The Hertfordshire Centre Caravan & Motorhome Club

Minutes of Committee Meeting

Date / Tuesday 15th August 2017
Venue / The Civic Centre Welwyn
Time / 7:30 PM
Position / Attendees / Initials
Acting Chairman / Colin Brockwell / CB
Treasurer / Vanessa Cannon / VC
Secretary / Michael Keenan / MK
Rally Secretary / Sandie Evans / SE
Social Secretary / Jenny Vardon / JV
Attendance Officer / Jenny Vardon / JV
Rally Equipment Officer / Gordon Pearcy / GP
Audio Equipment Officer / Colin Brockwell / CB
Catering Officer / Billy Furlong / BF
Public Relations Officer / Colin Brockwell / CB
Minutes of The Previous Meeting
Position / Name / Initials / Signature
Proposer / Catering Officer / Billy Furlong / BF
Seconder / Treasurer / Vanessa Cannon / VC /


Matters Arising From Previous Minutes

Copy of Correspondence about the refundable Deposits

Hi Vanessa and Peter

I have been informed that you would like to have a topic / complaint discussed at the next meeting which is Wednesday 19th

It was decided at the last meeting that before we can discuss any topic / complaint that we have to receive it in writing / email

So before I can add this to the Agenda I have to receive the context in email or letter

Thanks and best regards

Michael Keenan

Hi Michael,

I don't have a complaint, but I think there is an issue around deposits paid for Rallies that may need Committee resolution.

The Whitby Rally Booking form was approved by committee and clearly states the deposit is non-refundable. We have had 2 cancellations from Herts members whose deposit Cheques have been paid in to the Centre's account. One member has requested a refund if possible the other has not. In my view, as the form and its terms were approved by committee only a committee decision can change that so on this occasion deposits remain non-refundable as that is what members signed up for.

However I think that we might want to have a re - think for the future. Many members, including ourselves have lost rally deposits and fees due to variety of reasons. I do think that non-refundable deposits are not really tenable unless monies have been expended by the centre in advance on behalf of individual ralliers and in which case they should pay for this if they cancel. But I do think it is very hard to justify, in an organisation such as ours, retaining a deposit when it has cost the Centre nothing at all. It is all the more galling for members when the cancellation is due to ill-heath or family type considerations.

In summary, I don't think we can change the rules for Whitby but we might want to for the future, and we need to be consistent.

Hope this is clear.


I have seen what you sent to Vanessa and you clearly laid the issues which have arisen and made the whole committee aware which we will discuss on Wednesday next

I know the government have had issues about this subject when the older generation have holidays booked and cannot go due to illness and the holiday supplier will not pay back the monies

I am checking with the club on their policy and will bring that to the table next week

See you soonMichael

Date 19.7.17

After long discussion on the subject that you have raised the committee have decided that they will not change the policy that is in place where Non Refundable deposits remain non Refundable

Hope this clarifies the issue that you have raised

Hi Michael,

Thanks for letting me know. I'd be interested to know the reasoning behind the decision that retaining a deposit paid in good faith when the Centre has incurred no cost is OK, but talk to me about it when we are at Whitby. I suppose we have just to be grateful that so far we have an extra £75 to spend at Whitby - money for nothing !!!???


Hi Peter Date 20.7.17

The Committee decided to take some time to come up with a sound policy that will work for all parties and at the moment that has not been achieved as it would appear that you are dammed if you do and certainly dammed if you don’t

As you rightly stated that you have experienced loss of deposits in the past and there are many more with similar experiences however we are concerned that say for instance that at New Year where deposits have been taken The weather turns against us and after investing money and time there is a large number of cancellations the Centre could face a large loss which we must protect against at all costs

So we are coming up with the correct wording to add to the special booking forms for the future which covers all parties

Trusting that the above meets with your approval

Michael Keenan

Hi Michael,

I'm not trying to prolong this but thanks for the additional explanation which I understandand I think is a very wise longer term approach.



