The Guilds’ Board of Directors’ Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting

September 24, 2015

Executive Committee Present: Sandy Bass, Karen Fullerton, Marjorie Gorum,Sandy Hovanesian, Carol Hunter, Jane King, Tony Shloss,Marilyn McCorkle

Executive Committee Absent: Susan Kinkade, Gail Daniels

Board of Directors Present: Eileen Cirillo, Louise Costa,Bonne Wheeler, B.J. Van Alstine,

Terry Thacker, Sharon Algeo, Michela Engle, Sandy Georgi, Carol Hunter, Mary Shebell,

Board of Directors Absent: Linda Bourne, Betty Batenburg

Area Guild Chairmen Present: Kay Fukanaga, Barbara Benson, Isabel Messinger, MillieRobbins, Carol Kirkwood

Area Guild Chairmen Absent: Marty Olds,Angela Friedman

Chapter Chairmen Present:Gail Berra, Marie Biba, Judy Kelley, Adele Sarkissian, Irene Iverson, Kaysene Miller, Judy Ross, Cathy O-Connell, Michela Engle, Marilyn McCorkle, Helen Timpe

Chapter Chairmen Absent: Mary Lou Buck, Margaret Ann Vincent, Kathey Busse, Joanne Gates, Beverly Stavro, Ilana Richmond, Angela Friedman, Barbara Gladden, Mary Philpot, Joan Williams, Leigh Ross

Center Liasons: Dianne Howe, Christine Flowers

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman of The Guilds Sandy Bass at 10:17 A.M. in the lobby of the Henry & Renée Segerstrom Concert Hall.

Co-Chairmen:SandyBass and Marjorie Gorum

Sandy welcomed all and the new Chapter Chairmen were introduced. Terry Dwyer, President of the Center, gave an update on the future plans for the Center.

Please complete the Guilds’ Survey (one per chapter). Please take the Red Book updates and add them to your books. Kay Fukanaga was the appointed Parliamentarian in Gail Daniel’s absence. Chapter Chairmen are encouraged to submit names for The Guilds’ Inspiration Award to be presented on April 1 at the All-Guilds Event. Marilyn McCorkle discussed the Wells Fargo Bank savings accounts that need to be closed.

Recording Secretary: Susan Kinkade

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of June 23, 2015. Motion carried.

First Vice-Chairman Membership: Carol Hunter

No report

Second Vice-Chairman Ways and Means: Sandy Hovanesian


DebussyFireworks in Laguna$1,530.00

DebussyReturn to Polo$ 750.00

DebussyEnd of Year$ 508.00

Flying DutchmanEnd of Year$1,724.17

Center StageBackyard BBQ $ 820.00

From the WingsIncome Adjustment $-150.00

Total $5,182.17

To date, total submitted to The Guilds $5,182.17

The following WM-1s were approval by the Executive Committee

Center StageBingo Night10/03/15

$ 900.00


Arturo ToscaniniTaste of Christmas12/03/15



DebussyHoliday Luncheon12/03/15

$ 500.00


Special Events Chairman:Marilyn McCorkle

Plans are well under way for our 2016 Guilds’ Annual Spring Celebration. The event will be on April 1 at the Island Hotel, Newport Beach. The floorplan is great with a separate entrance from valet for our guests.

We have selected a theme that we hope will be fun for everyone. We are currently working with the Center’s graphic design department to create an eye catching logo and a Center approved event name that can be used perpetually, thus eliminating several weeks of working on that each year. The event name will become “Celebrate Creativity” and each year a tag line would describe that year’s theme. This year we are having a beach theme and the tag line is “Catch Our Wave.” Example, if in a future year a 50’s theme is used, the tag line could be “At the Hop,” etc.

We are meeting with various décor companies and are in the process of signing a Beach Boy tribute band, Surf City All Stars. Save the date cards are in the design stages and we hope to have them in the mail early October.

It’s that time of year again to choose our Guilds’ Inspiration Award honoree. Sandy and Marjorie have the information sheets, and they will be handing them out at the board meeting and e-blasting them to chapter chairs.

I have sign-up sheets for your convenience. Get your name on the job of your choice early!!! You can also sign up someone from your chapter if you know their interests and/or job preference. Please do not be shy about chairing a committee. I know we can count on each of you. Our first committee meeting will be October 12 at 10:00 am. Location is to be determined.

We have uploaded our personal pages to the Carousel of Possible Dreams website and welcome and appreciate your donations. You will find links to the event website, The Guilds’ event webpage and the personal page address for each of our 5 team members. The addresses are in alpha order! Please share The Guilds’ webpage or the personal page of your choice with everyone in your contacts and post to your Facebook page.

Carousel of Possible Dreams Website

The Guilds’ Dream Catchers Website

Eileen Cirillo

Gail Daniels

Marjorie Gorum

Marilyn McCorkle

Christina Rice

Treasurer: Tony Shloss

See attached report.

Corresponding Secretary: Karen Fullerton

Lunch following the September 24 meeting will be at Maggiano’s.

