Alan Barclay ( President), Donald Nelson (Past President),Ken Fairbrother (Treasurer), Graham Stewart (Pubs SC Chairman),Graeme Hall (UK Great Northern Section), Duncan Kellock (Scottish Section),Colin McCrorie (Midland UK Section), Peter Channon (Southern UK Section),Aidan Crowe (Irish Section), Nigel Fitch (IBBS), Simon Jackson (Executive Director), David Quain (BoE Chairman), Steve Curtis (IBD Technical Manager), Leonard Specterman (IBD Accountant).
Apologies received from Charlie Bamforth (Deputy President), Tom Shellhammer (International Section),Greg Udeh (Africa Section), Jeff Potter (Asia Pacific Section)
The President welcomed Councilors to the Council meeting.
No comments have been received. Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record and were signed by the President.
The notes from the telephone meeting of the Council held on 11th February 2013 were also accepted as a true and accurate record and were signed by the President
All matters arising from both meetings were covered during the agenda
3.1–3.6attached as Appendix A, were expanded upon. Simon Jackson highlighted that membership at March 2013 stood at 4375.Growth continued to be driven by overseas sections with Africa section seeing the biggest increase and now the second largest section after Asia Pacific.
Nigel Fitch commented that the data in Membership Matters looked to have some errors on names. Simon Jackson to investigate.
David Quain commented that the IBD Linked In group now numbered over 2500 and this should be used to leverage membership
3.7 Retirement Subscription Rules
Simon Jackson presented a proposal to update the retirement subscription rules to reflect benchmarking undertaken against rules used by other Institutes
Council agreed to consider the proposals and provide feedback before the next Council meeting
In summary the age at which members could commence paying a retired member subscription would move from age 55 to age 60, commutation of retired rate would cease to be allowed and life membership would be granted after 50 years of membership rather than 40.
3.8Fellowship Nominations
The following members were nominated for Fellowship:-
Russell Falconer (Southern)
Thomas Shellhammer (International)
Douglas Murray (Scottish)
Bruce Peachey (Asia Pacific)
Proposed by:Nigel Fitch,Seconded by:Donald Nelson, unanimously agreed.
The names of recent late members were noted by the President and Councilheld a short period of reflection.
Barry L Newman
Donald Cecil Hodsman
Walter Massey
Paul Brettler
Donald Sharratt
Ralph A Aitken
Takeshi Yonezawa
Allan D Brash
Alan J Coxon
Sidney E Walker
3.10Nominations for Deputy President
The President advised Council that a nomination for Deputy President has been received. He was delighted to inform Council that Professor Katherine Smart was willing to stand as second Deputy President.
Nomination Proposed by:Graham Stewart,Seconded by: Donald Nelson, unanimously agreed
4.1 2012 Draft Accounts
The Treasurer, KenFairbrother introduced Leonard Specterman to report on the audited draft accounts for 2012.Ken Fairbrother commented that the closing meeting with the Auditors had been held as part of the recent O and M meeting. This has been introduced as one of a number of steps to tighten Governance.
The audit close meeting had been very satisfactory in that the auditors reported very good progress on closing down management actions and that no new management action points had been raised
The auditors however had highlighted the need to review the way in which the IBD deals with VAT and they also requested that the IBD Head Office increase the level of information requested from British Isles sections regarding their annual accounts and management accounts
Leonard Specterman asked British Isles sections to start providing quarterly accounts to him alongside their quarterly VAT returns – a proposed format was tabled and issued to sections
LS also highlighted the need for British Isles sections to ensure that ‘honoraria’ for Section Officers should be treated correctly with regard to PAYE. He will issue full guidance to sections on this matter
LS also reminded that all British Isles section accounts should be approved by a qualified accountant and that if Sections required support in this then he would be able to directly assist
KF requested that in due course a meeting be held of all the British Isles section treasurers so that all the new procedures could be fully briefed
LS then took Council through the draft accounts
Underlying performance was confirmed as being approximately £40K deficit, with the total deficit being £186K deficit (includes £20K surplus from the Beer Academy). The £186K was some £48K worse than forecast at the Council telephone meeting in February explained by;
- £22K overspend by sections that had not been forecast
- £14K reversal of prepaid funding (‘grants’) to sections – this would reverse as improvements to 2013 and 2014 forecasts
- £7K funding of interest to restricted funds (with an equal benefit to the restricted funds)
- £4K lower surplus from the Beer Academy
LS took Council through the detailed SOFA and Balance Sheet responding to a wide number of questions of detail
LS stated that IBD trading had some minor in and out transactions during 2012 as the process for funding WDSC
2014 commenced. He undertook to provide a summary of transactions at future meetings
LS then took Council through the latest forecast for 2013 confirming that the original budget of a surplus of £80K
would be achieved. He then informed Council of the draft budget for 2014 showing a surplus of £130K. He
highlighted that with £70K of depreciation per annum that cash generation in 2013 would be in the order of £150K
and then nearly £200K in 2014
4.2 Governance
The President talked Council through a presentation on proposals for an overhaul of IBD Governance - including the role of Council, Trustees and Committees
It was proposed that there be a planned moved to Council remaining as the core body of the IBD representing membership but that not all members of Council become Trustees. This would ensure that officers of the IBD serving terms of 4 to 6 years could act as fully informed Trustees and oversee the financial and other regulatory requirements of the IBD.
Council would remain the senior committee representing the interests of all members and the body that nominated Trustees and approved committee membership
The detailed presentation is attached as Appendix A to these minutes
The President asked Council to provide feedback over the next few weeks in order that further details could be given at the AGM and that ‘quick wins’ on Governance structure could be achieved as speedily as was sensible
5.1Update on Training Activities
Simon Jacksonupdated as perattached report.
Both Examination and Training activities are showing further good growth year on year
Asia Pacific training plans were now well advanced and there was increasing activity in the region - now complementing the activities undertaken by the Africa Section
5.2Update on Beer Academy
An update was given by Simon Jackson. The Beer Academy delivered training to nearly 1000 people during 2012 and an operating surplus of £20K on its activities. The surplus was achieved mainly due to the fact that the IBD had not cross charged people costs to the Academy, but turnover had also risen. New courses have been helpful in driving activity and the new Beer Sommelier course has been very popular.
Growth has continued into 2013 with bookings in the first quarter already equaling one third of the 2012 total.
The IBD as the sole parent of the Beer Academy has been providing cash flow support to the Beer Academy since 2007 .During 2012 cash flowed back to the IBD parent and as of April 2013 the cash remaining to be returned had reduced to £14K.
When all outstanding cash has been returned then the IBD will recommence cross charging people overheads to the Beer Academy.
Governance of the Beer Academy has also been reviewed with the number of Independent Directors reduced to three, with Simon Jackson also a director representing the IBD and Leonard Specterman acting as Company Secretary.
The Beer Academy is also supported by a number of ‘founding directors’ that serve in an advisory capacity at Beer Academy meetings
SJ advised Council of the ambitions to recruit a ‘Development Director’ on an interim basis to develop the Patronage Scheme whereby businesses could commit to the Beer Academy as supporting Patrons – this would drive activity and core funding. If this activity succeeds and generated sufficient funding then the Interim role could become a full time part time role to provide focus and ‘sales’ expertise.
If a permanent position is created then the title and remuneration would have to be compatible with the existing IBD positions on such matters
Council agreed to review this proposal in detail, provide feedback and then Ken Fairbrother and SJ would meet with the Independent Directors to agree a way forward
5.3IBD Qualification Development Plan (in priority order)
Brewers Diary
Both versions (‘Craft’ and ‘Mainstream’) have been signed off by customers with very positivefeedback.
General Certificate in Malting
-Target ‘pilot’ exam has been put back until June/July 2013.
-Syllabus and Learning Material written, awaiting final sign-off from MAGB.
-Interest has been registered by potential candidates in Australasia, USA, Canada, Africa, India as well as the UK!
