Ser 06IH/
From:Commanding Officer, Naval Health Clinic Quantico, VA
To: Commanding Officer, Company C, 4th Combat Engineer Battalion, United States Marine Corps Reserve, Armed Forces Reserve Center, Lynchburg, VA
Ref:(a) OPNAVINST 5100.23G
Encl: (1) Executive Summary
(2) Industrial Hygiene Survey Report
1. A periodic industrial hygiene survey of your activity was conducted as required by reference (a). Enclosures (1) and (2) are provided for your information.
2. The point of contact for this report is Mr. Matthew Young, Industrial Hygienist, Naval Health Clinic Quantico, Branch Health Clinic WNY, IH NRL and the information is as follows office(703)784-1526or by e-mail at
By direction
Copy to:
Safety Office
Industrial Hygiene Department Presents
The 2013 Periodic Industrial Hygiene Survey
Arm Force Reserve Center, Lynchburg, VA
Survey Conducted by:
Matthew S. Young, IH
Survey Reviewed by:
Matthew Young, IH Department Head, NHCQ
A periodic industrial hygiene survey of C, 4th Combat Engineer Battalion was conducted on 27 August 2013 by Matthew Young, Industrial Hygienist, of the Naval Health Clinic Quantico (NHCQ). The following is a summary of major findings and recommendations. Details finding, observation and recommendations are provided in each individual shop’s evaluation.
- Hazard Assessments:No changes in health hazardous operation have occurred since the last industrial hygiene survey. Lead is the greatest health concerns. However, based on the short duration and infrequent of the operation, exposure is not expected to exceed the Occupational Exposure Levels(OEL). Therefore; these exposures are considered ACCEPTABLE.
Recommended Action: Because of the potential for lead exposure, at any level, personnel should always wash their hands before eating or smoking to prevent the ingestion of this chemical.
2.Hearing Conservation: Operations for some of the work centers involves the use of noise hazardous equipment (hand tools, weapons) or require personnel to work in noise hazardous areas [85 dBA sound pressure level (SPL)]. Some operations are expected to cause employees to exceed the Navy’s Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 85 dBA for an 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) and/or 140 dBP.
Recommended Action:Ensure personnel continue to be in Hearing Conservation Program.
4.Reproductive Hazards: The following chemical developmental or reproductive hazards were identified in your facility: Lead, a development reproductive hazard, which is found in weapon qualification operations. Given the small amount used/short duration/infrequent operation and previous samplings of similar operations, personal exposures are not expected to exceed the Occupational Exposure Level.
Recommended Action: Because of the potential for leadexposure, at any level, personnel should always wash their hands before eating or smoking to prevent the ingestion of these chemicals.
1-1Enclosure (1)
5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):Safety glasses, chemical safety goggles, and hearing protection are worn for various operations where chemical materials are handled or encountered. Specific eye and hearing protection, clothing and hand protection, for specific work tasks can be found in the work hazard assessment, attachment (2). The eyes wash station is being flushed and a log maintained
Recommended Action:attachment (2) should be reviewed and supplemented, where appropriate, by the command Safety Officeand supervisor. It is advisable that PPE recommendations on attachment (2) beposted in appropriate work areas. This will ensure that employees are informed of protective equipment requirements.
7. Hazard Communication:Per OPNAVIST 5100.23G, Command’s Authorized Use Lists (AUL) for hazardous materials were reviewed, where available and those hazardous material of industrial hygiene concern are discussed in the individual survey report.
Recommended Action:None
8. Ergonomic:It was commonly observed that administrative/clerical employees place their keyboard and mouse on their desks.This causes employees to reach for the mouse, and does not provide free-flowing movement of the hands across the keyboard. An Ergonomic Summary, Attachment (3), is given to provide guidance in proper ergonomic positions, and to reduce ergonomic risk hazards.