The Guilds’ Holiday Luncheon will be held at Gullivers on Tuesday, November 17.

Public Relations: Jane King

No report.

Parliamentarian: Gail Daniels

1. Giving gifts to Marjorie and Sandy

2. Absences of mine at Guilds meetings in September and October. Marjorie and Sandy will need to appoint a temporary parliamentarian for those two meetings.

I will send in reports to be read.

3. Reminder of courtesy in emails, and to whom one responds: do not hit ‘reply all’ unless you really mean it.

4. I recommend to make time to hear Chapter chairmen give their oral reports. Perhaps to limit their reports to 2 minutes. We cannot identify leaders for board positions unless we get to know them by hearing them and listening to them.

5. Once the recording secretary has posted the minutes of a meeting, they cannot be changed until the next meeting. The minutes would be amended at the next meeting. Changing them before a regular scheduled meeting is not allowed. If a speaker has been changed for an event after the regular meeting is not cause to change the minutes, because the change was not in effect at the meeting when reported. Therefore, unless you detect a typo, no changes until the next meeting.

Center Liasons: Dianne Howe & Christine Flowers

Dianne thanked everyone and each chapter for all of their hard work last year raising needed funds and building membership. All of us at the Center are so appreciative and looking forward to an exciting new year of building membership, ambassadorship for the Centerand its artistic, educational and community programs.

Since Alex Jones was called away to two education events, the start of the workshops for thestudents enrolled in CSU Fullerton’s credential program, as well as an off-site workshop home of our schools, he provided Dianne with a short report on this past summer’s Summer at the Center program: We interviewed almost 100 students for the program and selected 43 to participate this summer (one of the largest casts we have ever had). Students came from a variety of sites around the county, including half from incarceration. They performed a wonderful show called “Let’s Go to the Movies” based on movie musicals. The students will return next month for a reunion to see Lion King (which they learned for their own show back in July). For some of them this will be their first time seeing live theater. One of the participants, Victoria, had this to say about her experience: “Summer at the Center taught me there is more to me than I thought there was. I learned that can fulfill my full potential and then some. I learned that if I have love, encouragement, passion, and dedication I can inspire others to break down their barriers and reach their potential too.”Group Services created a new program for The Guilds so that you can purchase tickets for any Guilds Night this year, rather than waiting for the monthly flyer. Dianne will send the flyers to Marjorie to blast to the board and chapter chairmen. Dianne asked the chairs to remind their chapter members that they must contact Group Sales-not the regular box office. It is only through Group Sales that Guilds Night tickets are sold.

Lorin Backe Photography has once again offered certificates for a sitting. Dianne needs the Chapter name, event name and date. She will get certificates for The Guilds Conference, From the Wings Boutique Event and Toscanini’s Holiday Event.


Central County Area Guild: Barbara Benson, Chairman

Alla Gitana Chapter: Cathy O’Connell, Chairman

The Alla Gitana kicked off fall with a luncheon at Bayside Restaurant. We enjoyed alovelychoice of entrees and a special dessert. We welcomed new member Gladys Kemp. Fun raffle prizes made for a very enjoyable day.

Crescendo Chapter: Kaysene Miller, Chairman

The Crescendo Chapter recognized the 2014-2015 board and welcomed the 2015-2016 board at a joint meeting and luncheon held at the home of Sharon Algeo on June 10. The outgoing officers turned in their reports and the incoming officers assumed their duties. ParliamentarianMelida Canfield installed the new officers.

During the summer the Program Committee began working on programs for the 2016-2017 year. The Play-Bill Co-Chairmen produced another money-making publication that is given out at each Celebrity Series program. The Membership Co-Chairmen were successful in keeping our membership numbers up for the coming year. Our Corresponding Secretary produced our Membership Directory.

We are happy to announce that we have 190 members of which 30 are new. We are again offering discount tickets to Bowers Museum members.

Our first Board meeting was held on September 3rd. The 2015-2016 Celebrity Series held its first program on September 10 at the Bowers Museum auditorium. Guest speaker Debby Boone presented a delightful and entertaining program of song, remembrances and video clips to a full house.

Huntington Harbour Area Guild: Carol Kirkwood, Chairman

Flying Dutchman Chapter: Judy & Leigh Ross, Co-Chairmen

The first event for this year was the Flying Dutchman Chapter Annual Fundraiser held on September 19, 2015 at the water-side home of Boris and Dorothy Ralphs. Beautiful candle lit tables were arranged around the garden patios. A delicious catered meal was served while accompanied by a talented guitarist throughout the evening. Judy Ross, our new Chairman

conducted a brief meeting. Mary Shebell updated the members on final fiscal and media outcomes from A Night of Discovery, reminded us of the Tory Burch mini fundraiser on September 30, the membership event on October 9 and the Carousel of Dreams project. Carol Kirkwood showed the members the “Chapter of the Year” award which the Flying Dutchman Chapter received in June and thanked everyone for their efforts toward earning this award.

