Mission Statement

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed,

which a man took, and planted in his field.

Though it is the smallest of all seeds, when it grows,

it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree,

so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”

Matthew 13:31-32

At St Bede’s we believe that we are part of God’s creative process;

providing the opportunity for each individual to flourish in order to serve the Common Good.

The guiding principles of our Catholic shared vision of life;

That we are all made in the image and likeness of God,

That the ultimate role model for being a full human being is the person of Jesus Christ.

Enabled by the Holy Spirit we strive to make these principles a lived reality;

Through collective worship, assemblies, daily school routines, curriculum and policies we will reflect the values of the Gospels.

Our relationships will be guided by the Gospel values as described by Jesus in the Beatitudes; Faithfulness, Integrity, Dignity, Compassion, Humility, Gentleness, Truth, Justice, Forgiveness, Mercy, Purity, Holiness, Tolerance, Peace, Service, Sacrifice. (Matthew 5:1-12)

As a school community we are active in taking responsibility for others, those in our community and those in need around us locally, nationally and internationally.

We will nurture the growth of each pupil in our care through the artistic, academic, creative, practical, social, moral, physical and spiritual aspects of school life.

We will be a place of welcome by demonstrating God’s love to all who come into our school community. We will achieve this through working with all people of goodwill, particularly parents, families and the Church.

We will reflect the beauty of God’s creation through aspiring to excellence in all we do.

Whole School Focus / 2016/17
Ethos /
  • Celebration of St Bede’s 60th Anniversary
  • Further enhance effectiveness of collective worship across the school
  • British Values initiative provision development and enhancement
  • Annual SMSC review of provision. Plan and develop cross curricula themes

Outcomes for Children and Learners /
  • To provide focused support to core curriculum areas and to address underperformance in key curriculum areas identified through the school’s quality assurance programme and following the evaluation of the 2016 GCSE results
  • To review and evaluate the impact of 2015/2016 academic intervention programme and raise the achievement of pupils through further development of intervention strategies for 2016/17 (with particular reference to the most disadvantaged (PP and PP+), SEND and AGT pupils) : including PPAAM, literacy, numeracy, science focus, identified curriculum areas, KS4 study skills, KS2/KS3 transition and nurture group (7W3b) and Year 9 alternative curriculum
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies deployed in 2015/16 and develop further teaching and learning strategies to deliver effective intervention at both key stages. The leadership team to monitor intervention strategies at link meetings. Amend improve appropriate in-year adaptations to the academic intervention programme to support underperforming pupils
  • Develop further systems and practice within SEND department to ensure SEND (Statemented (S)and SEN Support (K)) pupils make progress in line with or better than similar pupils nationally and to narrow in school gaps
  • To ensure that the new whole school performance measures (from September 2016) of Progress 8, Attainment 8, % achieving English and Mathematics at C+, and % achieving the Ebacc are implemented and are communicated at all levels at St. Bede’s
  • To ensure that the focus for pupil achievement at all levels of leadership, and particularly from middle leaders, remains on all pupils making sustained and rapid progress from their own starting points, with particular monitoring of the achievement of groups: SEND, AGT, Pupil Premium to ensure that these pupils make at least the same progress as similar pupils nationally and in comparison to pupils within the school and that any ‘gaps’ are narrowed
  • To ensure that the tracking and reporting systems in school are developed to deliver the necessary analysis of the new whole school performance measures of Progress 8, Attainment 8, % achieving English and Mathematics at C+, and % achieving the Ebacc
  • To ensure the smooth and effective introduction of new GCSE’s at KS4
  • To develop the school’s progress tracking systems to accommodate the introduction of the 9 – 1 GCSE grading system for all subjects from September 2016 (except for Y11 in all subjects other than English and Mathematics)
  • To monitor and review changes to the curriculum for 2016/7 and to evaluate the need for further curriculum change in 2017/18
  • To embed the use of the Tag (target grade to replace the MAL) and CTag (challenge target grade to replace the CT) to encourage individual pupils to aspire towards outstanding progress whilst continuing to use the Tag to identify pupils in need of intervention
  • To set, and then meet or exceed challenging whole school targets for progress and attainment in 2017
  • To monitor the effectiveness of intervention strategies deployed in 2016/17 and suggest appropriate in-year adaptations to the programme to support underperforming pupils

