1. Chairman’s Report

The Asia Pacific Section of the IBD continues to make great progress against our Regional Purpose to “Passionately Grow Opportunities to Learn and Share Brewing and Distilling Knowledge.” Our strategy has been rapidly implementing and the vibrancy of the Section is being reinvigorated with membership now over 1100 and the number of members sitting examinations increasing from 488 to 527.

Great progress has been made against our strategy which comprises three key pillars:

  1. Membership Services

A renewed focus on membership services has seen us engage a third party provider to aid our enthusiastic regional coordinators in the organization of regional meetings. We have also automated registration and general event management in addition to funding Charlie Bamforth’s roadshow through regional meetings. This approach will continue as we find new ways to seek value for members attending membership meetings.

  1. Membership Learning & Development

The Asia Pacific section has been a keen influencer and supporter for the IBD to move foundational brewing learning into an on-line platform which is now in pilot stage in the United Kingdom and should arrive to Australia early in the 2018. We have continued to grow our brewing training resources with local trainers and encouraged more training in Australia and Asia. In addition, there has been a successful “symposium” run in Adelaide for those with a passion for Quality. In the same vein the Section has found new and creative ways to support the growing array of local Distillers with two courses delivered this year in Distillation.

  1. Section Sustainability

Unseen by members but extremely important has been the modernizing of our financial systems which have transitioned to a new provider and technology which now automates local payments and receivables. The AP Section has been building relationships with both the NZ Brewer’s Guild and the Independent Brewer’s Association of Australia to ensure we continue to focus on finding ways to support the craft brewing industry in educating its brewers. Asia has continued to be an area of growth with 11 training / workshop events run in 2016/17. And we are stepping into the emerging area of Distillation which is growing quickly in our part of the world.

Of course, our large 2018 Convention is now in full swing with registrations opened and Wellington proving to be an exciting place to bring together the world’s experts to learn, exhibit and share all things brewing and distilling. This convention has a theme around exploring our past to discover our future, appealing to all brewers big and small. Chris O’Leary (Convention Chairman) has been leading a dedicated group of volunteers to create the best brewing convention in the Southern Hemisphere.

I’d like to recognize the passion and enthusiasm of our board, our regional coordinators and in particular our members who have been fully supportive of a level of change, and whilst there is more to be done, the Section is in great shape.

  1. Board of Directors

The BOM is looking at diversification of skills within its team, greater flexibility and opportunities for the IBD AP members. Consequently, after advertising and detailed interviews we welcome Ms Anne Gigney of Whisky Academy - Tasmania and Mr Tully Hadley of CUB to join us, pending election at the AGM.

A special thank you is extended to Peter David and Stephen Exinger who have recently retired from the BOM as Directors after serving 7 years. Their professionalism, leadership and support set a very high standard for us all to follow.

  1. Committees

a) The Professional Development Committee (PDC), chaired by Gary Blomeley is again planning for the 2018 Wellington Convention technical program. Gary Blomeley, who is the PDC representative on the Convention Organizing Committee [COC] led by Chris O’Leary. I am sure the Technical program of presentations and posters will be again world standard.

b) The Quality and Analytical Focus Group [QAFG] participates to reflect brewing quality to a broader audience and not just for those participating in the Analytical Proficiency Testing scheme [BAPS]. This move enables smaller brewers to gain access to a broader range of analytical techniques and systems.

Strong relationships have been fostered between the Secretary, QAFG and LGC Standards in Manchester UK, who facilitate the brewing chemical and microbiological Analytes Proficiency Testing scheme [BAPS] worldwide. A number of members are enrolled in the proficiency testing for beer and malt analytes

November 2016, hosted by Cooper’s in Adelaide saw good attendance of brewers, QA professionals and interested parties developing a craft QA plan at a technical workshop. Topics covered were on canning quality, hop breeding, malt quality and process beverage analyses. Annual workshops are proposed.

  1. Regional Meetings

Regional meetings provide an excellent opportunity for networking. Again, most regions were very dynamic and have held a well-organized social and technical calendar. Regions that were previously not as dynamic have come to the fore with local volunteers and BOM support. Again, there were good relations with the Independent Brewers Associations and Distillers where a number of joint meetings were held on their premises. Working together can only enhance our relationship, improve membership and improve the skills and knowledge of our whole membership base.

The following highlights stand out:

a) A more structured and formal approach to Regional meetings involving coordinators and an event management company “Encore Journeys”. An average of four meetings per region gave great opportunity to meet and network. A staggering 26 meetings were held with average attendances of 30 people per meeting.

b) Ales and Tales with Charlie Bamforth. A roadshow covering 7 cities over Australia and New Zealand with 246 paying attendees. Charlie also presented at the SA Regional Meeting during the IBA conference to a record audience of 70 members.

c) Notably an increasing attendance particularly by members of the Craft industry.

d) A day visit to the Ovens Valley Hop fields sponsored by Hop Products of Australia.

e) More diversified opportunities for members to tour and learn an array of facilities including distilleries, craft breweries, cideries and material suppliers.

f) We have had out first “regional coordinator workshop” bringing together our coordinators from all over the Section to strategically plan and better coordinate our Section’s activities in 2018.

The BOM is working on resurrecting activities in the region where support is required by seeking speakers, technical opportunities, symposia and finance. The Regional coordinator is the conduit to the Secretary and the Board if assistance is required.

