
Mission Statement

The Hillcrest Elementary School Community works as a team to:

● Build academic and technological skills

● Develop social skills and good citizenship

● Create a positive school culture

● Promote staff development and parent education

So, all of our children will work toward their maximum potential

Class Vision

Parallel with the Hillcrest Elementary mission for students to thrive to their maximum potential we share a commitment towards collaboration and self-efficacy for all learners. We are a community of learners who are encouraged to think critically and to partake in dialogue, ask questions and provide evidence for understanding through various modalities. Students are mentored to make connections through interdisciplinary learning and to transfer their findings to others.

Course Topics


Setting and Plot


Theme Forms of Fiction

Informational text

Biography and Autobiography




Language and Grammar

Daily lessons are formulated in the PQR4 method

P Preview

Q Question

R Recite four facts


Multi step equations +,-,x,/

Operations with rational numbers

Comparing numbers




Algebraic expressions

Ratios and proportions


California History

Native Americans

Spanish colonization


Gold Rush

California Republic

Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo



13 colonies

States and capitals


American Revolution

Ancient Civilization


Introduction to earth science



Plate tectonics

Water and Weathering

Natural Resources

Natural Hazards



Code to the Future

Computer sciences


Nightly Reading logs 30 minutes Mon-Th

Mon- Vocab word/sentence/illustrate/math

Tuesday- cursive/math/study vocab

Wednesday-math/study vocab

Thursday-grammar/study vocab

Spelling tests are Friday and all homework is to be turned in on Friday

Monthly book reports are due the last Friday of the month (except December/January)

Forms will be provided and need to be written in complete sentences.

September Fairy Tale

October Mystery/Fall

November holiday/inspirational/ class holiday presentation

February love and friendship

March non fiction

April poetry, pick a poem to recite

May historical fiction

Project(s)- Students will create a total of 4 projects during the school year.

Project #1 Sciences- Please create a visual model of one of the following:

volcanoes,landslides,hurricanes,tornados,plate tectonics

Items must be labeled and students must explain the cause and effect of their topic of choice

Due October 6

Project#2 Math- project students can choose between ratio/proportion/fractions/ negative and positive integers

Student will create an interactive game board that teaches the concept of choice to peers.

Due January 31

Project#3 History- Students will report on a U.S historical monument of choice and create a visual model of the item in diorama form.

Due March 23

Project#4 Geography- label and color world map and identify one place other than the U.S and report on a current news event of this region.

Due May 4th