-Review of learning material ongoing. GCB (mainstream brewery) complete, work started on incorporating traditional cask beer into a GCB (craft brewery) version.
-Work being identified for revisions to GCP material.
-Agreed timescale is completion by November 2013 for exam candidates May 2014.
GCP (Portuguese)
Request from Africa that MCQ questions only are reviewed / translated into Portuguese for examination candidates. Likely route is to appoint an independent examiner to assist with this on an ongoing exam by exam basis. HOLD.
GCB (Spanish)
-Further review of learning material translation, and Spanish question setting required before launch. HOLD
GCB (French)
-Partnership agreed with IFBM to provide support for Diploma in Brewing examination.
-IFBM will provide training this May for Dip Brew 1 & 2 examination in N.Africa.
-IFBM have translated the current Dip Brew Syllabus into French, and will also provide two examiners (to join BoE) who will translate the June papers and mark candidate returns.
Diploma in Spirits Packaging
-Customers of GCSP very keen to progress following its successful introduction
-To be developed during 2013 for examination in June 2014
-HOLD (see below)
Further Development Potential (not scheduled)
-Review meeting held with distilling BoE members, to suggest a timetable for update of distilling examinations with view to supporting a Master Distiller qualification.
-Further meeting planned in May, but ignition output as follows:
-FD Learning Material with customers for final review before publishing
-GCD syllabus to be simplified to allow use of QuestionmarkTM system, and removal of candidate ‘options’ during the examination.
-Diploma in Packaging to include a Module two option for spirits packaging, preferred option to running a separate Diploma in Spirits Packaging qualification.
-Master Distiller qualification to follow outline of successful M.Brew syllabus.
Donald Nelson reiterated that a root and branch review of the Diploma in Brewing is required. SJ responded that funding for this project has been requested from the Grant Fund and that an update would be provided at the next Council. If this bid is unsuccessful then allowance will have to be made within the 2013 operating budget.
5.4 Update on BOE Activities
The following updates can be reported since last Council:
Fundamentals in Brewing and Packaging Beer (FBPB)
Fundamentals in Distilling (FD)
-Both sets of learning materials reviewed and published in book format.
-FBPB book included with Brewers Diary pack to candidates.
-FD book possibly included with a Distillers Diary?
-Question bank set up on QuestionmarkTMfor May 2013 exam.
-Work ongoing to bring onto question bank system.
-Will need to create 4 options: Grain (traditional), Grain (continuous distillation), Molasses, Grape in order to remove choices of questions given to candidates (currently candidates choose after seeing various options – not surprisingly choose easiest not necessarily staying within their expertise!)
Diploma in Packaging of Beer
-Now have 39 candidates sitting ‘new’ module 1, 32 candidates sitting ‘new’ module 2, and 1 remaining candidate sitting ‘old’ module 3.
-Work started on final set of revision notes for module 3, including new unit 3.1 Resource Management. Drafts issued to major customer for review before making available to candidates in August/September.
Board of Examiners Meetings
As briefed at previous Council meetings we continue to focus on the February question setting meeting as being the key meeting that all examiners should try to attend. The setting of accurate, challenging and fair questions, along with an agreed marking schedule (finalised and submitted post-meeting), should be the key output of this meeting.
The Diploma in Packaging summer meeting will be handled differently due to its earlier timetable and long term it might be appropriate plan all activities for February.
Plan for the November meeting is a ‘Strategy style’ meeting with representatives from the key groups – GCB/P, Dip Brew, Dip Distil, Dip Pack, M.Brew – rather than the usual full attendance (now over 30 examiners and growing). Key outputs to be minuted and distributed to the team.
Candidate Preparation
An online ‘Candidate Welcome Pack’ for entrants to the IBD qualification program is in preparation. This will provide a holistic overview of ‘all things examinations’. This will include the required level of preparation and study, training and/or further reading, as well as highlighting the importance of mentoring and the Examiner’s Report for guidance.
