Madeline Brooks

Professor Beyer

November 10, 2009

The Hand of the Mysteries

Over the hundreds of years that Freemasonry has existed thousands of ceremonies and traditions have been conducted for many different areas in Freemasonry. Many of these ceremonies and traditions carry symbolic meanings and specific guidelines for being carefully executed. Masonic images also have symbolic meanings and every aspect of each image has a deeper meaning than that which is present on the surface. One of these secret ceremonies with a deep symbolic meaning behind it is The Hand of the Mysteries. The Hand of the Mysteries is one of the many ancient ceremonies performed by Masons that has been practiced for hundreds of years. In Dan Brown’s book, The Lost Symbol, he uses the concept of The Hand of the Mysteries to jump-start his story. In using The Hand of the Mysteries the villain in the story directly targets Robert Langdon and his vast knowledge of Freemasonry by using the hand of Langdon’s mentor as the parchment for The Hand of the Mysteries. Although the hand is only used briefly in the beginning of the novel, it plays a major role in setting the scene for the remainder of the book. The Hand of the Mysteries is a part of Freemasonry that is not very well known to the rest of the population and even some within the brotherhood; this makes it very difficult to interpret and is not easily noticeable to the general population. Since The Hand of the Mysteries is so covert this creates a more mysterious mood to the novel and created a greater challenge for Robert Langdon.

The Hand of the Mysteries is a secretive tradition among Masons and is commonly known as an invitation for the opportunity to learn secret knowledge. This invitation is not extended very often and is only subject to the select few who are thought to be ready for this guarded information. The Hand of the Mysteries is generally represented as a drawn or carved hand that has different drawings on each of the five fingers. Each of these illustrations symbolizes a different aspect of the invitation. The hand typically includes a crown, a key, a star, a lantern, and a sun. It is through deciphering these symbols that the divine power and regeneration are brought to the one who receives this honor. It is said that when one receives the Hand of the Mysteries it opens doors to enter the Temple of Wisdom (Gallery of Masonic Symbolism). This opportunity is an honor only for the elite and honorable. The decision to extend this special invitation can only be determined by the Master Masons, for it is their secret they will be sharing. This honor, the process of extending The Hand of the Mysteries, has been kept secret from the rest of the people for hundreds and hundreds of years, and there are still many aspects of this ceremony, that involve the choosing and giving of The Hand of the Mysteries, that still need to be discovered and have not yet been interpreted (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry). It is the result of the tight bond of the Masonic brotherhood and the oaths that they take that has kept ceremonies, such as the secrets of The Hand of the Mysteries, unknown to others for so long.

The Hand of the Mysteries is a ceremony so sacred that even some Freemasons are unaware of its existence. Only a select elite few are given the privilege of experiencing what it is like to receive The Hand of the Mysteries and understand its true value. Traditions such as those involved in The Hand of the Mysteries don’t occur very often and make the brotherhood of Freemasonry clandestine and create a true bond between each of the members of the brotherhood. Through thorough investigation and interpretation of The Hand of the Mysteries its purpose and hidden meaning become evident.

Each part of The Hand of the Mysteries holds a particular symbolic meaning that, when interpreted, reveals a deeper significance behind the hand. The hand itself occurs in many religious and secular groups around the world as a powerful symbol. Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam all use the hand as a prominent symbol in their religions. In Buddhism many hand gestures exist to represent many different states of being, from the symbol of balance to superior enlightenment (Buddhist Symbols). In Judaism there is the Hasma Hand, which is used as a protection against the evil eye (Yronwode). The Hand of the Mysteries is used by the Freemasons to instill knowledge and enrich life. The hand is always the right hand of a person, which is very important because the right hand symbolizes dominance and control as opposed to the left hand, which symbolizes more of a weakness and death. In general, the hand represents strength and power along with hospitality and stability. Hands are also known as an invitation, an invitation to get to know someone, an invitation to prayer and an invitation to loyalty. When looking at The Hand of the Mysteries, it is seen as an invitation to higher knowledge and divine power. Throughout Freemasonry the use of alchemy and ancient symbolism are also used constantly. When looking at the alchemical meanings behind some of these symbols it creates an even clearer picture of the deeper meaning that the Masons were considering. Through interpreting the alchemical meaning for a hand it sheds even more light on the reason why a hand was used for the canvas of The Hand of the Mysteries. The hand is seen as a sign of “power, domination, [and] protection…Hands are historically seen as points of transmission, meaning we give and receive from hands (energetically and physically)” (Symbol Meanings of the Tarot). It is clear that by simply interpreting the several symbolic meanings for the hand one can deduce what is intended by The Hand of the Mysteries.

