Project: Hannibal

The A-Team

Proposal for PPT # 28504850_1

For the Design of the

CU Balloon Experimental Satellite



Submitted: March 12, 2001

3:04 MST

Attn: Mr. Chris Koehler

(303) 492-4750

I.Mission Statement

In the year 2001 five students committed themselves to design, build, test, and fly their very own cubesat. They promptly set to work at an intense design session. From this session came the goals of what they hoped to accomplish. These goals were to collect data in the following forms; air pressure, pictures (digital of 35 mm), temperature, and a live spider. This data will be collected to study the effects of pressure vs. temperature at various altitudes on the spider and match images to this data. On April 21, 2000 7:00 AM in Windsor Colorado Hannibal will launch and execute these goals. If you want to make observations at high altitudes and don’t know who to call. Maybe you should call The A-Team.


Our team has chosen to observe the high altitude effects of temperature vs. pressure on a live subject (spider). We have implemented these goals using the various surveying equipment and materials. Our primary payload will be the data logger and live spider. These payloads will help us understand how creatures react to high altitudes and how they react along the temperature/pressure curve. Our secondary payload will be our imaging device. We will match the images to the data to create a visual reference to each point.

The main impetus behind these observations is to understand the atmosphere at the edge of space (100,000ft.). Our payload with travel to 100,000 ft. with the help of a balloon provided by the Edge of Space Sciences.

  1. Technical Specifications

Hannibal consists of 4 major systems. Our first system is the frame which will carry and protect our payload. This will consist of ¼ inch aluminum that will form the skeleton of our frame. The outer walls will consist of Owens Corning fiberglass aluminum ducting. Our second system will consist of a HOBO Data Logger, a 3x3 cm plexiglass cube that will encase our spider, and a camera (either digital or 35mm). Our third system will contain the temperature and pressure sensor that report to the HOBO Data Logger. Our last system will be the essential power and timing circuitry. This circuit will be attached to the altimeter inside the HOBO Data Logger. This altimeter will server as the trigger for each of our devices.

Hannibal Components

HOBO Data Logger temp/press/altimeter

Aluminum Sheeting

1 camera (digital/35mm)

Power/Timing Circuit (Battery)

Fiberglass casing

Plexiglass casing

Temp/Press sensors

2 Teflon grommets


1)Construct frame from aluminum sheeting to specs (100 cm2 each side)

2)Drill holes centered in top and bottom and attach grommets

3)Secure sensors internal/external

4)Secure HOBO Data Logger and hookup to sensor equipment

5)Secure camera and use mirrors to split frame to capture atmosphere and spider in same frame

6)Secure plexiglass cube with spider and position with mirrors

7)Mount timing circuit and power source.

8)Affix external insulation/aluminum walls and seal payload.


Shock Testing:

This test will be implemented by rolling our finished Hannibal down 2 flights of stairs with all equipment in operation. We will require four people to run this test. One person will be positioned at the top of the stairs, one will be positioned at the bottom of the stairs, one will handle ejecting Hannibal, and the fourth will be our safety person making sure that not one gets in Hannibal’s way on the voyage down. After execution we will examine the following payloads; HOBO Data Logger, power/timing circuit, and the camera. If the data logger/sensors survive will will accomplish our main goal of recording the atmosphere. If this crucial systems do not survive our mission will fail, and we will rebuild until the minimal system elements survive.

Temperature Testing:

We will need the following equipment to test how if our systems run at extreme temperatures; A cooler, dry ice, soda. We will spend about thirty minutes watch our favorite show “The A-Team”. When the dry ice is mixed with water it will create an extremely cold environment. When this environment is attained we will put Hannibal in the cooler and start our show. We will check Hannibal halfway through and drink our soda. Then at the end of the full thirty minutes we will check Hannibal for operation. As in our previous test we will use the same criteria. If minimal systems are still functioning we will consider the test a minimal success. If all systems are working then we will consider this test a success.


