The INDOCERT Input Approval Scheme
INDOCERT evaluates inputs used in organic production and confirms their compliance with the National Standards for Organic Production and the INDOCERTdirectives on the interpretation and implementation of the National Standards for Organic Production.
Presently INDOCERT restricts its input approval scheme to fertilizers and soil conditioners, and to inputs related to crop protection (pesticides, repellents etc.).[1]
Once issued, the certificate will be valid for one year, which shall be renewed every year after the annual on site inspections.
How are inputs evaluated?
The approval is based on an evaluation of the product documentation and on an inspection of the processing unit. Applicants need to submit a complete list of ingredients of the product and a list of processes involved in the manufacturing. They need to grant access to INDOCERT inspectors to the processing unit and the book keeping related to the product. INDOCERT guarantees full confidentiality in handling of all products and company information. INDOCERT deems the authority to draw samples for laboratory analysis of different products on case-by-case basis, the cost of which should be borne by the operator.
How to apply for input approval?
Before applying for input approval INDOCERT recommend you to self-assess whether all ingredients of your products are permitted according to the Annex 1 and 2 of NPOP to avoid unnecessary efforts and costs. Ifany ingredients (both active/inert) are not listed in the Annex 1 & 2 of ,can be evaluated based on Annex 3 of NSOP.INDOCERT will verify such ingredients for approval as per the latest OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute)-Generic Material List and inform the operator.Please note that obtaining a certificate of registration from the Controller of Fertiliser under the Fertiliser (Control) Order, 2006 is a prerequisite to be eligible to apply for the Input Approval.
If you are manufacturing any of the below listed products which come under the purview of the order, kindly furnish the details including the registration number.
Organic fertilizers
2) Press mud
4) Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria
The first step for getting input approval certification is that the operator (the person responsible for the unit to be certified) contacts the INDOCERT office or staff. Upon request INDOCERT sends a detailed application package .To apply for certification the operator needs to submit the filled application form, input description sheet along with the preliminary evaluation fees to the INDOCERT office. Rs1000/- per product will be charged for the preliminary evaluation, based on the input description sheet submitted. The amount must be submitted along with the application form. One application can include several products at the same time.Based on preliminary evaluation of application form and input description sheet, INDOCERT will send you an offer. After you submitting the requested documents and paid a down payment of 75% of the quoted amount, INDOCERT will proceed with the inspection and certification procedure.
How can the approved inputs be labeled?
If the INDOCERT Approval Committee decides positively on your application for input approval, you can display the INDOCERT input approval mark given below and/or the remark “Approved Input for Organic Agriculture. Certification body: INDOCERT, Aluva”.
Note: You are not authorised to use NPOP Logo for INDOCERT approve input
For questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Changed : 01/11/17 (BV) / Approved : 01/11/17 (ED) / Distribution : OM, staff[1] Procedures for feedstuff, processing aids and food ingredients will be developed at a later stage.