5.5 BoE Succession Planning
Good progress continues to be made in taking a more structured approach to succession planning, looking at positions within the examination structure so that we have a back-up for each role. A registry of current and potential future examiners has been made and the process of inviting new examiners based on that registry has commenced.
New examiners involved in February meeting, including role of ‘examiner without portfolio’ in key groups where further turn-over expected.
5.6Chartered Scientist
Annual audit of CPD took place in Q1 2013, with all revalidating members being asked to submit their CPD return for quality audit.
20 individuals requested to maintain their status and of these 15 have provided CPD evidence for 2012
During 2013, 5 additional applications have been received and agreed by the Awards Committee
5.7Technical Matters
Learning and Resource Centre
-Officially launched via April Brewer and Distiller International.
Asia Pacific Conference – Melbourne
Brewer and Distiller International Jan - Dec
Africa Convention – Uganda
WDSC 2011
Brewer and Distiller International Jan – Dec
Asia Pacific Conference – Brisbane
IBC 2010 - Manchester
Brewer and Distiller International Jan – Dec
Brewer and Distiller International Jan – Dec
-Current content ( > 4 years) available to IBD members only, with log-in using current membership number and password.
Statistics / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / Change 11 to 12Total pages / 676 / 696 / 712 / 688 / 688 / 720 / 620 / -20
News pages
Newsdesk / 51 / 43 / 47 / 47 / 47 / 53 / 60 / +8
IBD News / 36 / 33 / 33 / 26 / 35 / 49 / 42 / +3
Technical pieces
No. by R D Putman / 20 / 21 / 32 / 26 / 35 / 41 / 23 / -1
Pages by RDP / 98 / 102 / 165 / 127 / 142 / 135 / 103 / -4
No. by other writers / 90 / 99 / 81 / 104 / 85 / 76 / 57 / -9
No. paid for / 14 / 13 / 15 / 16 / 24 / 25 / 14 / +1
Pages by other writers / 264 / 322 / 260 / 290 / 260 / 232 / 209 / -58
Total members pages / 449 / 500 / 533 / 514 / 504 / 495 / 447 / -51
Pages paid for by ads / 215 / 184 / 167 / 162 / 172 / 213 / 161 / +31
B&DI page count during 2012 was slightly down on the year before. We continue to have a standard size of 48pp, which increases to 64pp for any conventions we attend where we can attract advertisers and 80pp for large exhibitions like Brau.
If you do not want to see another hundred pages from the Editor in 2013, he is always on the lookout for more copy. It is always nice when members volunteer and room can always be found for more contributions. Good ideas for future pieces and guidance as to potential authors are also always welcome
Spot the brewery pictures are always in short supply.
Integration with Wiley systems was completed without any serious problems. Wiley has attended international shows in order to meet potential advertisers and improve their understanding of the industry.
6.2The Journal of the Institute of Brewing
Graham Stewart spoke to the pre-circulated report (below) from the JIB editor – Inge Russell.
There continues to be a sufficient number of paper submissions to keep the Journal healthy and we continue to be on the leading edge of how scientific journals are produced and marketed. Our JIB archives (back to 1895) have now been posted by Wiley on the JIB website and are available to the readership. They are a marvellous 125th anniversary present from the Institute to the brewing community.
How is the Wiley JIB Journal Website Working?
The Wiley Journal website is working well for our papers and the publisher reports that traffic on the JIB site continues to increase.
Although Issue 4 of 2012 was late in arriving in paper copy, the electronic version of the individual papers was put on the website as “early view” as soon as the typesetting was complete. This means that the papers were available to the readership very quickly and when there are problems with slowness of mailing, or in filling an issue (it must have a certain number of pages before it can be printed due to binding issues), the “early view” is of great benefit.
Most Accessed Papers: If you look under the link for “most accessed” papers on the Journal site, you will see that the 125th anniversary reviews are extremely popular and constitute 60 % of the most accessed ten top papers. “Most accessed “means that a reader has clicked on the paper to read it. Since these reviews are so popular, they will be continued in 2013, to finish covering the topics originally envisioned.