Launch Day operations-- Saturday April 21, Hannibal will arrive at the Windsor Colorado Launch Site no later then 5:30 am. Members of “The A-Team” shall arrive at the Windsor Colorado Launch site no later than 6 am. All members will begin setting up Hannibal at 6:15 am. Hannibal will undergo a diagnosis upon reaching the launch site. This diagnosis shall entail, but not be limited to:

  • An inspection of the frame for cracks, dings, dents, soft spots, or any other mark or mar that might cause it to fail during the ascent.
  • A function test of the HOBO data logger. (Internal Software)
  • Check the camera for damage, monitor and note camera power levels.
  • Check timing circuit for functionality (Might require multi-meter)
  • Check timing circuit power supply. Replace power supply if needed.
  • Check insulation for damage.
  • Check to make sure spider is alive and well

After performing a pre-flight inspection, the craft shall be assembled and inspected once more. The next step is mounting Hannibal onto the EOSS balloon line. Mounting Hannibal is a two-step process. First The A-Team threads the line through the grommets in Hannibal, then they tie a knot into the line creating a knot of greater diameter than the grommet. The last task performed at the launch site is holding Hannibal off the ground during balloon release.

After balloon release, all members of The A-Team are released from further mandatory activities that day.


Safety is a primary concern of The A-Team. In order to fully maintain a high safety standard, The A-Team shall undertake the following precautions:

  • Machining work will be done by qualified group members.
  • All operations shall be planned and analyzed in advance to any undertaking of action.
  • All actions pertaining to Hannibal will be performed in groups of no less than two people.
IV.Management and Cost Analysis

The A-Team has determined that time will be a large concern in this effort. The largest time concern will arise if Hannibal should fail a test. In order to give the greatest amount of time to correct planning and construction, testing is late in the schedule. A smaller concern deals with shipping issues. If any part is placed on backorder, the chances that Hannibal achieves its mission with a full science payload are bleak. To prevent these two time issues, The A-Team shall begin ordering and construction as soon as our presentation is given.


Task / Completion Date
Team presentation
/ March 12, 2001
Have Equipment Purchased/Donated
/ March 15, 2001
Complete aluminum skeleton / March 20, 2001
Finish camera timing circuit / March 21, 2001
Integrate components / March 22, 2001
Complete testing phase 1 / March 23, 2001
MRR / March 23, 2001
Modify structure/components / April 15, 2001
Complete Testing phase 2 / April 20, 2001
Launch / April 21, 2001 @ 7:00 AM MST

Team Member roles:

Name / Function / Email
Genny Dice / Testing /
Shannon Atencio / Management /
Peter Isakander / Procurements /
Fligg/Gadda / Structural design/SolidWorks /
Dong Bo / Testing /
Fligg/Gadda/Bo / Circuitry/Assembly /
J.R. / Assembly /

Budget Issues:

Our main issue with Hannibal is going to be the cost of the camera equipment. Depending on whether we go digital or analog with make a huge difference. If we go digital our weight decreases tremendously, but our costs go up. If we go analog our weight increases but our costs go down. We are talking with Brian Egas of the imaging division of Space Grant to see if he can donate a camera for our unit. We are also asking Ren Su to use some of the money from the Engineering Excellence fund to donate towards our research. Secondly, the HOBO Data Logger with be the other primary cost. Our materials for the structure and frame will be donated by L&L Insulation and Supply Company.


Money Budget
Mass Budget
Limitations / $300 / 500g
Construction Materials
Aluminum casing / Donation / 90g
Welding, fastening supplies / Donation / 20g
Bushings for rope attachment / Donation / 20g
Miscellaneous - duct tape etc… / $20.00 / 100g
HOBO Data Logger / $75.99 / 28.35g
Shipping and Handling / $7.00 / 0
Board for timing / $10.00 / 50g
Wiring / $5.00 / 10g
Power Source / $2.00 / 10g
Miscellaneous / $100.00
$150.00 / 100g


Shannon Atencio

Dong Bo

Genny Dice

Ryan Fligg

Matt Gadda

Peter Isakander