Similarly, the BOM has chosen to hold its AGM in regions and businesses that have limited exposure to BOM members. This then give attendees the chance to talk to the Directors about the IBD and regional activities.

Please let Encore Journeys or your Secretary, Editor or Regional Coordinator know if you will be visiting a region and are prepared to give a presentation – you will be warmly welcomed. Meanwhile, we are continuing to develop an annual 2018 event calendar which can give advance notice and publicity.

  1. Examinations

The Education Awards Committee and the Board of Management were pleased to announce the Nov 2015 [GC] and May / June 2016 [GC, Diploma and Masters] graduation results.

Dhika Lasmane of PT Multi Bintang Indonesia was awarded a cash prize for his distinction in the General Certificate examination. Jodie Murdoch of CUB [Southbank] and Andrew Walklate of CUB [Yatala] were joint winners and awarded cash prizes for their achievements in the Diploma in Packaging examinations.

Our c ongratulations to Jodie, Andrew and Dhika.

Training highlights include:

a) A partnering program with the Whisky Academy – Tasmania to run 5 day, General Certificate in Distillation [GCD] workshops in Hobart and Melbourne facilitated by accredited trainers, Alan Barclay for Scotland and Ian Thorn of Starwards Distillery. Two workshops attracted 60 attendees studying for the GCD or actively involved in craft distilling.

b) Continued GCB and Diploma examination preparation in India and Vietnam.

c) New opportunities developing in Myanmar.

d) The ongoing 5 day workshops hosted by CUB and Lion supporting 48 students studying their Diploma in Brewing and Packaging Modules 1, 2 & 3.

Examination results

In the Masters and Diploma qualification 183 students sat various modules. Twenty-two (22) students completed the Dip Brew, two (2) completed the Dip Dist., three (3) completed the Dip Pack and two (2) students completed the Masters qualification. Excellent results were achieved.

In the November 2016 examinations for the Fundamentals and General certificate, 185 students sat the exam with a pass of 53%. Note students must achieve a result greater that 66% to pass the exam.

In the May 2017 examinations for the Fundamentals and General Certificate, 161 students sat the exam with a pass of 57%.

Note; at these exams, 28 sat the GCD with a pass rate of 86% compared to an overall General Certificate pass of 52%

  1. Financials

The Section funds continue to be in a strong position financially and the Section must actively utilize these funds towards the provision of services and benefits to members including the Technical Symposia, Educational Award, regional meetings & training opportunities. The BOM and regional coordinators routinely review how best to provide these services but we request members to be proactive and put forward suggestions and to support activities and provide critiques and suggestions as to ways to improve and develop these activities.

This financial year showed a surplus of $40,825 cf. a surplus in the previous year of $114,738. This surplus was due to accrued revenue from Convention 2016, a one-off revenue payment from the UK and increased training activities.

Key expenses/activities were greater support in Membership Services, Contract fees for the Website upgrade, improved Membership Services activities, Editorial / Secretarial services plus ongoing investment in training opportunities in Asia.

Please refer to the Auditors Financial Statements and P and L for year ended 30 June 2017

  1. Fellowship Awards

The election to Fellow membership is one of the highest honors within the Institute and is based on service with distinction directly with IBD activities typically in areas of Academic and Research, Leadership, Management, Training and Coaching. Congratulation to Stephen Exinger, Jeff Potter and Peter David who were awarded Fellowship membership over the past year.

  1. Acknowledgements

Congratulations is extended to Dr Tim Cooper who is currently Deputy President of the IBD and is soon to take up the reign of the next President. Well done Tim, a great achievement for you and for our Asia Pacific section.

Once again, the Directors would like to express the Section’s gratitude to the employers of the various Committee members for their cooperation and support of the Institute in so many ways. The assistance of Section representatives in the UK (Katherine Smart) on Council and Committees is also gratefully acknowledged, as is the assistance of all Regional Coordinators and everyone concerned with events organized on behalf of the IBD and the Asia Pacific Section.

We also express our gratitude to Gary Blomeley for his hard work as Editor and managing our AP website and Chris O’Leary, Chairman of the Wellington Convention 2018 Committee. Their input and support is greatly appreciated. Similarly our hard working Secretary, Rob Greenaway for his work in coordinating all our activities.

Acknowledgement and thanks must also be given to George Ritchie, Richard Benwell and Evan Evans, who are the Trustees of the Educational Awards. With more candidates sitting exams and the high standards achieved, the IBD AP is committed to recognizing the students’ efforts and rewarding them for their excellence in all the available courses.

A special thank you is extended to George Ritchie and Aldo Lentini who are on the Board of Examiners. Without these volunteers, there would be no one to mark the many exam papers.

The Secretary would like to sincerely thank the Staff of the IBD in London for prompt, friendly and continued assistance. Special thanks, goes to Dr Jerry Avis CEO of the IBD for his ongoing support to the section.

The Secretary and Board of Management acknowledge Accru – Melbourne our auditors, for their professional support and for auditing of the accounts.

Ian Roberts Megan Sheehy Jaideep Chandrasekharan

Chairman/DirectorDirector Director

Doug DonelanCarla Dagger Alex Greville

DirectorDirector Director.

Peter DavidRob Greenaway

Director Secretary.

October 2017