The Healthy Schools (Swindon) Audit
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions will also be available on the Swindon Healthy Schools website () and updated as more questions arise. Please do ask if there is anything that you are unsure about.
Q.When should I start the Audit?
A. You can start now, or whenever is convenient for you and your school.
Q. How often should it be done?
A. We recommend that every two years would be sufficient to maintain your Healthy School Status.
Q. What happens when the Audit is completed?
A.Once completed, the Audit will be sent to us and archived.
Q.How do I gain Healthy Schools Plus?
ABy identifying health needs in your school, taking a baseline, implementing an intervention and measuring the change that has occurred as a result you will be eligible to request Healthy Schools Plus Status. Please ask for support in the planning ofHealthy Schools Plus work.
Q.Do I need to complete the Audit?
A.As with Healthy Schools Status, completion of the Audit is voluntary.
Q.How do I register?
A.Complete the “new users’ section to register, you will not be able to view the Audit until you have registered.
Q.What if I notice problems with the Audit?
A.Please let us know if you encounter any problems, or have suggestions on how the Audit can be improved.
Q.Do I need to provide evidence for every point?
A.You can simply click in the box for each point. However, if you were to be audited evidence would be required. If evidence is stored on your IT system or even a paper system, simply make reference to this rather than type in lots of evidence. The aim is to make the process as quick and easy as possible for you. As all schools in Swindon already have Healthy Schools Status (other than those recently opened), everything should be very familiar to you.
Q. Will I get a new date plate to update my Healthy Schools plaque?
A. Yes, the plate on your plaque will be updated with the new date (which will be the date your completed Audit was submitted to us) and will be replaced to say "Committed to Health and Well-Being".
- A certificate will be issued to your school confirming that the Audit has beencompleted and that Healthy School Status has been extended for a further 2 years from the date of the completed Audit being sent to us.
Q. We completed the Annual Audit that was on the National Healthy Schools website and were sent a certificate stating that our Healthy Schools status is valid until 2013. What should we do now?
A.The schools who completed the Annual Audit before the national website closed in March 2011 have in effect already confirmed that they still meet Healthy Schools Status. In this case your Status is valid until the date on your certificate and you don't need to complete the new audit until the date on the certificate has expired.
Angela Milliken
Healthy Schools Programme Manager
South Locality Team
Children Services
Swindon Borough Council
Wat Tyler West – 3rd Floor
Beckhampton Street
Swindon SN1 2JH
Tel: 01793 464687 | Mob: 07919 548131 | Website: