The Human Disease Project
7th Grade Science
Your supervisor at the Columbia Health Organization, Mrs. Bramhall, has just given you your first assignment:
On October 20-23,you will visit the seventh grade Life Science classroom at Ulrich Intermediate and speak to the students about adisease that affects the human body. Research and project development will be on the 20th-22nd, and presentations will be given on Friday October 23rd.
You will work in pairs, and your teachermust approve of the disease that you choose and she has high expectations for you:
• Your presentation should be informative
• You should present your material in a manner that 13 and 14 year oldscan understand
• Your presentation should be interesting and hold the attention of your7th grade audience
• You must have a strong visual presentation.
Your teacher is providing you with two options for presenting the information on the human disease. Though you must orally present what you haveresearched, you are also required to leave informative material behind for thestudents to review later. The two options are: a tri-fold brochure or a PPT presentation.
Both options must include the following information about your disease:
• A basic description of the disease
• A brief history of the disease
• Age group/gender/cultural group most affected by this disease
• The symptoms of the disease
• How the body is affected by the disease
• Cures or treatments for the disease
• What causes the disease (how can a person get it)
• How a person's daily life is affected by the disease
• Number of Americans affected by the disease
• Work Cited Page with at least three different sources. (Wikipedia may not be one of these three main sources.)
Tri-fold Brochure
Your health brochure:
• By hand, using heavy-duty construction paper or oak tag—written work should be typed and pasted neatly to the paper.
Your health brochure should include a cover, 4 sections of information, and theback. Each section should have both written information, pictures, photos orclip art that correspond to the text. The brochure must be arranged asfollows:
Section 1~Brief history of disease
~Image related to the topic. / Section 2
~Symptoms of the disease
~How the disease affects the body (what body system does it affect-be specific as to how it attacks organs or parts of a particular body system)
~image of body system affected / Section 3
~How does the disease affect a person’s daily life
~Prevention of the disease
~image related to the information
Section 4~Basic description of
the disease
~Cause of the disease
~Age group, gender,
cultural group most affected by disease
~image that relates to the information / Back
~MLA Works Cited Page with at least three different sources. / Cover
~Name of disease
~Student first and last name
~Pictures, photos, or
clip art
Your PowerPoint presentation should be used as a tool to guide you through
your presentation to the 7th grade science class.
Your slideshow must include6-10 slides, but not exceed 10 slides.
Slides must include both written information and pictures, photos or clipart that
corresponds to the text.
Use the guide below to help you layout your slides:
Slide 1 Title Name of disease; image; Student’s full name; Date; Block
Slide 2 Information Basic description of disease; image
Slide 3 Information Cause of disease; Image
Slide 4 Information Age group, gender, cultural group most affected bydisease; Image
Slide 5 Information Brief history of disease; image
Slide 6 Information Symptoms of disease; image
Slide 7 Information How the disease affects the body-name the particularbody system and how
the body system is affected;image of the body system
Slide 8 Information How the disease affects a person's daily life; image
Slide 9 Information Cures or treatments;Prevention of the disease; image
Slide10Resources MLA Works Cited Page with at least three different sources.
Here are some resources to get you started:
Criteria / Possible Points / Points EarnedCover: name of disease, illustration, student first and last name, date, block / 5
At least 5 total images –and captions used where necessary / 5
All 6 panels are completed; and space used effectively. / 10
Section 1: Brief history of disease; Image related to the topic / 10
Section 2: Symptoms of the disease; How the disease affects the body (what body system does it affect-be specific as to how it attacks organs or parts of a particular body system); image of body system affected / 20
Section 3: How does the disease affect a person’s daily life; Prevention of the disease; image related to the information / 20
Section 4: Basic description of
the disease; Cause of the disease; Age group, gender,
cultural group most affected by disease; image that relates to the information / 20
Back: Works Cited Page: MLA format, at least three sources used and cited correctly / 5
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, neatness, effort / 5
Criteria / Possible Points / Points EarnedTitle slide: name of disease, image, student first and last name, date, block / 5
At least 6 total slides and no more than 10 / 5
Basic description of disease / 10
Cause of disease / 10
Age group, gender, cultural group most affected bydisease / 5
Brief history of disease / 10
Symptoms of disease; image / 10
How the disease affects the body-name the particular body system and how that body system is affected;image of the body system / 10
How the disease affects a person's daily life; image / 10
Cures or treatments; Prevention of the disease; image / 10
MLA Works Cited Page with at least three different sources. / 5
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, neatness, effort / 5
At least 3 total images-and captions used where necessary / 5
Here is a list of diseases to start you off. There are many others that youmay want to suggest as alternatives.
• Tongue/cheek cancer
• Ulcers
• Appendicitis
• Hepatitis
• Colon cancer
• Acid reflux
• Cirrhosis
• Crohn’s disease
• Pancreatic cancer
• Gall stones
• Excema
• Skin cancer
• Kidney stones
• Nephritis
• Bladder stones
• Bladder cancer
• Leukemia
• Anemia
• Hypertension
• Atherosclerosis/Arteriosclerosis
• Aneurysm
• Hodgkin's disease
• Meningitis
• Stroke
• Multiple sclerosis
• Parkinson’s
• Alzheimer’s
• Sinusitis
• Throat cancer
• Bronchitis
• Asthma
• Emphysema
• Lung cancer
• Influenza
• Goiter
• Addison’s disease
• Diabetes
• Hypoglycemia
• Cushing’s disease
• Lyme disease
• Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Mononucleosis