SE Doreen and Brian page have been added to the subcommittee of the 60th next year Celebrations

The deposits will not be returned as stated on the booking form and will remain unchanged

Acting Chairman Report Colin Brockwell CB

The Fishing rally was Doreen and Brian Page first rally assisted by Diane and Colin

There were 15 vans which was a very good turnout

Competition was on the large lake fished for two hours had weigh in top weight 114 lbs which was my son Mark came first, Cliff Callow and Colin came second with 91 lbs and Brian Page was third with 88lbs and young Connor came 5th overall with 85 lbs he did very well and stayed there all day The Total weight for the fishing was 707 lb 2oz

Doreen gave the prizes out and Brian Page took the pictures

Doreen Page is put herself forward for committee next year

Treasurers Report Vanessa Cannon VC

The Centre Bank Account at the end of June was £15,702. The balance at the end of July

was £15,884.

There was a lot of income from payments for Whitby and Sywell rallies. But also the cheque

for Lytchett Manor was paid which was a large one so the balance was more or less the same

this month as last.

The Centre has received 600 pounds from the caravan club as a contribution to assist with the

change of logos.

Secretary’s Report Michael Keenan MK

Hi Martin

Date 20.7.17

I have been asked by our acting Chairman Colin Brockwell to confirm the costs of the Disco at the AGM I thought that you offered to do this for us free of charge but could not see any confirmation

About that

If you could confirm by return I would appreciate it

Thanks and Best Regards

Michael Keenan

Hi Michael.

Will I be able to use your equipment you have there for the AGM i will bring my light stand with me and my discs and no charge apart from free rally for us , please can you keep informed on approx numbers for disco as if numbers permit may see if can have a game or something just to make evening go well

Regards Martin

Hi Martin

I am told that the Audio equipment will be there and of course there will be a free rally for your teamNumbers I have no idea at present but will ask someone (Sandie ) to keep you informed we really thank you for this

All the bestMichael

Thanks Michael if you want me to control mics during AGM that will not be a problem

Regards Martin

That would be great


From:South Lytchett Manor [mailto:
Sent:21 July 2017 17:16
To:'Sandie Evans'
Subject:Rally & Guest interested in Joining your group

Hi there,

Just wanted to drop you a quick email to say how nice it was to have your group rally with us this year.From the feed back we had from your members, that all seemed to enjoy their stay.

We do currently still have some availability for rallies next year so if you are interested even if its for a shorter duration, please feel free to get in touch and we check and reserve your dates for you.

Finally I have been contacted by someone interested in joining your group, is it possible for you to contact them as I cannot give out your details.

Mrs Christine MartinThanks in advance for your assistance and we look forward to welcoming you back to South Lytchett Manor again.

Kind regards


Advertising the Committee Vacant positions

Vice Chairman

Attendance & Fellowship

Audio Equipment

Catering Equipment officer

Public Relations Officer

Sports officer

Saleable Equipment

Also The Following positions are available for election




Rally Secretary

Health and Safety

Social Secretary

Rally Equipment Officer

Rally book and content with so many changes is it worth printing should we try to use online booking for rallies? like Beds have implemented.

The stocktake sheet that I have drawn up is available in Dropbox and I was pleased to get the information from you just waiting for the Catering equipment and as we have to find a home for this as Billy stands down in October and we thank him for all the hard work he has contributed to the centre over the time he has been a committee member well done Billy


Rally Secretary Report Sandie Evans SE

Highfield Park, Feldon Lodge and Roding Hall

We have cancelled this due to lack of support

Graveley Fruit Farm, new Rally Officers did well

South Lytchett Manor – good reports Rally Officers work very hard

Fishing Rally – again new rally officers well done. Need to contact Peter Brown of Ken Brown Motors for sponsorship money.

Snails at Sandon from what I have heard a successful turnout and lots of fun, this venue has been requested for 2018 to be in the programme twice as the hall is good for evening socials.

Friar’s Court – Oxford.

Very peaceful relaxing few days by the river, members want this one again too.

Swiss Farm – Henley 30 families booked on to date, dates are wrong in the book it starts Friday 25th a rally up date has gone out to members.

The gazebos will be up for the evenings

Aston the Golf rally and HCIR need bookings.

Whitby holiday rally – is full

Piston & Props we have 46 bookings in to date, electrics have been arranged for delivery on Thursday morning.

Programme 2018

Still lots of rallies need Rally Officer

Any Other Business

Michelle Gilbert - Facebook admin

Notice for the Newsletter looking for members to stand on 2018 committee

AGM 2016 minutes

Close Meeting Date and Time

Acting Chairman Colin Brockwell Time 9:55