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment /
  • To continue to employ the methodology of ’Lesson Study’ within CPD time as a vehicle for sharing best pedagogical practice
  • To continue to enhance the quality of the school improvement cycle through the embedding of ‘Schools IP’, the school’s integrated suite of web based school improvement tools
  • To continue CPD collaboration with the West Lancs and East Cluster CPD network groups
  • Embed the appraisal system, ensuring judgements for pay progression have a clear focus on the quality of teaching and learning over time
  • Extend the development of the staff coaching system via the ‘Coaching in Schools Programme’ with the aim of improving learning and teaching
  • Extended whole school teaching and learning priority of ‘Marking & Feedback’ focusing on pupil reflection and response
  • Further developwhole school teaching and learning priority of differentiation , focusing on the SEND provision and the most vulnerable and least able
  • To begin work on the formulation a 5 year strategic plan for further developing teaching and learning
  • To continue to plan, prepare, organise and resource the new GSCE's in all subjects. To plan for and implement curriculum schemes of work for the new 9-1 GCSE grading system
  • To plan for and implement curriculum schemes of work the new 9-1 GCSE grading system

Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare /
  • Ensure deployment of outstanding safeguarding systems and practice as part of leadership development for year leaders during 2016/2017
  • Increase profile of and enhance provision of measures to promote the emotional wellbeing of staff, pupils and parents during 2016/2017 through support from a member of the leadership team, teaching staff and support staff
  • Develop the KS2 to KS3 transition programme and quality assure the provision for September 2016 intake supported by the development of an Inclusion and Provision Map Document
  • Continue to exercise a graduated response to support and intervene with underperforming /low achieving pupils across all year groups and if additional needs are identified that cannot support the child and family at school service level then apply the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Tool.
  • Develop the PHSE programme and develop provision accordingly (including whole school SRE provision)
  • To review and develop the Citizenship provision in reference to the 2016 Curriculum changes
  • Further enhance the PHSE/SRE programme following changes to the RE curriculum from Sep’16
  • Evaluate and improve staff supervision procedures in order to enhance provision, effectiveness and safety
  • Employ strategies to improve whole school attendance and punctuality
  • Further develop whole staff knowledge of safeguarding procedures, policies and practices and access enhanced safeguarding training for the pastoral leadership team
  • Build on the success of current systems used to celebrate pupil achievement and refine for this academic year
  • Develop and implement a new ‘Classroom Code of Conduct’ to promote positive classroom behaviour
  • Further develop the whole school chain of consequences document to increase consistency and clarity and to support classroom management
  • Prioritise the promotion of polite, respectful and courteous behaviour via the pastoral system
  • Develop a strategy to tackle litter, particularly in the dining room and on the playground
  • Review the existing KS2 to KS3 transition programme and enhance provision for September 2017 intake
  • Increase levels of intervention via pastoral teams to support those pupils making below expected progress

Effectiveness of Leadership and Management /
  • To further develop the school use of Pupil Voice to enhance development of the life of the school and to improve teaching and learning
  • To review and refine the school diary request system (green slips) and the external additional cover provision
  • To review the curriculum offer at Key Stage 4 and further develop personalised learning pathways for pupils through the options process
  • To evaluate the breadth, balance and effectiveness of the curriculum offer at KS3 and develop it accordingly
  • Refine and enhance reporting systems
  • To monitor effectiveness of SLT following changes in roles for this academic year
  • To ensure a sharp focus on the development of identified curriculum areas following SLT and governor review of outcomes in 2016 GCSE examinations (DT, MFL,SEND)
  • To continue to develop and enhance the learning environment and the school site with finances from the Archdiocese and the school budget
  • To work with the LA to tender a new cleaning contract to secure best value for money for the school
  • To assess the current provision within school for administering the external GCSE examinations. To review the current accommodation and make necessary changes.

