The High Sheriff of Gloucestershire’s Fund (“The Fund”)

Application Form


Name of Organisation:

Name of Person Applying:…………………………………………………………………

Position in Organisation:…………………………………………………………………..



Tel No:……………………………. Mobile:……………………………..

E-mail address:

Type of organisation: registered charity/constituted community groups/ public sector organisation/other. Please give details including registration number.

Please briefly describe the aims and activities and management structure of your organisation.

Max 200 words

How much money are you requesting The Fund to provide?



What will you use the grant for, and what do you expect the outcomes will be?

Max 200 words

How will the project be managed?

Name of person who will manage the project:

Position in your organisation

What is the total sum sought (from all sources)? £……………………

If a specific project, please enclose costings and detail timescales envisaged.

What other Trusts, if any, are you approaching? Where is the balance of the finance required coming from?

What age group will your project help?

What geographic area will you serve?

How many people will your project help?

Have you approached The Fund or GCF before? – please give details (including amounts awarded):


If not available, please explain why:

Finishing off your application

The High Sheriff of Gloucestershire’s Fund shall have no responsibility, and does not accept any liability, for the safety of those taking part in activities.
I understand that the decision to accept an application is entirely the responsibility of The Fund’s panel, and their decision is final.
Please tick the box to confirm that you will carry out risk assessment and ensure suitable insurance cover and relevant policies are in place.
Signature of person submitting the form
Print name
I confirm that I am authorised by the applicant organisation to submit this funding bid and that all information contained above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Senior Manager/Trustee ……………………………………………..
Print Name…………………….Position……………………..Date…………………

Please email your signed Application to Alice Meason at


Date of meeting:

Grant awarded:


The High Sheriff of Gloucestershire’s Fund (“The Fund”)

Guidance Notes for applicants

(These notes do not need to be returned with your Application)

The Fund aims to encourage groups, especially of young people, to be involved in challenging activities, which can be shown to serve a purpose in diverting and deterring them from anti-social behaviour and crime. The Fund offers young people up to the age of 21 a great chance to show how constructive they can be in their communities and what they can do to help themselves and others in their neighbourhood.

Following a major commitment of funds by the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2013, the Fund is able to support a wide range of initiatives, many of which are likely to be referred by the Police or by organisations with objectives in line with those of The Fund.

The programme will support activities organised for and by young people that aim to combat anti-social and criminal behaviour, promote healthy living, stimulate personal development and encourage inclusion. Specific projects are favoured for funding over general expenses.

Grants of up to £2,500 will be considered at four annual HSGF panel meetings to be held in March, June, September, and December.
Smaller grants of up to £400 will be fast-tracked and considered within two weeks of receipt.

Eligibility Criteria

HSGF aims to support activities for young people that

v  Divert young people away from crime

v  Help to raise the confidence and self esteem of young people,

v  Provide informal learning and development opportunities.

v  Improve the health and well being of young people

All applications must demonstrate how their proposed project will deliver one or more of the above.


·  Applications to The Fund may be submitted at any time before the published deadlines but will only be determined at one of four annual Panel meetings. Dates for these meetings are published on the GCF website.

·  Fast track applications may be made for funding less than £400. You will usually be given a decision within a fortnight.

·  Each application will be fully assessed by the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire and a Fund panel; if there are any queries you will be contacted and may be visited.

·  At the panel meeting, panel members receive a report and project summaries. For more complex appeals, full applications will be tabled for the Panel to discuss.

·  You will be advised of the outcome of your bid within a week of the Panel meeting and a Conditions of Grant Offer acceptance form will be forwarded for you to sign and return. This form will explain both general and any project-specific conditions that the Trustees are applying.

·  On receipt of the acceptance form, the funds will be released, together with a Monitoring Information Sheet and the first monitoring forms that you will need to complete after three months. The information sheet sets out the monitoring and evaluation requirements through the lifetime of your funded activity.

Assessment Criteria

An application will be screened for its basic eligibility in accordance with the aims of The Fund.

Successful applications will demonstrate the good management of your organisation. We would expect applicants to be able to provide the following documents:

o  A constitution or governing document, which includes the group’s aims and objectives, management and financial arrangements, and dissolution clause (what would happen if the group wound up).

o  Accounts from the last financial year, either audited or independently examined - depending on income level.

Successful applications will show that the bid is well planned and achievable, with clear benefits to the recipients.

Please email your signed Application to Alice Meason at


The High Sheriff of Gloucestershire’s Fund is managed by

Gloucestershire Community Foundation (GCF) Reg. Charity No: 900239