On the pinky finger of the right hand is an ancient key. The pinky finger, also known as the little finger, is known for oaths and promises. When making a promise to another person it is common custom to intertwine pinky fingers to complete the oath. As stated previously the brotherhood of Freemasonry holds many secrets, promises and oaths that need be kept. In symbology an ancient key represents the power that a person has to open and close things. Going deeper, a key can also symbolize knowledge, mystery and initiation (Jaffe). All of this symbolism applies very appropriately to the use of The Hand of Mysteries. When taking a look at the symbolical meaning from alchemy keys are known to represent spiritual knowledge and wisdom. In addition they are symbols of knowledge and life by the ancient Greeks (Symbol Meanings of the Tarot). This interpretation of the key symbol makes The Hand of Mysteries more interesting. Upon receiving the hand, understanding that the key represents knowledge and initiation creates a clearer picture as to the purpose of receiving such an honor. By placing the key on the pinky finger it becomes apparent that higher secrets and oaths will be revealed to the recipient.

Placed on the ring finger is a lantern. A lantern is a source of light, something that will potentially lead a person when he could otherwise be lost. It is a form of guidance and salvage. Without the lantern one would be floundering, not knowing in what direction to go, left in the dark. A lantern is also known as a “vehicle for intelligence, truth, and illumination” (Symbol Meanings of the Tarot). This is a symbol clearly to show guidance and to create a path for the recipient of the hand. “Lamps also serve as a devotional symbol and embody the spirit of virtue, faith and vigilance…it is a symbol of clarity coming through and life revealing precious gifts to us” (Symbol Meanings of the Tarot). Through this interpretation one can see that by decoding The Hand of the Mysteries a new view on life will take place and clarity will overcome the recipient. This interpretation creates an even greater significance for the use of the lantern in The Hand of the Mysteries. Unlike the other symbols looked at so far, lanterns are not commonly found in a symbolic sense in other well-known Masonic ceremonies. This can be viewed in two ways; as more important in the interpretation of The Hand of the Mysteries because it is so uncommon, or as less important because it is less relevant to Freemasonry in general.

A sun is drawn on the middle finger. The sun is a very universal symbol and is used in many different contexts. One common interpretation of the sun is known as the absolute cosmic power, while the center of the sun is also known as knowledge, glory and intuition. It gives life to all and has total control over everything. The sun also more deeply represents fundamental intelligence and consciousness (Jaffe). “The blazing sun corresponds to ambition, courage, vitality, creative energies, and electric or masculine energy…On the personal level, the sun represents our deepest identity, the true self and inner authority, the source of our dignity and integrity” (Hauk 124). This is the alchemical interpretation of the sun, which covers all of the basic aspects as to why a person would be receiving The Hand of the Mysteries. Another aspect of the sun’s symbolism is known as at-one-ment. At-one-ment can be easily converted to atonement meaning to be at one or in harmony. Lastly it can become a symbol of reincarnation, meaning that one can die and then rise again (Jaffe). While this may not seem relevant, it is said that when one fully interprets The Hand of the Mysteries that he has risen from the dead. The symbol of the sun is used several times in Freemasonry. When reaching the 28th Degree a person is also known as “The Knight of the Sun” (28th Degree: Knight of The Sun). The sun is a frequently occurring symbol in Freemasonry and can be seen in almost any picture representation of the brotherhood. The Freemasons use this symbol of the sun as a constant reminder of the power and knowledge of the brotherhood.

A star is the image affixed to the pointer finger in The Hand of the Mysteries. This symbol depicts the hand as it simply represents divinity (Jaffe). When a star is seen one is in the presence of divinity, which is the case for a person who has received The Hand of the Mysteries. “Shedding light on our lives [and] offering us navigation…(Symbol Meanings of the Tarot)” is also another meaning of the star. In some cases the star is presented as a five-pointed star, while at other times it is seen as a six-pointed star. This star used on the hand is very common among Masonic items such as memorabilia and simple depictions. The star is even used to represent the female equivalent to the Freemasons, The Eastern Stars. It is used to represent each of the five or six points of fellowship in Freemasonry, which include: foot to foot, knee to knee, hand to hand, heart to heart, ear to ear and sometimes cheek to cheek. The reason that there is this discrepancy between the two stars is because some believe that there are five points of fellowship, while others believe there are six. However, a five-pointed star can also allude to the five senses and the five types of architecture, which are all very important in the symbolism and ceremonies of Masonry.

