The Investment Project
Borodino – the field of military Glory
1 . The Summary of the project
The essence is the establishment of international tourist centerwithin the boundaries of the field of Borodino, including several thematically related museums and guest houses of different formats for the rest of the citizens of Russia and foreigners
The initiator of the Project- The Development Center ofMozhaisk
The region of the Project - Borodino settlement, Mozhaisk area, Moscow region
The stages of the Project: phase I - 12 months, phase II - 9 months, III - 6 months in the consistent implementation of the project
Contact information e-mail:
The necessary financing :18 millions RUR - I stage, 12 millions - II, 9 millions - III stage
All - 39 millions RUR (app. Euro 975 K, $ 1.250 K)
Own funds of the initiator - 11%
The offer to the Investor–Acquisition of stocks (shares) of the enterprise or investment credit with the participation in profit
The profitability of the project after the return on investment from 16 to 18% per annum
2. The List of objects, total investment and payback period
/ Note
I.French House in Shevardino
The creation of the international touristic zone, consisting of:
1.The thematic museum (exhibition of the great Army of Napoleon)
2.A village guest house in the format of the French Chalet with a restaurant of Russian cuisine of the XIX century / $ 590.000
18.3 million rubles:
2.2 - land acquisition (0,25-0, 27 hectare)
0.7 - arrangement of the spot
9.3 - the construction of the guest house for 16-18 seats of business class
2.5 –the wiring of communications and construction of auxiliary objects
1.6 –the construction of premises of the guest house
2.0 -the creation of an exposition of the Museum
/ 1.The museum is formed as a point of attraction of interest of foreign tourists.
2.There is no analogs in Russia and abroad.
3. Target audience - foreign tourists (from France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland)
4.There is an interest from French side
Payback period - 4,5 years
The creation of touristic zone consisting of:
1.The Center of active rest (the rent ofbicycles, scooters, ATV and snowmobile)
2.The village guest house in the format of a Russian “izba” beginning of the XIX century with cafe / $ 416.000
(12,9 mln.RUR)
1.8 - land acquisition (0.12-0.18 hectare)
7.2 - construction of the house for 9-12 places of tourist class
1,6 - construction of Russian baths
1.2 - equipping the premises
1.1- construction of support facilities for the storage and maintenance of equipment / 1. The point of attraction for tourists is the centre of active rest.
2.The rent of equipment is an additional source of income.
3. Know-how is the creation of interesting tourist routes on the territory of the field of Borodino.
Payback period - 4 years
III. Hills
The creation of touristic zone, consisting of:
1.The War-historical Museum
2.Guest- house in the format of a Russian “izba” of the XIX century
3.Opened spot for carrying out of festivals
/ $ 313.000
(9,7 mln.RUR)
1.8 - land acquisition (0.12-0.18 hectare)
5.7 - building a house for 7-9 economy class seats
1.2 - equipping of premises
1.0 - construction of an open platform / 1. A point of attraction is an innovative Museum of a new type and the platform for performances of representatives of military-historical societies
Payback period is 3.5 years
3.Strengths and risks:
1. The innovative character of the tourist project
2. International and social significance of the project
3. Development of the project in accordance with the Federal Program of the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russian Federation
4. Focusing on the most promising segments of consumers
5. Self-sufficiency of the project due to its compactness and low dependence on external factors
6. The lack of serious rivalry
7. The creation of points of attraction, not entering into the contradiction with the interests of the Borodino Museum-reserve
8. The support of the Head of Administration of the settlement
9. The presence in the team of the initiator of experts in the field of tourism and specialists in military history
10. The calculation of the total accommodation in the tourist standard - 37-39 man (bus)
11. In the project's three points connected thematically, but are different in format
12. Compliance with the restrictions of building, installed on the territory of Museum-reserve
Lack of interest of the district Administration in the development of the tourism on the territory of the region
The absence of market-based pricing mechanisms on the land
Need to agree on the key issues of development with the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation