Inferno Assignment Overview:

The project will be done with a group of 3 or 4. After a class study of the Inferno Cantos 1-6, you will more closely examine a portion of Dante’s Inferno. Using translated text and internet resources, groups will prepare a presentation for class. Follow closely the assignment to prepare for the class presentation. Online sources and summaries may be used, but do not ignore the actual text of the Inferno.

·  Part one is due by 11:59 pm to on or before ______ (ALL STUDENTS SHOULD SUBMIT) YOU WILL HAVE CLASS TIME TO COMPLETE THIS!!!

·  Parts two and three are due on ______ (ALL STUDENTS PRESENT PARTS)

Presentations will begin and continue until all students have presented. Audience participation and attendance are required.


There is a multitude of resources available on the internet for the study of Dante on my teacher website. You may use other resources as well.

8 Choices of sections (realms) for further study: (Only 1 group for each realm-teacher must approve)

1.  Circle Four − Circle Five − Circle Six − The hoarders; The wrathful; The heretics (Cantos 7-10) (Read all for summary, but for presentation focus on Circle 4)

2.  Circle Four − Circle Five − Circle Six − The hoarders; The wrathful; The heretics (Cantos 7-10) (Read all for summary, but for presentation focus on Circle 5)

3.  Circle Four − Circle Five − Circle Six − The hoarders; The wrathful; The heretics (Cantos 7-10) (Read all for summary, but for presentation focus on Circle 6)

4.  Circle Seven − The violent (Cantos 11-17)

o  Ring 1. Murderers, robbers, and plunderers

o  Ring 2. Suicides and those harmful to the world

o  Ring 3. Those harmful against God, nature, and art, as well as usurers

5.  Circle Eight − The Fraudulent (Cantos 18-23) (Read all for summary , but for presentation focus on pouches/trenches II, III, IV)

o  Bowge (Pouch/Trench) I. Panderers and Seducers

o  Bowge II. Flatterers

o  Bowge III. Simoniacs

o  Bowge IV. Sorcerers

o  Bowge V. Barrators

o  Bowge VI. Hypocrites

6.  Circle Eight − The Fraudulent (Cantos 18-23) (Read all for summary, but for presentation focus on pouches/trenches IV, V, VI)

o  Bowge (Pouch/Trench) I. Panderers and Seducers

o  Bowge II. Flatterers

o  Bowge III. Simoniacs

o  Bowge IV. Sorcerers

o  Bowge V. Barrators

o  Bowge VI. Hypocrites

7.  Circle Eight (Continued) (Cantos 24-31) (May focus on 3 pouches/trenches)

o  Bowge (Pouch/Trench) VII. Thieves

o  Bowge VIII. Counselors

o  Bowge IX. Sowers of Discord

o  Bowge X. Falsifiers

8.  Circle Nine − Traitors (Cantos 32-34)

o  Region i: Traitors to their kindred

o  Region ii: Traitors to their country

o  Region iii: Traitors to their guests

o  Region iv: Traitors to their lords

Examine the section carefully. Read the text. Note important characters and descriptions for further examination. Summarize and explain. Internet resources may be used for assistance, but all information presented and used in the final assignment must be in your own words.

Part One: Realm Examination (Double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt type) This is an individual assignment. You cannot copy members of your group. Write three paragraphs.

A. Summarize the section. Summaries must clearly explain the “crime and punishment” of the Circle of Hell examined. Explain the “sin” and fully describe the punishment and its appropriateness as it relates to the sin.

B. Identify all residents. This is not just a list-explain who they are and their sin/connection to Dante’s world. Remember to include mythological creatures as well.

C. Relate the passage to the modern world. Include “modern”(post Dante) residents justifiably placed in the realm. Identify historical or fictional characters (think about the literature selections covered in literature classes) that Dante may have placed in each circle AND explain why. DO NOT use “real life” people from our little world (No friends, family, teachers, etc.—that’s just mean!)

Part Two: Quotes and Significant Passages. (May be single spaced, TNR 12pt)

A. Identify 3 important passages. Include the exact quote; explain the context (what is happening, location, who is speaking etc.); and then finally, explain its significance (what makes the passage important or worth closer examination. Explain in literary terms and must include literary terms and techniques such as simile, metaphor, irony, characterization, setting etc.). Choose the five passages carefully. There is no doubt that there are more that five in each area of the Inferno. Choose passages that will relate or connect to the final presentation. This is due the day of your presentation (1 per group)

B. These should be presented in a chart:

Quote/Line # Context Significance

Part Three: (10 points) Final Oral Presentation.

Present the realm/project to the class in a powerpoint or film. Every group member should save this powerpoint to his/her Google drive in case a group member is absent. Presentation should be well organized and rehearsed. Use parts 1-2 of the project to support the presentation. Presentation should be a minimum of five minutes but not more than ten. Presentation must include:

1.  Art work depicting the circle(s) of Hell you are presenting.

2.  Description of the sinners and their punishment.

3.  Major characters in your selection.

4.  Major plot points (what are Virgil and Dante doing?)

5.  One or more significant quotes from the text.

6.  Two good Level 2/3 Discussion questions for the class. You will be leading this discussion!