The Haunting of Hill House Chapter 7
1. What happened to the wild daisy that Eleanor picked?
2. What does Eleanor wonder as she lies in the grass?
3. Why does Mrs. Montague bring Arthur with her?
4. What room does Mrs. Montague say is to be her room?
5. What is Luke’s response when Mrs. Montague suggests he go outside to help with the car?
6. According to Mrs. Montague, why may the spirits of the house be sad?
7. Why does Arthur have to drive back to the city?
8. What are some of Arthur’s personality traits?
9. What does Arthur have to do for a living?
10. What does Mrs. Montague plan to do in her room?
11. What is Planchet?
12. What did Planchet tell Mrs. Montague is the spirit haunting the house?
13. What is the name that Planchet gives Mrs. Montague?
14. According to Mrs. Montague, what happened to the nun in the house?
15. What does Mrs. Montague what Mr. Montague to do in the basement?
16. What does the voice that Mrs. Montague converses with say she wants
17. What is a blessing according to Mrs. Montague?
18. What does Mr. Montague say about his wife?
19. Why do Eleanor and Theo join Dr. Montague and Luke?
20. What happens in the house during the middle of the night?
The pounding had stopped, as though it had proved ineffectual______, and there was now a swift ______, movement up and down the hall, as of an animal pacing ______, back and forth with unbelievable impatience, watching first one door and then another, alert ______, for a movement inside, and threw as again the little babbling ______, murmur which Eleanor remembered; Am I doing it? She wondered quickly, is that me? And heard the tiny laughter beyond the door, mocking ______, her.