Recommended Action:Implement administrative controls to reduce the exposure to ergonomic stressors and thus reduce the cumulative dose to workers. Adjust monitors, keyboards and mouse devices into positions provided in Attachment (3).
9. Exposure Monitoring:Not applicable for this command.
10.Medical Surveillance: Medical surveillance recommendation is listed below.
a. Health Care Workers (719)
b. Blood and Body Fluids (178)
c. Noise (503)
1-2Enclosure (1)
11. Design Reviews: To ensure that appropriate hazard control techniques are applied; it is essential that industrial hygienists and safety professionals actively participate in planning, design, construction and acceptance processes for both special projects and military construction projects. Reviewers shall consider, appropriately influence the design, and engineer safety and occupational health aspects into all facilities that are acquired for use by Navy personnel. In addition, we request that standard operating procedures (SOPs), purchasing transactions, and contracts relevant to industrial hygiene and occupational health be sent to the Industrial Hygiene Department for review.
1-3 Enclosure (1)
Company C, 4th Combat Engineer Battalion
Ref:(a) OPNAVIST 5100.23G, Occupational Safety and Health Program Manual
Att: (1) Evaluation Summary
(2) Workplace Hazard Assessment
(3) Medical Surveillance Summary
(4) Noise Results
(5) Ergonomic Summary
1. Introduction: Per Reference (a), a periodic industrial hygiene survey of Company C, 4th Combat Engineer Battalion was conducted on 27 August 2013 by Matthew Young, Industrial Hygienist, of the Naval Health Clinic Quantico (NHCQ), VA. This survey consisted of a walk-through evaluation of all work areas, a review of the hazardous material inventory, and employee interviews.
2. Report Purpose and Use: Reference (a) requires that each workplace be thoroughly evaluated in order to accurately identify and quantify all potential health hazards. This report fulfills that requirement for Arm Force Reserve, Lynchburg VA and updates the previous industrial hygiene survey of the facility. The survey results are provided in attachment (2).
3. Shop Hazard Classification: These shops are classified as CAT II/B and CAT III/C. CAT I/A (most hazardous) are evaluated every year. CAT II/B’s (moderately hazardous) must be evaluated every two years, and CAT III/C’s (administrative/low hazard rating) every 4 years. The next survey for the Arm Force Reserve, Lynchburg VAis tentatively scheduled for 2015
4. Notification: This report is a snapshot in time and reflects conditions and operations at the command during the survey period. Changes in procedures, processes or workloads may significantly alter personnel exposures and require more frequent evaluations. Supervisory personnel should notify Industrial Hygiene Department, NHCQ VA, 703-784-1526, when significant changes occur.
Enclosure (2)
COMMAND CAT: 2 / DATE: 28 August 2013
COMMAND: Arm Force Reserve Center, Lynchburg VA
POC:Sgt Forrest
PHONE: 434-237-2206
New or Significantly Modified Work Center Operations/Processes:
Were thereany significant changes in operations or processes that were identified Y N
The purpose of this survey is to define significant changes, workplace modifications in occupational exposure characterization, controls and recommended medical surveillance enrollment.
Finding and Recommendation:
Medical Surveillance Program Status: References-OPNAVINST 5100.23G, Paragraph 0805a(2)(a)
Is medical surveillance recommended Y N N/A
Are there changes medical surveillance recommendations from the prior survey Y N N/A
Finding and Recommendation:
Hazardous Material Control & Management (HMC&M) Program:Reference: OPNAVINST 5100.23G.0706
Authorized Use List(AUL) Y N N/AAccurateYN
Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS Files) Y N N/AAccurateYN
Is hazardous material (HAZMAT) training required Y N N/A
Other (lead, asbestos, etc) Y N N/A
Containers properly labeled Y N N/A
Chemicals properly stored Y N N/A
Reproductive Hazards: References-NMCPHC Technical Manual 6260.01A
Are there reproductive hazard present Y N N/A
Are there reproductive hazards that has changed from previous survey Y N N/A
Finding:Lead is chemical reproductive hazards and workers are not overexposed.