Lastly, resting upon the thumb of the hand is a crown. The crown evokes several immediate reactions: power, wealth, ruler, royalty and importance. While all of these things are correct, the crown is also a symbol of victory and success (Antique Crowns). The symbol of victory and success is the most relevant interpretation for someone who is decoding The Hand of the Mysteries. The Hand of the Mysteries, like a crown, is an honor to receive and because of this is a victory. The crown also has five main points, and like a star represents many different aspects of Freemasonry and the brotherhood.

There are cases in which a fish is drawn on the palm of the hand, and along with the fish comes the symbol of water as these two images are always associated with one another. While the fish represents “wisdom, faith, freedom, wholeness and purity” (Jaffe), the water represents the “depths of the unconscious” (Jaffe). It is understood why this symbol is only seen sometimes on The Hand of the Mysteries because it simply elaborates on all of the things covered by all of the symbols on each of the fingers. Another symbol, which is sometimes added to The Hand of the Mysteries, is two crescent moons. While often these moons are not actually on the hand itself, they are seen hanging just above and to the right of the hand. A moon is a representation of knowledge or a phase in one’s life. The moons can also be interpreted as the ability for one to be able to reflect (Jaffe). While not vital, the addition of these two moons creates an overwhelming assurance pertaining to the purpose of The Hand of the Mysteries. Another addition to the common image describing The Hand of the Mysteries is a frame of wings and eyes. The eyes in each of the four corners are known as the “all seeing eye”. This is a symbol seen throughout Masonic symbolism. It is seen in almost all Masonic images and is even on the United States dollar bill. The “all seeing eye” is known as a symbol of Supreme Being. “The open eye was selected as the symbol of watchfulness, and the eye of God as the symbol of Divine watchfulness and care of the universe” (The All Seeing Eye). While it is difficult to say exactly what the wings symbolize in this picture, wings in general are associated with angels. Since angels generally signify protection and guidance, it can be deduced that the wings in this state can also be viewed as wings of guidance.

Although it is not certain if the Masons created The Hand of the Mysteries, its duplicate is yet to be found in any other known religious or ethnic ceremony. It is obvious though that when The Hand of the Mysteries was created, thought was put into each and every picture and symbol. There are many other speculations about where exactly The Hand of the Mysteries comes from. It is said in Dan Brown’s latest novel, The Lost Symbol, that there is even a connection to The Hand of the Mysteries in Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting, The Last Supper. Brown asserts that The Hand of the Mysteries can be seen in Thomas’s pointed finger. Although many people are following in Dan Brown’s’ lead this relationship cannot be proven. Freemasonry did not exist when The Last Supper was painted, which makes it very difficult to claim that the two could possibly be related. In addition there are no markings or symbols on the hand suggesting that it could be anything except for Thomas pointing to the sky. Conspiracy theories such as, Da Vinci placing The Hand of the Mysteries in The Last Supper, are created around The Hand of the Mysteries because it has been kept as such a great secret from those not in the Masonic brotherhood and the creation of this story, which connects Da Vinci’s painting to Masonic symbolism, is a way for people to deal with a reality that they do not and cannot understand.

Upon receiving The Hand of the Mysteries the hand is found closed, in a fist shape, and the recipient must discover a way to open the hand and reveal the drawings in order for the mysteries inside to be known. This is symbolic of the Master Mason giving a final test to the recipient before giving him divine insight (The Secret Teachings of All Ages). This divine insight was not necessarily special intellectual gain, but more of a spiritual gain and a new found awareness of the self. The true advantage and honor of receiving The Hand of the Mysteries is not the secrets and special privileges one can then receive, but rather the new view on life and self-respect that one gains after going through this experience. It is said that once the recipient of The Hand of the Mysteries decodes the hand and truly understands its meaning and significance that he will then enter The Temple of Wisdom, along with the others that too have decoded The Hand of the Mysteries. The actual ceremony that one would go through once receiving The Hand of the Mysteries is still unknown to those who are not members of the Masonic Lodge, and even so only those of high authority in the Masonic Lodge would be familiar with such procedures. As a result of the high level of secrecy within the Masonic Lodge and its membership, not even those who leave the brotherhood to write of their ceremonies and secrets can report on The Hand of the Mysteries.

Works Consulted

28th Degree: Knight of The Sun. < Web.

Buddhist Symbols. < Web.

Day, Benjamin H. Richardson's monitor of free-masonry. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1890. Print.

Dictionary of Symbolism. <>. Web.