The Covenant

All covenants establish a relationship and from this relationship a new ethical responsibility emerges. Noting the 5 traits of the covenant and the “example” of a covenant

1. Create your own covenant using one of the following models:

1.  Parent to child

2.  Coach to player

3.  Employer to employee

4.  Husband/Wife or Wife/Husband *

5.  Girlfriend/Boyfriend or Boyfriend/Girlfriend *

(* Note that these covenants are covenants between equal parties unlike the one between God and the people or the ones listed above (#1, 2 and 3). These covenants follow the pattern of a sovereign or greater king/nation entering into an agreement with a vassal or weaker king/nation. However, all covenants establish a relational ethic.)

6.  Other possibilities can be included with the permission of your teacher.

2. Once you have created you covenant, write the “10 Commandments” of this

covenant relationship.

3. Then explain how this relationship has created a “new ethical reality”.

The 5 Traits of a Covenant /


1.The preamble
·  -lists the name, title, attributes, genealogy of the king / I, Kristopher Feric, son of John and Ann, born in Toronto in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred seventy-eight, educated at the University of Toronto and having taught for countless years,
2. The historical prologue
·  describes the relationship between the two parties
·  outlines the benefits that the sovereign has given to the vassal / have taught you since September and you have learned the wisdom of Aristotle, Kant and Levinas. The knowledge of great schools of thought and the conversions of C.S. Lewis and Marshall McLuhan have I imparted upon you. I have done great things for you.
3. The submission
·  states what the sovereign king expects from the vassal
·  states the conditions that must be met
·  includes a request for loyalty / You will arrive to class on time with a cheery look a smile on your face and books in your hand. You will treat each other with respect and kindness, tolerating the utter foolishness of some of your fellow students. You will always try to do your best. You will always ask if you don’t understand. You will defend me when I am criticized by those who dare speak ill of me.
4. The witness
·  often the forces of nature are called upon to witness the agreement / This agreement will be binding as long the sun rises and the stars shine, and cars drive by the school, and books are in the library.
5. The blessing and curses
·  states what will happen if the vassal remains loyal or what will happen if the vassal is unfaithful to the demands of the covenant / Keep this covenant and you will pass with flying colours. You will be an ethical giant embodied with the wisdom of the ages. Break the solemn pact and you will be gownless at graduation, the scorn of your classmates, a helpless, amoral failure.