Third Sunday of Lent-19th March 2017.

Saturday / 18th / 6.15pm / Ederney / James Irvine (Lack) and all deceased members of the Irvine family Lack & Stranadarriff, Lack.
Edna Keown and her parents Ellen & Harry
Sunday / 19th / 9.30am
11am / Montiagh
Ederney / Gary Hamilton (Kesh)
Saturday / 25th / 6.15pm / Ederney / Martin Nugent, Drumkeen
Sunday / 26th / 9.30am
11am / Montiagh

Deceased: Fr. Edmond Maguire PE, Clones, Monaghan and formerly of Donaghmoyne; Kitty Irvine, New Street; Damien Morrow, Bangor (nephew of Dinny & Noel Monaghan); Mary Catherine Prunty, Omagh (sister of Brigid Gormley & Anne Moss); Andy Hilliard, Pettigo.May they rest in peace.

No weekday Mass this week.

Parish Envelopes: The parish envelope list has been updated for the new envelope Year that will be beginning on the first Sunday of April. Boxes of envelopes are available for collection at the back exits of both Churches. If you do not already get a box of envelopes for the parish please contact any one of the following; Fr McManus, Rob Fry, Kathleen Forest or any member of Parish Together or the Parish Finance Committee

Baptisms: Dates and times for Baptisms are Pettigo 2nd Saturday of each month at

6.00pm and Ederney 4th Sunday of each month at 12 noon.

Anniversary Masses: when booking an Anniversary or Months Memory please write the names of the person(s) and/or family into the Diary on the Altar Rail

Easter Ceremonies Music: rehearsals in preparation for Easter will be held in the Parish Centre on; Wednesday 22nd March at 8pm
Tuesday 28th March at 8pm
Wednesday 5th April at 8pm
Tuesday 11th April at 8pm
All singers welcome, as well as any musicians who may wish to come along, young and young at heart!

Adoration in the Parish Centre Thursday: 10.30am - 3.30pm. 6pm - 9pm.

Adoration in Montiagh Tuesday from 11am to 12 noon.

The Holy Rosary is said in the Church every evening:Sunday- Friday 6-30pm, Saturday at 5-15pm. (Except Thursday).

Monday March 20 is the Feast of St Joseph this year.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is recited on Monday and Friday evenings at 7pm at the Divine Mercy Shrine in St. Joseph’s Church.

Parish Office: A three wayBroadband has been installed in the Office, the sacristy and the presbytery. All being well we should be moving into the office on the week beginning 26th March.

Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Training: Takes place on Wednesday 29th March in St Joseph’s School Hall. Training for all volunteers who help with mass servers, Pope John Paul II Awards or any other activity involving Children, Young People or adults at risk. Volunteers who help with other organisations in the community are also welcome.

Church Collectors &Money Counters:There will be a Meeting on Tuesday 28th March at 8pm in the School for all Collectors and Counters of money to look at the new guidelines coming from the Charities Act in practices of handling parish monies.

The Novena of Hope at The Graan this year is from Sat (6.30pm) 18th March to Monday 27th March. Sunday services are 9am, 10:30am, 12 noon and 4:00p.m.

Weekdays 12:30pm and 7.30pm, except Wednesday (22nd) which is at 11am and 7.30pm and Saturday 25thMarch, 11am and 6.30pm. In addition, there are services for the sick on Wednesday 22nd and Saturday 25that 2:30p.m.

The Graan phone: 028 66 322272.

Culmaine Parish Lourdes Group: The Clogher diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from the 6th to 11th July 2017. Any sick person who would be interested in going to Lourdes should contact Mena Hegarty.Anyone who has been sent to Lourdes previously by the above group will not be considered.

To book Pilgrim Places please contact John Hueston, Lisnaskea 028 677 24329.

Medjugorje:via Dublin 19th July. The Fare is €649. Contact John Calgie.

Open Door: Every Thursday in TownHall from 11am. Everyone welcome.

Faith and Friendship (an interdenominational Bible Study Group):

Lenten Lunches, Wednesdays from 12.45 to 2pm.

22nd March – the Bridge Centre at the Presbyterian Church

29th March – St Michael’s Parish Centre

5th April –St Michael's Parish Centre, hosted by St Macartin's Cathedral members

There is no entrance charge but a collection will be taken for Christian Aid and Trócaire.

Charity 25 Card Play in Lettercran Hall on Tuesday 21st March starting 8.30pm sharp. Admission €10. All proceeds in Aid of Motor Neurone Disease.

5Km Sponsored Walk in Ederney Saturday 1st April.Proceeds in Aid of Sr. Muriel’s ‘St Joseph the Worker Ltd’,to help feed the poor and destitute in Bosnia.

Starting at St. Joseph’s Church car park at 11am, we will walk to Clonee Cross via Edenclaw Road and return the same route.

If you are unable to do the walk please join us for a cup of tea in the Parish Centre.

For sponsorship forms or more details please contact Mac McKervey, Mairead McGarrity or Leontia Martin.Everyone most welcome.

Galilean Wedding: An evening of entertainment and teaching looking at what happened at a wedding in Galilee at the time of Jesus. We are pleased to have J McCarl join us who presents the wedding over an hour and half program beginning 8.00pm on Thursday 30th March in the parish Centre at Ardess.

All from the local Christian Churches are very welcome.

Celebrating Shakespeare: poetry workshops facilitated by Rosemarie Keenan. Tuesday 21st March – Tuesday 4th April. 2-4pm each week. No prior knowledge of poetry necessary. All welcome. For further information contact Aisling Centre 028 66 325811

Aranderg Easter Draw: Lines are now on sale £1 each. 1st Prize- 500 litres of heating oil, 2nd Prize- B&B for 2 in the Villa Rose, 3rd Prize- meal for 2 in the Red Pepper. You can purchase lines from any committee member, McHugh’s Fuels Ederney or Aghyaran GAA Centre.

Old Time & Social Dancing: Termon Complex, Pettigo Sunday 19th March at 5:30pm Music by: Bernie Kelly, Jim Colton, Michael McGee & Paul Kelly

Admission: £5 includes light refreshments.

Ederney GAA Notes: Our Lotto jackpot is £2,400. Envelopes available in all the local shops and bars.
Today at 2pm Fermanagh v Clare in Brewster Park.
Keep free Easter Sunday for Ederney's Duck Darby More details next week

Ederney Youth Notes: Monday 20th football in hall p3-p7, 6.30-8. Tuesday 21st art in Townhall p4 and up 7-8.30. Wednesday 22nd Karate in hall p3 and up 6.45-8, new members welcome. Thursday23rdKids Tone Fun Pilates in hallforboys and girlsaged 5-11 years of age, Parents orGuardianscome along for more information between 5.30-6.30 or contact Naomh 07928796371. Friday 24thgeneral youth club p4-p7, 6.30-8, seniors 8-9.30. Checkout our facebook page for all details.

Pilates Course in St Joseph's Hall starting Thursday 23rd March for 6 weeks from 7.30-8.30. Anyone interested contact Naomh. Booking is essential.

Goody Two Shoes - the pantomime will take to the stage at the Ardhowen Theatre Enniskillen on Friday 21st & Saturday 22nd April and at the Termon Complex on Friday 5th and Sunday 7th May. Booking now open at both venues.

Scraghey Community Centre: Cards - continue every Sunday at 8:30pm.

Trócaire Boxes are in Church Porch… please take one home