Reproductive Medicine Subspecialists
Applicant : ______
Period Covered: ______to ______
Published by:
Reproductive Medicine Subspecialty Board
The Hong KongCollege of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Room 805, Hong KongAcademy of MedicineJockeyClubBuilding
99 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2871 8700
Fax: (852) 2896 4902
The Hong KongCollege of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
is a ConstituentCollege of
Hong KongAcademy of Medicine
Guidelines for Re-certification of
Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, HKCOG
A reproductive medicine subspecialist who satisfies the audit activities and the continuous medical education requirements may apply to the Board for re-certification. There will be 2 submissions of audit and CME/CPD activities, the first one soon after the first 3 years and the second one 6 months before completion of the 6-year cycle.Each submission should include:-
- the total number of clinical workload in the 3-year or 2½ year period as appropriate
- detailed logged work in any self-selected consecutive 6 month period
- CME/CPD activities in the 3-year or 2½ year period as appropriate
1)A statistical summary of the patients managed over the past 3-year (or 2½ year period as appropriate)should be provided in RM-I. This included :-
- The total number of patients with reproductive endocrine disorders or subfertility managed by youduring the audit period.
- The total number of reproductive treatment procedures performed by you as principal physician or as supervising physician during the audit period.
2)Logging of 6 continuous months of ‘reproductive treatment procedures’ performed by you over the past 3-year (or 2½ year period as appropriate)should be provided in RM-II. The information on operative procedures (including reproductive surgery, oocyte retrieval, embryo transfer, gamete/zygote tubal transfer) must be certified by the unit head or hospital superintendent/hospital chief executive.Each case or procedure should be submitted only by one applicant whose name is among the list of operators in the operation record. If there are more than one operator in the list of operators, the operators should resolve among themselves which operator can submit the case.
3)An annual minimum of 100 cases of reproductive endocrine disorders or infertility, and 20 treatment cycles of IVF and/or GIFT/ZIFT is expected to be managed by a reproductive medicine subspecialist.
1)CME/CPD activities related to reproductive medicine –
(a) research
(b) teaching
(c) attending conferences related to reproductive medicine
2)A minimum of 90 CME/CPD points including at least 60 reproductive medicine CME/CPD points is required in every 3-year cycle. The method of calculating CME/CPD points is similar to the current CME/CPD system for general O&G. Information on CME/CPD activities over the preceding 3 yearsor 2½ year period as appropriate should be provided in RM-III. The College reserves the right to accept or reject the subspecialty CME/CPD points claimed.
Please note: / 1 / Regulations governing the re-certification are located in the Subspecialty Training and Development Documents in Reproductive Medicine issued by the College.2 / The Subspecialty Board reserves the right to ask for additional/detailed evidence in support of the claims by the applicants.
Please contact Reproductive Medicine Subspecialty Board if your have any queries.
Re-certification of RM Subspecialists
March 2008
Application for Re-certification of
Reproductive Medicine Subspecialist, HKCOG
I would like to apply for re-certification of subspecialist in reproductive medicine.
(For the period from ______to ______)
I /Personal data
Name (surname first)HKID/Passport No.
Sex / Date of birth
Correspondence address
Phone / Fax / E-mail
II /
Medical education and training
Medical school / Basic degree / YearMember of HKCOG / Year
Qualifications: / MRCOG Year / FHKAM(O&G) Year
III / Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine (HKCOG) since: / (MM/YY)
IV / Type of practice: HA / University / Private (delete as appropriate)
- Total number of patients with reproductive endocrine disorders or subfertility managed by you over the *past 3 or 2½ years
Reproductive endocrine disorders ______
Subfertility ______
Others (specify)______
- Total number of the following ‘reproductive treatment procedures’ performed by you over the *past 3 or 2½ years
aReproductive hormone therapies______
b Reproductive surgeries______
Superovulation for IUI/IVF/GIFT______
(inclusive of ovarian monitoring)
Intrauterine insemination______
Oocyte retrieval______
Embryo transfer______
Gamete /embryotubal transfer______
Others (specify)______
* Circle as appropriate
aReproductive hormone therapies include bromocriptine or other drugs for hyperprolactinaemia; clomiphene, metformin or other oral drugs for induction of ovulation; hormonal treatment for endometriosis; hormonal treatment for polycystic ovarian disease; hormonal replacement therapy and other pre-recognized hormonal therapies.
b Reproductive Surgical Procedures include therapeutic surgery for pelvic endometriosis; adhesiolysis; ovarian drilling; tubal recannulation; salpingostomy /salpingectomy for hydrosalpinx; tubal reconstructive surgery; operative hysteroscopy; myomectomy and other pre-recognized therapeutic reproductive surgical procedures.
Name of Applicant / Signature of ApplicantDate:
Application for Re-certification of
Reproductive Medicine Subspecialist, HKCOG
Logging of 6 continuous months of ‘reproductive treatment procedures’ performed during the audit period(please refer to section VI of RM-I for the different categories of reproductive treatment procedures)
Period of detailed logged work: from____/___/____ to _____/____/____
Date / Hosp. No / * ID No / Diagnosis / Treatment / Outcome (if any)* Includecharacter and first 5 digitsof ID. No. only
Name & Signature:Name and Signature of Applicant / Certification Unit Head/Hospital administrator
Date: / Page ____ of RM-II
Summary of CME/CPD activities in the *past 3 or 2½ years
(based on CME/CPD programme approved by the HKCOG)
Period of time: from____/___/____ to _____/____/____
* Circle as appropriate
Activities / #Total CME/CPD points(including General and Reproductive Medicine CME/CPD points / #Reproductive Medicine CME/CPD points
Passive Participation at FCAA (formal college approved activities)
Non O&G related activities (including passive participation in meetings and self studies)
Self-Study (passive)
Self-Study (non-passive)
Active Participation in FCAA
Development of New Technologies or Services
Development of Undergraduate Teaching materials
College Examination
Quality Assurance and Medical Audits
Mortality & Morbidity Meeting
Postgraduate Courses
Development of CME/CPD Materials
Activities for Improvement of Patient Cares
Grand Rounds in Training Units
Others (Please specify):
# You may be required to provide proof of the CME/CPD points claimed
Name of Applicant / Signature of ApplicantDate: / Page ____ of RM-III
Re-certification of RM Subspecialists
March 2008