Recommendation: The reference is to inform personnel of the existence of reproductive hazard. This should be done to ensure that appropriate controls exist or by elimination of the hazard through substitution of the material.
Ventilation: References-ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Manual,27th Edition
Are ventilation systems used to control workplace exposures Y N N/A
Are the systems effective and operating properly Y N N/A
Finding and Recommendation: None
1-1Attachment (1)
HazardousNoise and Hearing Conservation Program (HCP): References- DODINST 6055.12, MARADMIN 010-12
Is there personnel recommended for the HCP Y N N/A
Is there personnel receiving audiograms Y N N/A
Is hearing protection readily available Y N N/A
Is the hearing protection used Y N N/A
Is it available for observation Y N N/A
Finding and Recommendation:None
Respiratory Protection: Reference - 29 CFR 1910.134 (OSHA)
To control workplace exposures, are respirators used by employees Y N N/A
Does the workplace comply with the Respiratory Protection Program Y N N/A
Finding and Recommendation:
Ergonomics: References- OPNAVINST 5100.23G.2308
Ergonomic risk factors were identified pertaining to Y NN/A shop work clerical work
Is equipment training available and recommended Y N N/A
Finding : It was commonly observed that administrative/clerical employees place their keyboards and mouse on their desks. This causes employees to reach for the mouse, and does not provide free-flowing movement of the hands across the keyboard. An Ergonomic Summary, Attachment (5), is given to provide guidance in proper ergonomic positions, and to reduce ergonomic risk hazards.
Recommendation: : Implement administrative controls to reduce the exposure to ergonomic stressors and thus reduce the cumulative dose to workers. Adjust monitors, keyboards and mouse into positions provided in Attachment (5).
OSHA Toxic and Hazardous Substance Applicable Programs: Reference - 29 CFR 1910.1000 Subpart Z
Lead Control (1910.1025; 23G, CH 21) Asbestos Control (1910.1001; 23G, CH 17; IH FOM CH 7)
Formaldehyde (1910.1048) Ethylene Oxide (ETO) (1910.1047)
Cadmium (1910.1027) Chromium VI (1910.1026)
Benzene ((1910.1028) Methylene Chloride (1910.1052)
N/A Other :
Finding and Recommendation: None
Workplace Assessments: References-OPNAVINST 5100.23G
Were there significant change to workplace assessment identified: Y N N/A
Were there any processes that were changed/added to the workplace: Y N N/A
Finding and Recommendation: None
1-2Attachment (1)
Exposure Assessments: References-OPNAVINST 5100.23GWere new exposure data were obtained since the prior evaluation and are summarized below:Y N N/A
Were exposure assessment was identified as part of the survey or from sampling data: Y N N/A
Finding and Recommendation:
Exposure Monitoring Plan: Attachment () provides the current Exposure Monitoring Plan.
Exposure Monitoring needs were identified.
No Exposure Monitoring needs were identified.
There are no changes to the previous Exposure Monitoring Plan.
Finding and Recommendation:None
Consultative or Special Surveys/Findings Since the Previous Survey Y NN/A
1-3Attachment (1)
SHOP NAME:Medical Department
SHOP PRIORITY: 2 / DATE: 28 August 2013
COMMAND: Arm Force Reserve Center, Lynchburg VA
POC: Chief Harris
PHONE: 434-237-2206
Shop Operation:Medical Department is staffed with one full-time active Hospital Corpsman (HM). The corpsman is responsible for providing first aid and minor medical care to Marine Corps personnel assigned to AFRC Lynchburg when deployed for training at the reserve center or in the field. When in garrison, the department is responsible for medical administration of all Marine Corps personnel health records and scheduling or transporting Marine personnel to local medical treatment facilities for whatever medical services are required. This department performs mass blood drawing for screening exams and mass immunizations, approximately once a year for the Marine personnel.
