The Journey so far…

We continue to build on our night time presence on the streets of Launceston since our first Patrol on Saturday, 3rd August 2013.

Slowly, but surely people recognize us as a regular feature of their night life. No two nights are the same. Some nights we get through many lollipops and flip-flops other nights we hardly give out any. But we're not there just to give out flip-flops we're there to be a friendly face of support and help to those who we meet.We're out in the name of Jesus who we believe cares about the lives of the people of Launceston. We're there to show his love in practical ways. We work in the spirit of St Francis of Assisi who said 'Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words'. Our hopecontinues to be that our actions speak of Christ far louder than any words. We also hope that our presence and actions encourage others, friends and passers-by, to be there for one another.

The Prayer Teamare providing an excellent support to the whole initiative, staying up late on Saturday nights, holding the evenings work and all the people of Launceston in their prayers.

One new recruit has completed their training, and started patrolling in January and together with new Prayer Pastors, this has meant we have extended our patrols to every Saturday night. We are still recruiting so please keep this in your prayers. Observersare welcome on any of our Patrols either as a Street or Prayer Pastor. We are working with other Street Pastor by sharing training and the next training will start in the Autumn.

A Church presentation, took place in March with Street Pastor, Sally Rowland and Cllr John Harris who gave a talk to the Mustard Seed Evangelical Church, Callington. Please get in touch if this is something you would be interested in having at your Church. We can tailor the presentations to your requirements.

Our first Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 14th July 7pm at the Dingley Hall, Methodist Central. Everyone is welcome, please come along and hear more.

We will also be having a display at the Launceston Show on Thursday, 24th July. We would love to see you!

Many thanks for all your support, whether through your encouragement, finance or prayers. If you have an interest in Launceston Street Pastors either in prayer, volunteering, requiring speakers or want to make a donation then please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

God Bless

Rachel Bate (Co-ordinator)

To get in touch:

Tel: 01566 781429