Section 1: Ethos

Action / Strategies /Process / Responsibility / Timescale / Resources
Celebration of St Bede’s 60th Anniversary /
  • Preparation for the school’s 60th anniversary celebrations
Tree planting ceremony and time capsule competition
New School Year Celebrations
Whole 60th Anniversary Mass July 2017 in Metropolitan Cathedral
Planning and organisation
  • Plan, prepare organise and celebrate the whole school Mission - March 2017
/ CGU, AHO, Chaplaincy team,
SLT Friends of St Bede’s
AHO, CGU Chaplaincy team
CGU, AHO, Chaplaincy team
SLT / Sept 16 – July 16
Oct 2016
Sept 2016
Sept 16 July 2017
Sept 16 – March 17 / Chaplaincy meeting time and school
(Transport and celebrations)
Chaplaincy meeting
Further enhance effectiveness of collective worship across the school /
  • Further development of suitable resources for delivery of collective worship e.g. seasonal prayers and alternative websites.
  • Improve quality of collective worship in forms through modelling good practice and employment of ‘drop-ins’in order to quality assure.
CGU, AHO, Year leaders, SLT / Sept 16 - July 17
Sept 16 - July 17 / Form time and Assembly time
Reprographics £200
British Values initiative review of provision , development and enhancement /
  • Development of the explicit British Values agenda within the life and ethos of the school
  • Use of media cultured training and resources in PHSE/ Citizenship and RE
AHO, GKE LKE ASK / Sept 16 - July 17
Sept 16 & July 17 / British Values resources.
British Values resources
SMSC review of provision. Plan and develop cross curricula themes. /
  • Update the SMSC audit in light of curriculum changes.
  • Include SMSC as agenda item in departmental meetings and SLT link meetings.
  • Continue the use of SMSC displays in classrooms
  • To further explore the nature of SMSC with year groups through form time and assemblies
EG. Pearl of Africa Children’s Choir visit on the 9th November / AHO, Curriculum Leaders
AHO, Curriculum Leaders, SLT
AHO, Curriculum Leaders, SLT
CGU AHO / Sept 16
Sept 16 - July 17
Sept 16 - July 17
November ‘16 / Dept meetings
Dept meetings
Form time and
Assembly time

Section 2: Outcomes for Children and Learners

Throughout each year group and across the curriculum, including in English and mathematics, current pupils make substantial and sustained progress, developing excellent knowledge and understanding, considering their different starting points. The progress across the curriculum of disadvantaged pupils, disabled pupils and those with special educational needs currently on roll matches or is improving towards that of other pupils with the same starting points. Pupils are typically able to articulate their knowledge and understanding clearly in an age-appropriate way. They can hold thoughtful conversations about them with each other and adults. Pupils read widely and often across subjects to a high standard, with fluency and comprehension appropriate to their age. Children in Year 1 achieve highly in the national phonics check. For pupils generally, and specifically for disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs, progress is above average across nearly all subject areas. From each different starting point, the proportions of pupils making and exceeding expected progress in English and in mathematics are high compared with national figures. The progress of disadvantaged pupils matches or is improving towards that of other pupils nationally. The attainment of almost all groups of pupils is broadly in line with national averages or, if below these, it is improving rapidly. Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment and have attained relevant qualifications. Compared with the national average for all pupils, higher proportions of pupils and of disadvantaged pupils, progress on to a range of higher and further education establishments, apprenticeships, employment or training. These destinations strongly support their career plans.
Action / Strategies /Process / Responsibility / Timescale / Resources
To ensure that the focus for pupil achievement at all levels of leadership, and particularly from middle leaders, remains on all pupils making sustained and rapid progress from their own starting points, with particular monitoring of the achievement of groups: SEND, AGT, Pupil Premium to ensure that these pupils make at least the same progress as similar pupils nationally and in comparison to pupils within the school and that any ‘gaps’ are narrowed. /
  • Further develop skills of SENCO to ensure the effective monitoring of the progress of SEND pupils in relation to other pupils with similar starting points in school and to similar pupils nationally. Assist SENCO with the development of appropriate intervention strategies and use SIMS to maintain Individual Educational Plans (IEP’s)
  • SENCO to complete National Award for SENCO (Statutory requirement) via Edge Hill University. SENCO registered for this June 2016.
  • Plan SENCO timetable more effectively to ‘block off ‘ – Annual Review Meeting times, SEND Support and a weekly briefing for the SENCO and the Teaching Assistants (TA’s)
  • SLT and more specifically SENCO to collaborate effectively with LTU
( teacher with specific responsibility for ‘Advice Information & Guidance) regarding the ‘destinations’ post 16 – with particular reference to ‘Disadvantaged’ pupils and of ‘SEND’ pupils / SLT /DHA
SLT/DHA/LTU / Throughout 2016 /2017
July 2017
September 2016
Specifically by August 2017 but periodic QA/QC Spring and Summer terms 2017 / Admin Support -30 mins per week/term time
Finance Support of £1800
Weekly 10 minutes
DHA to meet with LTU each ½ term – 30 minutes Support Meeting
To ensure that the new whole school performance measures (from September 2016) of Progress 8, Attainment 8, % achieving English and Mathematics at C+, and % achieving the Ebacc are implemented and are communicated at all levels at St. Bede’s /
  • Communicate to pupils/parents/staff/SLT/Governors/SI partner on the implementation of the new GCSE’s
  • Deliver training to stakeholders at appropriate times of the academic year
  • Monitor and report regularly on progress towards meeting whole school targets
/ IM/SLT / Academic year / Line management time, Governor meetings and one-off information evenings
To ensure that the focus for pupil achievement at all levels of leadership, and particularly from middle leaders, remains on all pupils making sustained and rapid progress from their own starting points, with particular monitoring of the achievement of groups: SEND, AGT, Pupil Premium to ensure that these pupils make at least the same progress as similar pupils nationally and in comparison to pupils within the school and that any ‘gaps’ are narrowed. /
  • Use the SLT/Curriculum Leader/Year Leader Link Meetings (6 per year) to focus relentlessly on strategies to improve pupil progress. In particular, to ensure through the provision of training opportunities, a consistent and standardised approach to conducting high quality and effective SLT lead line-management meetings
  • Lead Practitioner responsible for Disadvantaged and AGT pupils to employ strategies to monitor and review progress of these groups of pupils relative to other pupils in school with similar starting points and similar pupils nationally, and to liaise closely with relevant stakeholders to ensure appropriate intervention is deployed
  • Support the SENCO to ensure the effective monitoring of the progress of SEND pupils in relation to other pupils with similar starting points in school and to similar pupils nationally.
  • Work alongside LTU ( teacher with specific responsibility for ‘Advice Information & Guidance) regarding the ‘destinations’ post 16 – with particular reference to ‘Disadvantaged’ pupils and of ‘SEND’ pupils
  • Extend and enhance the model of devolved leadership to increase the skills and impact of middle leaders
  • Use the SLT/Curriculum Leader/Year Leader link meetings to model effective strategies to improve the quality of teaching and learning drawn from the close analysis of progress data of individuals and groups
/ IM/SLT/JR/DH/LT / Academic year / Line management time, middle leader meetings
To ensure that the tracking and reporting systems in school are amended to deliver the necessary analysis of the new whole school measures of Progress 8, Attainment 8, % achieving English and Mathematics at C+, and % achieving the Ebacc /
  • Develop the school’s current systems in SIMS to accurately track and measure pupil progress against the new whole school performance measures
  • To embedanalysis tool – 4Matrix – to aid the analysis of the data held within SIMS and to promote more effective teaching and learning
  • To ensure that regular reviews of current performance data informs the deployment of effective intervention strategies
  • Improve the quality of the school’s written reports through the extension of comment banks building on the developments in 2015/6
/ IM/SLT / Autumn term / Line management time, department meeting time