Processes / Health Stressors / # of Wrks / Duration
Frequency / Controls / Exposure Assessment
First Aid Care / Bloodborne Pathogens / 1 / - 15-30 Min
-As Needed / Exisiting / -Acceptable
PPE: Disposable non-latex gloves / Base on IH observation and professional judgment
Finding: Employee applies universal precautions and uses personal protective equipment to minimize occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens and other infectious organisms.
Recommendation: None
Draw Blood/Immunization / Bloodborne Pathogens / 1 / -6-8 Hours
-As Needed / Exisiting / -Acceptable
PPE: Disposable non-latex gloves / Base on IH observation and professional judgment
Finding: Employee applies universal precautions and uses personal protective equipment to minimize occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens and other infectious organisms.
Recommendation: None
Field Exercise / *Noise, Bloodborne Pathogens / -2-4 Hours
-As Needed / Exisiting / -Choose an item.
ENG: Earplug,Disposable non-latex gloves / Noise exposure is not expected to exceed the OEL due to short duration.
IH judgment base on interview and observation.
Finding: Reserve Hospital Corpsman will be task to deployed field unit to provide medical aid during field exercise.
recommendation: None
Office work / Ergonomic / -6-8 Hours
-Daily / Exisiting / -Acceptable
IH judgment base on interview and observation.
ADM: Training
Finding: Personnel who are exposed to cumulated trauma through keyboarding or keypunch tasks are potentially at risk to work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD).
Recommendation: Employees that suspect that WMSD are present should contact Industrial Hygiene Department at 703-784-1526 to schedule an evaluation of their workstations.
(*) Reproductive Health Hazard per NMCPHC-TM-OEM 6260.01C, April 2010
(**)Carcinogen per ‘Guide to Occupational Exposure Value’, ACGIH, 2011 Attachment (2)
SHOP NAME: Operational Department/Armory
SHOP PRIORITY: 2 / DATE: 28 August 2013
COMMAND: Arm Force Reserve Center, Lynchburg VA
POC: GySgt Forbes
PHONE: 434-237-2206
Shop Operation:The Operations Department, in conjunction with the other departments are responsible for developing and coordinating training plans and providing necessary instruction for approximately 150 reservists assigned to Company C of the 4thcombat Engineers Battalion. The department coordinates annual and biennial weapons qualifications for reservist personnel. This section also develops and trains the reservists engineers, heavy equipment operators and radio operator on-site reconnaissance, communications, the construction and breaching of various obstacle using explosive charges and other breaching methods. Classroom instructions is a major component of the training.
Processes / Health Stressors / # of Wrks / Duration
Frequency / Controls / Exposure Assessment
Weapon Qualification/
Cleaning / *Noise, *Lead / 11 / - 2-4 Hours
-Quarterly / Exisiting / -Unacceptable: Noise
PPE: Earplug, ear muff, rubber gloves / Noise: Similar task exposure is greater than 85 dBA.
Lead: Exposure not expected to exceeds OEL.
Finding: Previous noise sample indicated personnel exposure is greater than OEL.
Finding: Personnel are potentially exposed to lead, during weapons firing operations. Based on the frequency and duration of the operation, personal exposure to lead in excess of the levels allowed in the reference is not expected.
Recommendation: To prevent the accidental ingestion of lead, personnel should always wash their hands before eating, drinking, or smoking after cleaning or firing weapons.
Recommendation: Ensure proper dual hearing protection worn during weapon qualification.
Demolition training Explosives detonation / *Noise, Nuisance Dust, Trinitrotoluene. / 8 / -15-30 Min
-As Needed / Exisiting / -Acceptable
PPE: Earplug, ear muff / Exposure not expected to exceeds OEL due to distance, short duration and infrequent of task.
Finding: Exposure to noise is not expected to exceeds 8 hr TWA of 85 dBA due short operation and infrequent task.
