsey Memorial in Johnson City


Breakout Sessions: Teen Mental Health Issues, First Steps for Church Workers, Disruptive Behaviors & Autism Spectrum.

Register on-line only:

Deadline to register is Monday, April 7.

For more information contact your pastor, the district office or Paula Postai at 423-534-1593;

Caring for Creation

April 3-6


The jurisdictional event promises to be an opportunity to discover how your congregation can help care for our home – Earth. The Sunday morning preacher will be Bishop Kenneth Carder, and some Holston persons will be on the program as well: Rev. Bill Nickle and Dr. Mike Hartsell. For complete schedule and details, please visit the LakeJunaluska web site at and click on “events” in the left column, then click on Caring for Creation.


April 6-8


Kingsport, TN

$110 commuter fee: includes all sessions, 2 workshops and food (2 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 dinner)

Register by March 10 to avoid a $10 late fee. Contact the Pastor or District office for brochures.


The kick off event for the Kingsport District’s Older Adult Ministries was a huge success. On Thursday, February 14, 244 people from 23 churches gathered for the first fellowship function of the Roots & Shoots. There was music, prizes, a catered meal, Jason Onks, Director, Buffalo Mountain Camp, spoke, had hand outs and a display, Ralph Kidd was the special entertainment speaker, and of course there was lots of good fun and fellowship. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thanks to the whole Roots & Shoots Team (Nancy Weikel, chair); Colonial Heights UMC for hosting the event along with the Pastors and church members for helping with the preparations; and for First Broad Street for serving the food.

Mark Your Calendar for the Next Event!

Tuesday, September 23

BuffaloMountain Camp

Charles Maynard – guest speaker

Church Annual Financial Audit for 2007

Due to the District Office by April 10, 2008.

If you need a form and the pastor does not have one please contact the district office (224-1533).

VBS kit and puppet Look at this year’s in the district office. Call before you come.



Scramble for the Kids

Benefit Golf Extravaganza

April 26

Tri Cities Golf Club

Registration forms are in the District Office.

Make a Difference This Summer as A Counselor

You have to be 16 years old to be a support staff; 18 years old and out of high school for at least one year

for other positions.

The District office has a brochure on training and what it’s like to be a counselor.

Children’s Day Celebration

Saturday, May 24

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Deadline April 15

It is that time of year for us to celebrate the evangelists among us by means of the Harry Denman Award. We in Holston strive to be bold, passionate, and joyful as we seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ. I have included a brief description of Harry Denman. You may access additional information from the Foundation for Evangelism web site You may also access the nomination information at the Holston web site

In the spirit of Harry Denman, we want to promote, encourage, and celebrate using all you have to facilitate people connecting with Jesus! Who are people in whom you see Christ? Who do you know that stands strong in the face of opposition for the love of all people? Who centers their conversations around the Bible and – whether in a large group or talking to one person – gives all their focus to communicating God’s amazing grace and invites you to know Christ even more?

At the age of 80, while speaking in Dallas, TX, Harry was worrying whether the UnitedMethodistChurch would be around in the year 2000 if membership figures continued to dip. He said, “We can study more books and do less than any crowd I know. Our trouble is we don’t believe people

need Jesus Christ. I look to him for the answer…” Holston experienced 533 membership loss in 2006. But, dear friends, we have many among us who are using God’s gifts to make an eternal difference in lives. In 2006, we had 2,411 Professions of Faith (305 of those were Restored); 2,037 received from other UMC; 1,515 received from other denominations; the total for 2006 was 6,268 new members. In addition we had 2,170 baptisms with 1,643 joining the church through Confirmation classes. Great differences are being made. Let’s recognize and celebrate those that embody making disciples boldly!

The deadline to receive nominations is April 15, 2008, and the materials should be mailed to:

Witness Ministry Team

Holston Conference Connectional Ministries

P.O. Box 850

Alcoa, TN37701-0850

Minister together, in the love of Jesus,

Ann Robins

Holston Conference Witness Team, Chair

(Nominees can be youth, adults, and pastors)

(If you can’t get on the website and need a form, please contact the district office.)

Drop-Off Dates:

Tuesday, June 312-5 p.m.

Wednesday, June 4 9 a.m. -1 p.m.

No kits will be accepted after these two days!

Place: Crossroads UMC

Truck will be leaving with all kits on Friday, June 6

Volunteers are needed to look through the kits and pack them in boxes.

Call Eloise Ellis to volunteer or if you have questions;


CHECKS – Different from last year!!!

Include $5/kit for shipping. One check from each church should accompany the kits. The check is to be written to Kingsport District and marked “Hands-On Kits.” Do not put checks in bags.

Answers to Questions on Items to purchase?

Where to purchase: Dollar General and stores like

that, Walmart, K-Mart, etc.

Cost: The kit Eloise put together cost around $20.

Soap: Leave in wrappers

Deodorant: No spray on or gel deodorants

(temperature is 104+)

Ponchos: Do not get children’s or emergency cheap

ponchos. Spend $3-4 on an adult poncho.

Towels: No dark colors. They will be washing them

outside probably.

Aspirin is better than Tylenol but either will work.

Toothpaste: leave in boxes

Toothbrushes: leave in box or wrapper

Spray cologne: little bottles can be found at places

like Dollar General

Oz. designations can be varied by a little bit.