The John Moore Primary School
Personnel and Pay Committee: Terms of Reference
Membership: Not less than three governors and the Headteacher
(The Headteacher may not be party to the terms in bold type.)
Quorum: Three governors and the Headteacher
Meetings: At least once a term
Terms of reference:
· To review the staffing structure.
· To draft and regularly review a policy statement on staff consultation, regarding personnel, for the governing body’s approval and to undertake any formal consultations.
· To draft, review and recommend for adoption the procedures for dealing with discipline and grievances and ensure that the staff are informed of these.
· To draft and review in consultation with staff, the criteria for redundancy to be recommended for approval by the governing body.
· Produce a Pay Policy for the governing body’s approval including criteria for the use of discretionary points and make recommendations about their implementation.
· Ensure that an up to date job description is available for all members of staff.
· Monitor and review the Staff Development Policy, (part of the Performance Management process) in accordance with the school’s Improvement Plan.
· Ensure that a regular Performance Management process is undertaken for all staff.
· Liase with other committees when appropriate.
Pay Panel
· Following discussion with the Headteacher review the staff salaries annually, from the 1ST September in according with existing arrangements, and notify them in writing of the basis on which their place on the existing pay spine has been determined.
· To review the Headteacher overall performance with particular reference to the quality of the Headteacher’s leadership and management and the progress made by the pupils at the school. Agree performance objectives with the Headteacher relating to these two aspects of their work. The context for these objectives should be the School Development Plan.
· To undertake a salary review (including appropriate discussion with the Headteacher) at any other time the governing body directs that there is a need to do so. Make recommendations to the governing body for ratification.
Reviewed September 2012