Ideal Home Show
EventCity, Manchester– 10th – 11th June 2017
The Ideal Home Show is coming back to Manchester in June 2017!
From kitchens and bathrooms, to bedrooms and basements, from fixtures and fittings to fine food, gardens and the latest gadgets, plus fashion, beauty and gifts, you'll find it all under one roof at this award-winning show
North West CSSC are offering their members tickets for either Saturday 10th or Sunday 11th June 2017
Cost: £4.00 per ticketLimited to 4tickets per CSSC member per application
Closing date:Friday 31stMarch. Applications received after this date cannot be accepted.
If your application is unsuccessful (tickets sell out), you will be contacted via email. Cheques will be safely destroyed and Postal Orders returned.
Please note: It may not be possible to confirm every successful application but cheques will be banked and tickets posted out no later than 2 weeks prior to the performance date.
If you have any queriesplease contact Alan Adams:
Please apply for tickets via the booking form link on the advert.
Booking Form: Ideal Home Show Manchester Closing Date: 31/3/17
Indicate number of tickets required:
Saturday 10th June…………… @ £4.00 per ticket
Sunday 11th June…………… @ £4.00 per ticket
Children under 6 are free but may require a ticket: state number required here …....….
Strictly limited to 4ticketsin total per CSSC member
CSSC Number…………………………………………………......
Telephone Number: Work………………………….…… Home/Mobile………………………………..………..
Email address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….….………...
Comments (if applicable): …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Payment Method: Cheque□Postal Order □ Bank Transfer □
Please make cheques or postal orders payable to “North West CSSC”
Cheques or Postal Orders preferred although Bank Transfers can be facilitated for this event if necessary. Please indicate on the form if you wish to pay via this method.
Applications will be taken on a first come, first served basis via post only (no email applications accepted). Members who pay by Bank Transfer will be emaileddetails on receipt of the postal application.
Please return your completed booking form, payment and a correctly stamped self-addressed envelope to:-
North West CSSC (Ideal Home)
PO Box 772
“Letter” sized envelopes should be used for this event – no more than 24cm (length) x 16.5cm (width) x 5mm (thickness). If correct postage is not used your application may not be processed.
Cheques will be banked within 7 days of receiptand tickets posted out no later than 2 weeks prior to the event.
- Members and any guests attending / taking part in this event are covered by the CSSC Codes of Conduct which can be read here;
In attending / taking part you and your guest(s) agree to abide by its terms and conditions.
- If your guest(s) regularly attends CSSC activities she/he can save money by becoming a linked member. Ask the event organiser for more information / membership joining form.
- Bookings must be made by CSSC members.
- Members are responsible for the behavior their guests.