Finding: Exposure to nuisance dust and trinitrotoluene (TNT) is not expected to exceed the OEL due personnel are 300-1000 meters away from detonation of explosive.
Recommendation: Dual hearing require due to impact noise is greater than 140 dBA.
Weapon LTI (Inspection/repair/maintenance) / *Lead / 8 / -2-4 Hours
-As Needed / Exisiting / -Acceptable
ENG: rubber gloves / Previous sampling results are less than OEL
Finding: personnel conduct visual inspection of parts and replacement of parts as necessary. Inhalation exposure is not expected to exceed the OEL.
Recommendation: Because of the potential for lead at any level, personnel should always wash their hands before eating or smoking to prevent the ingestion of these chemicals.
Attachment (2)
SHOP NAME: Operational Department/Armory
SHOP PRIORITY: 2 / DATE: 28 August 2013
COMMAND: Arm Force Reserve Center, Lynchburg VA
POC: GySgt Forbes
PHONE: 434-237-2206
Office work / Ergonomic / -6-8 Hours
-Daily / Exisiting / -Acceptable
IH judgment base on interview and observation.
Finding: Personnel who are exposed to cumulated trauma through keyboarding or keypunch tasks are potentially at risk to work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD).
Recommendation: Employees that suspect that WMSD are present should contact Industrial Hygiene Department at 703-784-1526 to schedule an evaluation of their workstations.
(*) Reproductive Health Hazard per NMCPHC-TM-OEM 6260.01C, April 2010
(**)Carcinogen per ‘Guide to Occupational Exposure Value’, ACGIH, 2011
Attachment (2)
SHOP NAME: Heavy Equipment /Motor Transport Shop
SHOP PRIORITY: 2 / DATE: 28 August 2013
COMMAND: Arm Force Reserve Center, Lynchburg VA
POC:Sgt Danforth
PHONE: 434-237-2206
Shop Operation:
Processes / Health Stressors / # of Wrks / Duration
Frequency / Controls / Exposure Assessment
Weapon Qualification/
Cleaning / Noise, Lead / 2 / - 2-4 Hours
-Quarterly / Exisiting / -Unacceptable-Noise
- Acceptable- Lead
PPE: Earplug, ear muff / Exposure not expected to exceeds OEL due to short duration and infrequent task
Exposure to lead is not expected to exceeds OEL.
Finding: Exposure to noise is not expected to exceeds 8 hr TWA of 85 dBA due short operation and infrequent task.
Recommendation: Ensure personnel worn dual hearing protection while performing this task.
Finding: Personnel are potentially exposed to lead, during weapons firing operations. Based on the frequency and duration of the operation, personal exposure to lead in excess of the levels allowed in the reference is not expected.
Recommendation: To prevent the accidental ingestion of lead, personnel should always wash their hands before eating, drinking, or smoking after cleaning or firing weapons.
Preventive maintenance / *Noise, CO,Asbestos , Grease, oil, anti-freeze, fluid / 8 / -15-30 Min
-Monthly / Exisiting / -Acceptable
PPE : rubber gloves / Exposure not expected to exceeds OEL due to short duration and infrequent task
Finding: Personnel are potentially exposed to noise (ie. Compressor, pneumatic tools) during vehicle maintenance operation.
Finding: Because MT vehicles and HE are sparingly used in the field, break and clutches do not normally require frequent adjustment and replacement. Personnel are familiar with utilizing wet methods to control asbestos fiber release and exposure to asbestos is minimal.
Recommendation: Ensure hearing protective device worn while working with pneumatic tools and compressor.
Aerosol can spray / Organic Solvents / 8 / -0-15 Min
-As needed / Exisiting / -Acceptable
Exposure not expected to exceeds OEL due to short duration and infrequent task
PPE: Rubber Gloves
Finding: and Recommendation: None
(*) Reproductive Health Hazard per NMCPHC-TM-OEM 6260.01C, April 2010