The John Snow Anaesthesia Intercalated BSc Award
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland (AAGBI)/Anaesthesia, the British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA)/Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA), the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association (OAA), the Neuroanaesthesia & Critical Care Society of Great Britain and Ireland (NACCSGBI) are pleased to announce details of the John Snow intercalated anaesthetic iBSc scheme for 2016.
The awards are for intercalated research projects and will go to students to contribute towards living costs. Institutions will be expected to contribute to project running costs. Application forms should be submitted by supervisors and the deadline for applications is:
5.00 pm on Thursday, 31 March 2016.
Please send all material as a single .pdf document with the following file name <APPLICANT SURNAME STUDENT SURNAME>.pdf and send electronically to the NIAA Administrator, at .
A single signed copy should also be forwarded by post to the NIAA Administrator at The Royal College of Anaesthetists, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4SG.
1. Funding stream
Please confirm which award you wish to apply for below. Applicants may only apply for one funding stream per application.
a) AAGBI/Anaesthesiab) BJA/RCoA
c) OAA
NB. Applications must relate specifically to obstetric anaesthesia.
2. Contact details for main academic supervisor
Post held
Address including postcode
Telephone number
3. Co-supervisors
Name and position of any co-supervisors along with their role in the project. If the main supervisor is inexperienced then a suitably experienced co-supervisor should be involved.
NamePost held
Address including postcode
Telephone number
4. Contact details for student
Post held
Address including postcode
Telephone number
5. Breakdown of the student’s academic record
6. Taught iBScs
If the iBSc has a taught component please provide details of modules studied and how the student will be monitored and assessed (in particular during the research component of the project).
(No more than 300 words)7. Full time research projects
For full time research projects please provide details of how the student will be monitored and assessed.
(No more than 300 words.)
8. Description of the research project
In no more than 1000 words (excluding references) describe background, hypothesis under test, methods to be used and significance of any findings. You may include up to two display items (in addition to the 1000 words) if this will make your application clearer.
9. Relevance to anaesthesia
Why is this project relevant to anaesthesia in general?
If you are applying for the AAGBI/Anaesthesia award please explain how the project fits with the AAGBI’s strategy for funding research (see:
If you are applying for the BJA/RCoA award please explain how the project will advance scientific knowledge in the fields of anaesthesia, critical care, perioperative medicine or pain.
If you are applying for the OAA award please explain how the project advances the aims of the OAA, namely ‘to promote the highest standards of anaesthetic practice in the care of mother and baby’.
If you are applying for the NASGBI award please explain how the project meets the society’s research objective, namely ‘to advance scientific knowledge in the fields of neuroanaesthesia and/or neurointensive care’.
(No more than 200 words.)10. Declarations
Medical school representative
Main supervisor
Further information
Please provide the following additional information:
1. A brief CV of the academic supervisor (2 pages maximum) with an indication of teaching/supervisory experience as relevant to the iBSc programme. A CV from the co-supervisor is not required UNLESS the main supervisor is inexperienced
2. A reference for the student from a tutor at their medical school
3. A statement from the student as to their career intentions (no more than 300 words.)