David and Goliath

1 Samuel 17:1-54

The kids will understand

  • The story of David and Goliath.
  • That God helped David conquer the giant Goliath.
  • That God will give us strength to face giants in our lives.



PowerPoint slideshow “World Records”

We have some really cool things that are all the biggest and tallest in the world! Have you ever seen anything that was the tallest or biggest in the world?

In today’s Bible story, we will learn about the world’s greatest and most unfair fight; it was a battle between the tallest man and a young boy. Let’s look at some pictures of other things that are the biggest and tallest in the world.

(show slide #2) World Records: Tallest and Biggest

(show slide #3)World’s Tallest Man Meets World’s Shortest Man

The world's tallest man is Sultan Kosen, who is 8 ft 1 in.

(show slide #4) World’s Tallest Dog

The world’s tallest dog is George, a 245-pound great dane from Arizona that is 43 inches tall.

(show slide #5)World’s Largest Bat

The world’s largest bat is 120 feet tall, and is in Louisville, Kentucky.

(show slide #6)World’s Tallest Building

The world’s tallest building is the Burj Tower in Dubai. It stands at 2,640 feet, with a total floor space of 5.35 million square feet!

(show slide #7)World’s Tallest Rocking Chair

The world’s tallest rocking chair is in Cuba, Missouri, and stands 42 feet tall.

After seeing all of these things, do you think you would want any of them? Would you want to own the world’s tallest dog, or use the world’s largest baseball bat, or live in the world’s tallest building? Probably not! What if you had to get into a fight with the world’s largest man?

In today’s Bible story, we will learn about an ordinary boy who came face to face with a giant. Instead of running away, he faced the giant with courage and bravery! And he didn’t even need to wear armor or carry weapons to make him brave!

Bible Account


5 small stones

small pouch/bag

In today’s Bible story, we will learn the true story of an incredible battle—perhaps one of the greatest battles ever—and it took place between the tallest man, who was a warrior and a giant, and a young boy, who came straight from the fields where he was taking care of sheep.

I am going to stop at certain action words, and I want you to act it out quickly, so we can get back to the story! The most important action comes when we get to the part about David and how he deals with the giant… so listen closely. I’ll help you know what words to act out.

King Saul was the leader of the Israelites at a time when their enemies, the Philistines, wanted to take over! The Philistines were known for being BIG and MEAN and TOUGH! On a mountain, the Philistines set up camp and pitched their tents.

Everybody show me what you would do if you were setting up a tent.

On the mountain across from them, the Israelite army set up their tents. Every time they looked across and saw the Philistine army, they were terrified!Every day, a giant from the Philistine army came over to the Israelites and challenged them to a battle. He told them to choose one of their men who would fight him, and if the giant killed that man, all the Israelites would be their servants. But if the Israelite won the fight against the giant, the Philistines would be their servants!The Israelites saw how big and scary this giant was, and they were terrified!

Show me what you would do if you were afraid! Really terrified!

The giant came to their camp again and again, and every time the Israelites trembled when they saw him coming! Even King Saul was scared, and didn’t know what to do! This giant—Goliath was his name—was way bigger than any of the other men!

This went on for 40 days. That’s a lot of days! The giant came out and challenged the Israelites. Every time, the Israelites shook in their shoes. All the Israelites were too afraid to fight the giant, Goliath!

While all this was happening, there was a young shepherd boy named David. It was his job to care for all his father’s sheep. David’s father, Jesse, had three sons who were a part of the Israelite army. One day, Jesse called David in from the field and told him to go check on his sons who were in the army. So, David went to the place where the Israelite army was camped out. While David was there, he saw how afraid the Israelites were of the Philistines.

Show me again how you would look if you were really afraid!

David saw the giant Goliath come out and yell to the Israelites, “WHO WANTS TO FIGHT ME?” And, David saw all the Israelites run and hide, trembling in fear.

Run in place. Now hide your faces.

The Israelites told David that King Saul had said whoever beats Goliath would get a great prize. They would get lots of money and the man would get to marry the king’s daughter. What a great reward! But no one wanted to take a chance and fight Goliath.David told his brothers that he would go and kill Goliath! Everyone must’ve beensurprised to hear David, a small shepherd boy, say that he would face the great, scary giant!

Look surprised!

They ran to tell the king!When King Saul came to David, he told David that he could not possibly fight the giant, for he was much too small and the giant was a very good fighter!David told the king that he was a good fighter, too! Sometimes when he was caring for the sheep, he fought off and killed lions and bears to protect his sheep. He told the king that since God protected him then, God would protect him if he fought the giant.

Show me what it would look like if you were fighting off lions and bears!

Then, King Saul agreed to let David fight Goliath. He gave David the king’s armor to protect him. He gave him his big helmet, body armor, and a weapon, but David wasn’t used to the armor, and he couldn’t move in it! So he took it off and went to meet Goliath in his own clothes, with no protection!

David trusted God and knew that God would protect him. He might have been scared, but he let God give him courage and strength. On his way to meet Goliath, David stopped at a river and picked up 5 smooth stones. He put the 5 stones in a little bag.

Pick up 5 stones and put them in your bag.He took out his slingshot and RAN to the giant. Yes sir … he charged at the giant!

Everybody run in place, very quickly, like you are charging toward something!

This is how David approached the giant. He didn’t slink slowly; he didn’t crawl or tiptoe. He RAN! Goliath was shocked to see a boy running toward him. He yelled at David, but David kept coming! David yelled with bravery at the giant, “You come against me with a sword and a spear and a shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord God of hosts.” David kept screaming at Goliath,“You have defied the Lord, and today the Lord will deliver you into my hand. Then all the earth will know there is a Lord God in Israel, and all those who watch will know that the Lord does not give victory with the sword and spear. The Lord will help us win this battle.”

David courageously continued toward the giant. As the two got closer to each other, Goliath was ready to kill the boy…but David put the stone in his slingshot and pulled it back.

Let’s pull back our slingshots.

The stone flew high into the air and hit the giant right on the head. Everyone watched in awe as the giant fell to the ground, dead! He did it! God helped David kill Goliath! What a celebration!

Everyone show me how you would celebrate!

The Philistine army was so scared that they ran away, but the Israelites rejoiced and praised God for giving them victory!

Out of all the actions we just did, I think the most important one is the one where we ran in place, because David ran at the giant. David trusted God to protect him as he ran toward the giant. God gave him courage and victory, because David trusted God and obeyed Him.






copies of Goliath face from back of lesson


large button-up shirt

pool noodle

Make a copy of the Goliath face from the back of the lesson and tape it on the wall at least 6 feet up from the floor. The mini-marshmallows shoot better if they are a little bit stale, so you can leave the bag open for a few days to let them harden. If not, they will still shoot just fine if they’re soft.

You will also need a slingshot for this activity. You can easily make a sling shot using a small paper cup, a balloon, and a rubber band. First, cut the bottom off of the paper cup. Then tie a knot in a deflated balloon and cut ½ inch off the top of the balloon (not the knotted end). Stretch the balloon over the cut end of the paper cup and secure it with a rubber band. You now have a slingshot—test it out by using the knot to pull back and let a mini-marshmallow fly. If the balloon slides off the cup, secure with additional rubber bands.

Let the children help retell the Bible account during this activity. Each child will have a chance to be David as they stand and raise their hand saying “I will fight!” As each David comes forward, put the button-up shirt on the child (no need to button it) and give him a pool noodle sword. David will say, “God will protect me!” as he takes off the ‘armor’ (shirt). David will walk over to the wall with the Goliath face. He will pick up the slingshot and use mini-marshmallows to hit Goliath.

You can set up multiple stations for retelling the story if you have additional leaders in the room with you.




tape measure


Beforehand, place a 9-foot strip of tape up the wall. It’s okay if it has to go out onto the ceiling!

This tape will help us understand how tall Goliath was compared to David. The Bible tells us that Goliath was about 9 feet tall. That’s how tall this line of tape is! Can you imagine standing next to someone this tall?

Let each child come and stand in front of the tape line, marking his height with a line and his initials on the tape so he can see how he measures up.

