The J&K State Forest Corporation
For and on behalf of J&K State Forest Corporation, sealed tenders affixed with Rupees Five (Rs.5/- only) revenue stamp are invited under on prescribed tender forms from the contractors registered with the J&K State Forest Corporation for execution of various Timber logging operations viz. Extraction, off road transportation and road transportation activities in various coupes/compartments of SFC Ext. Divisions Baramulla and Zangli as per the details given in the Annexure to the General Tender Notice issued vide this office endtt. No: 1408-28/GMN/SFC/S Dated: - 07-09-2013 which is available in the office of under-signed and Divisional Manager of J&K SFC Ext Division Baramulla & Zangli on any working day during the office hours. The tender notice can also be down-loaded from the official website of the Corporation
Tender documents can be had against cash payment of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) from the office of General Manager North Circle Sopore or D.M Ext. Division Baramulla and Zangli (in case of compartments of their respective Divisions) on any working day latest up to 20-09-2013 (up to 4.PM) on production of proof of registration for specific class of contractors as mentioned in the Annexure to this tender notice. The tender(s) shall be received in the office of Divisional Manager J&K SFC Ext. Division Zangli up to 1PM On 21st September 2013. The tenders shall be opened on the same day (21st September 2013) at (2.P.M) by a committee of officers in presence of tenderers who so ever may like to be present.
Division / Compartment / Name of the office wherefrom Tender Documents / Form can be had / issued. / Date & time of sale of tenders documents /form / Date & time of opening of tenders / Place of receipt & opening of tendersBARAMULLA / 22/Boniyar / 1. GM North, Sopore.
2. DM Ext. Baramulla / Up to 4 PM ON WORKING DAYS LATEST BY 20TH Sep/2013. / 21st Sep/2013 at 02.00pm. / Office of Divisional Manager
Zangli. The tender forms duly filled can be deposited in the tender box up to 1.PM on 21st September 2013.
ZANGLI / 12/Kandi / GM North, Sopore.
DM Ext. Zangli
General Manager (North)
J&K State Forest Corporation
Ext. Circle Sopore
No:- 1429-30 /GMN/SFC/S Dated: - 07-09-2013
1. Copy submitted to Managing Director J&K State Forest Corporation Srinagar Kashmir for favour of information please.
2. Copy to Dy. Director J&K Information Department for information and for giving wide publicity to the tender notice by way of getting it published in two leading News Papers.
General Manager (North)
J&K State Forest Corporation
Ext. Circle Sopore