The Integrated Urban Development Plan of the Growth Pole Brasov (IUDP GPB) is a development planning document of Braşov Metropolitan Area (BMA). It was conceived within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, priority axis no. 1 - Support to sustainable development of urban growth poles.

Brasov Metropolitan Area. Source: IUDP GBP,

Braşov Metropolitan Area (BMA) is the third metropolitan administrative structure in Romania receiving funding through the Structural Funds, after Craiova and Iaşi Metroplitan Areas.

The third chapter of this document presents the strategy for integrated development. Based on the problems identified on the main areas indicated in the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) and the European Commission, five groups of strategic objectives have been developed:

1. Increasing the administrative efficiency and competitiveness and the territorial cohesion.

2. Competitive and sustainable economic development.

3. Increasing the quality of life.

4. Human resource development.

5. Development of research and innovation activities.

The vision of development, the adjustment of the ongoing projects to the objectives of ROP, as well as the participative framework proposed by BMAg[1] indicate an integrated approach of the territorial development in BMA.

Several projects are foreseen corresponding to the objectives of the strategy:

1. the project entitled National and international cooperation to implement the instruments that ensure the functionality of a metropolitan area, is part of the policies aiming the territorial cohesion and harmonious development, mentioned in the Infrastructure section of the strategic objective no 1.

2. Tourism Quality Improvement - Implementation of quality standards in tourism (Strategic Objective 2)

3. projects regarding the international cooperation and the protection of the environment ( waste management, chemical and noise pollution, renewable energy) - Strategic Objective 3,

4. projects aiming the international cooperation for further development of innovative / efficient / sustainable transport networks (Strategic Objective 1).

Landscaping public squares and increasing the intraurban accessibility are the main priorities of the present ongoing projects.

As for the projects in the evaluation stage, they are focused on: flexibility of public administration in the metropolitan area, reduction of rural-urban disparities and improvement of social integration.

The objectives of the BMA[2] Integrated Action Plan indicate the use of specific concepts from the communautaire aquis in the domain, exceeding the local approaches and sustaining partnerships through transregional projects.

The awareness of major European strategic documents and of the latest territorial researches (Espon) is indicated by methodological and conceptual aspects: the frequency multi-level analysis, including cartographic material takeovers ( regional disparities (PIDU Brasov, Chapter 4). Detailed local observations of the metropolitan space are correlated with the continental context as well as with the macro-regional and national levels. A specific terminology is used in the conception of territorial cooperation and cross-community harmonization policies: potential accessibility, balanced development, territorial cooperation, territorial competitiveness and territorial convergence.

The document also notifies specific territorial risks raised by the over-concentration of urban population, aging rural areas, selective migration, poor national and international cooperation in scientific research etc.

Urban Areas - EU 27

Source - IUDP - Growth Pole Brasov, page 175,


IUDP has two important dimensions:

- a regional approach, aiming the cohesion and competitiveness of the region: the development of Brasov City, in relation with the communities of metropolitan area, reducing the disparities and sharing the integrated potential of the Growth Pole.

- a participative approach, involving local authorities of the metropolitan area, institutions, universities, NGOs and groups of people, during the various phases of decision-making process.

Technical infrastructure. Proposals. Development directions. Source: IUDP GBP,

Human settlments network.Proposals. Development directions. . Source: IUDP GBP,

Braşov Metropolitan Agency

[2] Braşov Metropolitan Area