We’re all preschoolers. Do you think David was only 4 or 5 years old? Probably not. The Bible doesn’t say exactly how old David was, but what we know abouthim makes us thing that he was probably 12-16 years old when he fought Goliath … not much older than some of your brothers and sisters! David was probably around 5’ tall, so let’s see where that would be on our line. Mark 5’ on the wall and see who is closest to that height.

David was taller than you, but still not even close to as tall as Goliath! Do you think David was scared of Goliath? He was much taller and bigger than David. Goliath also had on armor and carried dangerous weapons! David was just a boy who had not been trained and had just a little experience in fighting—when he killed a lion and a bear.

He could’ve run the opposite direction, but instead he ran toward the giant … faced him … and David won! David took on the challenge, because he trusted God. David would’ve said that GOD WON!

Questions and Answers

  • How many days did Goliath challenge the Israelites to a fight?

(40 days)

  • What was David doing in the field when his father called him in?

(caring for sheep)

  • Why did David go to the Israelite army camp?

(to check on his brothers who were in the army)

  • What was the name of the king of the Israelites?

(King Saul)

  • What kind of animals hadDavid killed while tending sheep?

(a lion and a bear)

  • What did King Saul give David to put on if he was going to fight the giant?

(the king’s armor and weapon)

  • What did David pick up from the river before he fought Goliath?

(5 stones)

  • What did David do when he saw the giant?

(He ran at him.)

  • What kind of weapon did David use to kill Goliath?

(a stone in a slingshot)

  • What did the Philistines do after David killed Goliath?

(They ran away.)

  • What did the Israelites do after David killed Goliath?

(They celebrated.)

Object Lesson


play dough

waxed paper

Think about a giant in your life—something you’re facing that’s scary. Is there something that’s worrying you? Maybe there’s something you really want to try, but you’re afraid you might not be good at it. Is there someone who takes things from you without asking and you’re afraid of what would happen if you told them to stop? Maybe you’re afraid of storms.Encourage each child to share one thing.

Whatever it is in your life that is a giant, you’re going to form it in the play dough. It doesn’t have to be a perfect sculpture, just something to represent a giant in your life. Maybe you’re scared of the dark, and can make a light switch out of your clay. Or if you’re worried about having bad dreams, then make a bed.

Give every child a small piece of play dough and time to create something to represent the fear they shared.

The Bible tells us how David approached Goliath in 1 Samual 17:48, “As the Philistine Goliath moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him.”

David might have been afraid, but the giant in front of him did not stop him from RUNNING to fight. He didn’t cower slowly toward the giant. The Bible says he RAN, because he knew that God would give him victory. God will give YOU victory too! God has already given you everything you need to CRUSH your giant … win your battle … and get over your fear. He is on your side, and He will make you strong!

The kids will put their play dough “giant” on the floor on a piece of waxed paper. Make sure that the waxed paper is big enough for the whole play dough shape to fit on it. Then, they’re going to put another piece of waxed paper on TOP of their play dough shapes. Count to three together. When you get to three, everyone will shout “GODWINS!” and STOMP on their giants. Whatever it is that is a giant in your life, you can beat it with God’s help!

Activity – Video


YouTube video

Beforehand, download this amazing clip from “The Death Crawl scene from Facing the Giants”, submitted by Tony DiFranco. It’s the death crawl scene. Refer to the instructions file for both PC and Mac users, if you have any difficulties downloading. Your boys will especially be inspired by this clip.

This is a great video to demonstrate what it’s like to accomplish more than you ever thought you could, because you didn’t give up! In this video clip, the person who is doing the crawl wants to give up, but he gets strength from his coach, and he was amazed at what he accomplished! How is this like David? Did David give up when he saw the giant Goliath? No! He got strength from God, and ran to his problem!

Science Experiment


dollar bill

Have you ever faced something that seemed impossible? Maybe you tried to tie your own shoes or learned to ride a bike or tried to swim. With lots of practice, you can do these things, even if they seem impossible at first. If we could do everything on our own, then we wouldn’t need God. Every time you face something impossible, remember that it’s an opportunity for God to show up and do something great!

Teach the children to say “all things are possible” after you lead with “With God.” Repeat a couple of times so they get the hang of it—“With God…” “All things are possible!”

We’re going to try some things that might not seem difficult, but together we’ll see if they are possible.