Junior National Scholarship for Ballet & Jazz
Senior International Scholarship for Ballet & Jazz
Official Entry Form
Australian Branch

Your Details

First Name: / Surname:
Address: / Town or Suburb:
State: / Postcode:
Phone (daytime): / Mobile:
Email: / Teacher:
Studio Name:
Male Female

TheJunior National Scholarship for Ballet and Jazz is open to students working in:

  • Grade 3 / Grade 4 / Grade 5

Prize: BBO Dance Days Tuition in Sydney 2019 One prize for Ballet - One Prize for Jazz

TheSenior International Scholarship for Ballet and Jazz is open to students working in:

  • Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8 / Intermediate Foundation / Intermediate / Advanced One / Advanced Two

Prize: BBO Dance Days Tuition in New Zealand 2019 One prize for Ballet - One Prize for Jazz

Includes BBO Dance Days Tuition, flight (from Sydney) and accommodation (all meals are at the expense of the recipient)

IwishtoenterfortheBBO'Dance Days'Scholarshipin:

Classical Ballet / Junior @ $40.00 / Senior @ $58.00 / Sub Total for Ballet
Jazz / Junior @ $40.00 / Senior @ $58.00 / Sub Total for Jazz
Total Amount Due

Method of Payment

Cheque payable to:
British Ballet Organization
(Not BBO) / Direct Credit
BSB 032 289
Account Number 159851 / Credit Card
Please see Credit
Card Authority below
Credit Card Authorisation (as below)
Name on Card:
Please debit my card for the above amount: + 2% credit card fee / Card Number:
Expiry Date: /

Conditionsof Entry and Fees: JuniorEntryFeeperAudition $40 SeniorEntryFeeperAudition $58

Scholarshipauditionsareopentostudentswho areattending theDance Dayscourse and are studying at a bbodance studio. In order to undertake the Scholarship the recipient must be studying at a bbodance studio.

SeniorScholarshipentryisopentoCurrentBBOMembers who are studying at a bbodance studio. In order to undertake the Scholarship the recipient must be studying at a bbodance studio.

Examination dresscodewill apply for Ballet - no skirts. Theauditionisan openclassnonsyllabusbased

Once audition applicationshavebeen receivedand yourplacereservednorefundswillapply.

Mailing Address: Box 642, North Ryde Business Centre, North Ryde NSW 1670

Tel: +61 2 8006 9975 Email: