ProgramTool Kit
Table of Contents
Introduction to The ProgramMission Statement / 3
The Hippocrates Circle Story / 4
Goals & Objectives / 5
HCP Medical Center Contacts / 6
Getting the Program Started / 7
Developing Your Team / 8
Roles & Responsibilities / 8
Regional Support / 10
Implementation Guidelines and Timeline / 11
Student Selection Process / 12
Program Events Overview / 13
Implementation Timeframe / 14
Event Coordination: Roles & Responsibilities / 15
Funding & Distribution Process / 17
How the Program is Funded / 18
Distribution Process / 18
One Card and Budget Guidelines / 19
Sample Budget / 20
Surveys & Evaluations / 21
Distribution & Evaluations / 22
Student Pre/Post-Survey / 23-26
Student, Physician, and Site Surveys / 27-32
Sample Documents / 34
Event Agendas / 35-39
Letter to Superintendent / 40
Letter to Principal / 41
Letter to Students / 42
Letter to Parents / 43
Application Documents / 44
Student Application / 45
Release Agreement / 46
The Hippocrates Circle Program
Mission Statement
The mission of the Hippocrates Circle Program is to provide youth from under-represented communities and diverse backgrounds with awareness that a career as a physician is possible. Through the collaborative efforts of the local school districts, Medical schools, and the physicians from the Southern California Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Permanente sponsorship, the Hippocrates Circle Program will strive to strengthen the self-esteem of young people and empower them to pursue their goal to become a physician. The selected individuals enrolled in the Hippocrates Circle will have several opportunities in their fellowship to interact with practicing physicians.
The Hippocrates Circle Story:
How It All Began…..
Hippocrates Circle is a Southern California Kaiser Permanente program designed to motivate under-represented students towards careers as physicians. This community outreach was founded in 2000 at the San Diego Medical Center by Dr. Ricardo Sistos (Family Practitioner at Kaiser’s Rancho Bernardo Medical Facility), Maria E. Torres and Laarni A. Fontillas (Sales and Account Management, Labor and Trust Funds).
The program includesfive interactive venues between students and physicians. The first venue is an opportunity for students and physicians to share personal experiences and discuss challenges to achieving a successful medical career. During the second event, students tour Kaiser Permanente medical facilities and experience a day in the life of a physician. The third venue is a tour of a medical school campus. Students meet medical students, as well as members of the admissions committee, to address questions about medical school. The fourth venue is the financial aid presentation which provides resources and tools for parents and students on the financial needs of attending college. The program concludes with a graduation ceremony for the students and their families,celebrating their participation in HCP and reaffirming their goal to pursue a career as a physician.
Today, Kaiser Permanente’s Southern California Region has identified this program as a significant community benefit that should extend throughout all of the medical centers in the region. The Hippocrates Circle Program is active in all fourteen locations. Since the program’s inception, HCP has assisted over 4,700 students, throughout Southern California, with over 350 physicians and administrators participating in the program. Our goal is to eventually have the Hippocrates Circle Program adopted as a national program in other Kaiser Permanente regions.
Goals & Objectives of the Hippocrates Circle Program (HCP)
To increase the diversity in the physician population by instilling self-esteem andproviding the tools necessary for young diverse middle school students (7th and 8th graders) to achieve a higher education in medicine. Furthermore, we would like to strengthen our linkages with the community to support broader community educational efforts encouraging diverse population to pursue a higher education in medicine.
- Mentor & Guide - To empower diverse middle school students to believe that they can become physicians.
- Educate - To increase middle school students understanding of various roles physicians play in the health field.
- Facilitate Experience - To create opportunities for diverse middle school students to spend time with diverse physicians while on the job.
HCPSchool and Student Criteria
- HCP Criteria for Students: Students in 7th or 8th grade that come from under-represented communities and have an interest in becoming a physician.
- HCP Criteria for Schools: Public middle schools which are socio-economicallydisadvantaged.
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HCP Medical Center Contacts
Medical Center / Physician Champion / Administrative Champion / Other Key ContactsAntelope Valley / Pollyann W. Gowrie-Knox, MD
David E. Bronstein, MD / Courtney Hines
Baldwin Park / Maria R. Carrasco, MD / Laura Del La Torre
Downey / Milagro D. Ramos, MD / Mario Aparicio
Fontana / Douglas K. Mack, MD / Aldina Washington
Kern County / Michelle S. Quiogue, MD / Margie A. Gonzales / Kristin N. Weirather
Los Angeles / Claire Fuller, MD
Julie Fuller, MD
Robin Schanlon, MD / Gloria E. Garcia
Orange County / Laura M. Chaverri, MD / Martha A. Bieser
Oxnard / Beverly V. Torres, MD / Charlotte D. Johnson / Mary X. Jarvis
Stephanie X. Gonzalez
Panorama City / Maria Castellanos, MD / Lisa X. Cano
Christina Fam / Mary Ann J. Wieland
Sue B. Yaller
Riverside / Sandra W. Paniagua, MD / LaTyce N. Moyo / Mary O’Campo
San Diego / David C. Parra, MD / Connie Zaragoza
South Bay / Cheryl L. Browne, MD
Lisa M. Montes, MD / Barbara J. Kennedy
West Los Angeles / Madalynne Wilkes-Grundy, MD / Mesia M. Polar / Tracey L. Brown
Woodland Hills / Patricia De La Riva, MD
LaTonya White, MD / Rocio Galdamez
Katrina Bakkedahl
Regional HCP: Anna Khachikyan626-405-6536/tie line 8-335-6536
Public Affairs/Regional Community Relations: 626-405-5523/tie line 8-335-5523
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Getting the Program Started
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Successfully implementing and running an HCP program at your facility will require the efforts of several people. Before beginning the program it is important to receive:
- Medical Director approval for HCP Physician Champions
- MCAAT approval to identify an HCP On-Site Program Coordinator
- Signed Letter of Support from the Area Medical Director and CRC Physician Champion
- Conceptual adherence to program guidelines regarding targeted student population and schools
Once these criteria are met and you have submitted the HCP agreement to the Regional Program Lead, developing your program should begin. In the initial stages of the program team members should expect to spend at least four hours a month on organizing and establishing the program.
Developing Your Team
Each HCP Program should have a local HCP coordination team that is able to support administration of the program each year. This team works together to arrange meetings with the school superintendent and principal, schedule student events, mentor students, ensure survey submission and maintain the budget.
Each HCP team should consist of:
- Physician Champion
- Administrative Champion
- Physician Mentors
- Public Affairs/Sales & Marketing contact
- On-site Program Coordinator
Roles and Responsibilities
Local HCP Physician Champion:
- Collaborate with the Regional Physician Program Lead to ensure a consistent regional Hippocrates Circle Program and contribute to regional policy development.
- Share benefits of the Hippocrates Circle Program with colleagues.
- Recruit committed physicians to volunteer as physician mentors.
- Communicate with local leaders to establish on-going local support and resources for the Hippocrates Circle Program.
- Assist with Local HCP Administrative Champion and Sales and Marketing staff to identify potential contacts in local school districts.
- Assist with Local HCP Administrative Champion and Sales and Marketing staff to identify potential school partners.
- Prior to the first meeting with the students, educate physician mentors on the program goals and objectives
- Ensure that the appropriate resources and materials are provided for each physician.
- Communicate the agenda and content of each event to physicians.
Local HCP Administrative Champion/Coordinator:
- Provide support to the Local HCP Physician Champion.
- Ensure physicians are prepared for the events with background information, and other appropriate resources.
- Identify, select and communicate with schools in the medical center area. Logistically, it may be more manageable to select students from only one school (e.g., transportation, meeting location, etc.)
- Confirm student participation from school district.
- Manage program schedule and events.
- Coordinate efforts with Hippocrates Circle Partners at School districts, Medical Centers, and Medical Schools.
- Coordinate with schools to provide chaperones for all events.
- Work with Public Affairs to coordinate Media Relations for HCP program and events.
- Administer and distribute surveys to students and physicians as scheduled.
Physician Mentors:
- Attend the five Hippocrates Circle Events and Physician Orientation.
- Provide guidance for Hippocrates Circle Students.
- Serve as a role model for the students.
- Provide feedback through pre/post HCP surveys to help continue to improve the HCP program.
Sales and Marketing Staff / Public Affairs:
- Help support local HCP Program with meeting with School Superintendent & Principal
- Identify potential contacts in local school districts.
- Identify potential school partners.
- Submit local HCP stories to community newspapers, journals, and television networks.
Your Regional Support Team
Should you have any questions with program implementation and/or administration, a regional support team has been put into place to assist you.
- Provide leadership and oversight to the implementation teams during all phases of the program.
- Provide assistance and support in removing barriers to implementation.
- Ensure HCP successes, metrics, best practices and challenges are communicated and transferred throughout the region.
- Communicate with Executive Sponsors and Senior Leadership to ensure appropriate resources (time, money, etc.) are allocated to the successful implementation of the program.
HCP Project Manager
Anna Khachikyan
Regional Administration/Culturally Responsive Care
- Provide support to the local HCP Champions to adopt the Hippocrates Circle Program in accordance with the approved guidelines.
- Set strategic direction of program
- Develop project plans
- Develop database for tracking students in program
- Track roster of participating students on yearly basis
- Monitor the progress of student selection and the event schedule at each site.
- Collect surveys from HCP physicians and middle school students the local HCP Sites and report findings to Regional HCP Implementation Team.
- Process Surveys
- Serve as liaison with Medical Centers and Medical School
- Review and process invoices along with managing budget for each site
- Manage Supplies
- Manage WebsiteFacebook
- Organize annual HCP Orientation
- Prepare annual report to Community Benefit.
HCP Program Administrator
Lakiesha Tidwell
Regional Administration/Culturally Responsive Care
- Marketing & Administration of program
- Prepare annual regional report
- Give recommendations of modification to guidelines to Regional HCP Program leads for approval. Approval is required, for any changes to occur at the local medical center.
Physician Program Leads
Maria Carrasco, MD
Ricardo Sistos, MD
Implementation Guidelines
and Timeline
Student Selection Process
Once your MedicalCenter has been approved to sponsor a HCP program and your team has been developed, the student selection process should begin as soon as possible. The following diagram should help to ensure your program gets off to a strong start.
Identify local school districtIdentify targeted school(s) based on HCP criteria / → / HCP Criteria for Schools – Public middle schools that have a significant portion of students from under represented communities.
Meet with School Personnel / → / Introduce the HCP Program and determine if the school is willing to partner. The first point of contact should be the School District Superintendent. Then, meet with the Principal of the targeted school.
Identify potential students based on program criteria / → / The teachers in the school will be identifying the students:
Distribution application packets to identified students / → / HCP Criteria for Students: Students ranging from 7th – 8th grade that come from under represented communities and have an interest in becoming a physician.
Collect completed application packets / → / The HCP On-Site Coordinator will provide the school personnel with application packets and instructions for completing the applications. The teachers (or other identified school personnel) will distribute the application materials to the identified students.
Identify potential students based on program criteria / → / The teachers in the school will be identifying the students:
Review applications & select students based on HCP criteria / → / The HCP On-Site Coordinator and local HCP Physician Champion will select student for the program based on the HCP criteria for students (specified above).
Identify potential students based on program criteria / → / The teachers in the school will be identifying the students:
Identify potential students based on program criteria / → / The teachers in the school will be identifying the students:
Mail acceptance letters & program agenda to the students & parents
Role of the On-Site HCP Coordinator – the people that may be involved in the process include the local HCP Physician Champion, local Sales & Marketing staff & LAUNCH Outreach coordinator.
Role of the School Personnel – the Site HCP Coordinator will help coordinate these efforts
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Hippocrates Circle Program Events Overview
The Hippocrates Circle Program consists of the following four events:
- Physician Presentation to Students and Parents: Physicians introduce themselves to the students and parents and share stories of becoming a physician. In addition, the students and parents are introduced to the mission and goals of the program.
- Tour of a KaiserPermanenteMedicalCenter: The students visit a KP Medical Center and gain insight into a day in the life of a physician.
- Tour of a LocalMedicalSchool: The students visit a local MedicalSchool and learn about the duties of a medical student.
- Financial Aid Planning for Parents: Parents receive information from a local College or MedicalSchool representative on options available to finance higher education.
- Graduation Ceremony: Celebration of the students’ completion of the Hippocrates Circle Program. Students reaffirm their educational goals in front of their parents.
The HCP team should began coordinating a meeting with the school Superintendent and Principal as soon as possible in order to put each of these events on the academic calendar, arrange transportation where applicable, and secure event locations.
Recommended Timeline for Event Planning
EVENT SCHEDULE / April / May / June / July / Aug. / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec.1st Event: Physician Orientation
2nd Event: Tour of KP
3rd Event: Tour of Medical School
4th Event: Financial Aid Planning
5th Event: Graduation
Planning Period
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Implementation Time Frame
The Hippocrates Circle Program begins with the Student Selection Process. Below is a suggested time line with the various components and steps. Following the student selection process is a time line for the planning of each of the four events.
Recommended Timeline for Student Selection Process
Student Selection Process / Recommended PersonAccountable / Timeline
Internal / External
Identify Schools in MedicalCenter Area using the HCPSchool & Student Criteria:
“Public Middle Schools that are socio-economically disadvantaged.” / Local HCP Physician & Administrative Champions, Sales & Marketing / Apr / Ma / Jun / Jul / Au / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
Identify Targeted School & Contact Appropriate School Personnel
- ContactSchool District Superintendent
- Select appropriate schools based on regionally established criteria
- Meet with Principal of selected school to communicate the goals of HCP
- Identify potential students based on regionally established criteria
SchoolPrincipalSchool Teachers /
Confirm the Students Participating in HCP
- Collaborate with teachers to identify students with interest in science
- Distribute application documents to students
- Collect applications from school
- Review applications & select students
- Mail acceptance letters and program agendato students & parents
School Teachers /
Event Coordination: Roles & Responsibilities
Events / Related Tasks / Person AccountableEvent One:
Physicians Meet with Students & Parents / Introduce themselves to the students and parents and share stories of becoming a physician. In addition, the students and parents are introduced to the mission and goals of the program.
- Work with physicians to coordinate schedules to attend on-site visit to school
- Work with physicians to ensure they are prepared with appropriate background information and resources to meet the goals of the program
- Work with the school district to secure auditorium, provide transportation (if needed), and refreshments
- Provide written materials on program goals to parents
- Obtain nametags and student giveaways
- Distribute and collect evaluation surveys
Administrative Champions
Event Two:
MedicalCenter Tour / The students visit a KP Medical Center and gain insight into a day in the life of a physician.
- Work with the school district to provide transportation to and from Medical Center
- Coordinate with appropriate physician and department administrators on agenda for site visit
- Provide refreshments/nametags/student giveaways
- Distribute and collect evaluation surveys
Event Three:
MedicalSchool Visit / The students visit a local medical school and learn about the duties of a medical student.
- Work with the school district to provide transportation to and from the medical school.
- Work with medical school to provide lunch for students
- Set agenda with medical school coordinating partner
- Provide student giveaways
- Distribute and collect evaluation surveys
Event Four:
Financial Planning / The parents and students are presented with an overview of what is needed to prepare for college and what financial resources are available.
- Work with speakers to coordinate schedules to attend on-site visit
- Work with speakers to ensure they are prepared with appropriate background information and resources.
- Work with the school district to secure auditorium, provide transportation (if needed), and refreshments
- Provide written materials on financial resources
- Get undergraduate application and financial aid information
- Distribute and collect evaluation surveys
Event Five:
Graduation Ceremony / Celebration of the students’ completion of the Hippocrates Circle
- Locate and confirm auditorium
- Send invitations to students and families
- Provide dinner for physicians, students, and families
- Coordinate video and photography
- Provide decorations
- Provide certifications and folders for graduation ceremony
- Coordinate with technical support
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