Laguna Area Guild: Millie Robbins, Chairman

Debussy Chapter: Sandy Hovanesian, Chairman

For the 11th year the Debussy Chapter started the year with a 4th of July fundraiser at Sandy and Ara Hovanesian’s home in Laguna Beach. On September 13, Debussy returned to the San Diego Polo Field for an exciting, yet relaxing day, followed by dinner at the Market Restaurant. In October, Debussy will be joining its annual membership luncheon with The Guilds Membership Conference. I hope to see you there.

From The Wings Chapter: Gail Berra, Co-Chairman

From The Wings has had their first fund raiser of the season. We had dinner at Don Jose’s Restaurant and 20% of the bill went to From the Wings. We are looking forward to our Membership Tea on September 30.

Mozart Chapter: Barbara Biniasz-Gladden, Chairman

The Mozart Chapter had a Summer Membership Party in August and gained three new members. Our next meeting is October 14 and our speaker will be Orange County Register columnist, Marla Jo Fisher.

Newport Harbor Area Guild: Kay Fukanaga, Chairman

Cabaret Chapter: Mary Lou Buck, Chairman

No report

Camelot Chapter: Mary Philpot & Joan Williams, Co-Chairmen

Camelot Chapter had its first luncheon meeting Wednesday, September 2 at the beautiful Newport Beach waterfront home of Betty Bennett. Betty and Ruth Casteel acted as our hostesses for the event and served a delightful lunch on her outside dock patio. Our musical program was arranged by Nora Jorgensen-Johnson. We were entertained by the thrilling voice of American mezzo soprano Diane Elias.

During a short business meeting it was announced that our membership for this year is 37. All chapter banking information has been forwarded on to The Guilds of the Center.

South Pacific Chapter: Helen Timpe, Chairman

The South Pacific Chapter has started its year with an enthusiastic 66 members and always looking for more to join a wonderful bridge day at the beautiful venue of Big Canyon Country Club.The board, new members and renewing members were hosted in August for a bridge luncheon at Helen Timpe’s home. We had 44 attending. It was a perfect way to renew and build enthusiasm for The Guilds of the Center.

PAJ – Michela Engle

No report

North Central Area Guild: Angela Friedman, Chairman

Arthur Fiedler Chapter: Angela Friedman, Chairman

The Arthur Fiedler Chapter annual membership dessert and bridge event was held in August andwas well attended, as always. The first Wednesday group has gotten off to a good start and all are looking forward to anotheryear of good bridge.

Arturo Toscanini Chapter: Marilyn McCorkle, Chairman

We are having a Bunco salad luncheon on October 1 at the home of Gini Castellano. We are also planning our major fundraiser on December 3 at The Summit House. Clarissa from Tomorrow’s Stars will be performing.

Carmen Dragon Chapter: Kathey Busse, Chairman

The first general meeting of the Carmen Dragon Chapter was held on Tuesday, September 15. We enjoyed the musical stylings of Whitney Youman and finalized our calendar for the rest of2015. We also enjoyed a presentation from Sandy Bass on the success of TheGuilds’ fundraising endeavors for the past year. Our purse auction/fashion show will be held on Saturday April 30, 2016 at the Tustin Ranch Golf Course. As always gathering of donations of new and gently used purses is greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to a busy and fun filled year.

South County Area Guild: Isabel Messinger, Chairman

Beverly Sills Chapter: Judy Kelley

After very busy and productive board meetings in August and September, the Beverly Sills Chapter had the first General Meeting on September 15 at the home of Linda Runyon in San Juan Capistrano. This was a garden party luncheon to recruit new members. We had about 55 members attend this event, and we were honored to have Chris Flowers among our guests. Tim Dunn, Director of Public Relations for the Center and a 3-year member of our chapter, wasthe guest speaker.

Two new members joined that day and packets were given to other prospective members. The chapter currently hasa membership total of 70 Active and Patron members.

Irving Berlin Chapter: Joanne Gates and Beverly Stavro, Co-Chairmen

Irving Berlin members were deeply saddened this month by the passing of two members – Ellen Cooley who was very dear friend and a Charter Member; and Carla Thommen who served diligently on our Board for years. Both will be sorely missed.

Our first luncheon meeting was held at the Peking Dragon, Dana Point with Cynthia Weitz as speaker. Cynthia is the author of a novel “The Feisty Lady” which is very humorous as well as an exciting mystery.

Richard Rogers Chapter: Adele Sarkissian, Chairman

The Richard Rodgers Chapter launched the new season with our annual Membership Luncheon, held this year on September 9 at the Rancho San Clemente Tennis Club. We welcomed our returning members and prospective new members. Our special guests for the day were Laurie Barber, the Manager of Community Partnerships within the Education Department, and The Guilds’ own Marjorie Gorum and Carol Hunter.We were entertained by Kevin Homma, who is an exceptional musician, a past recipient of a Richard Rodgers music scholarship, and a special ambassador for our group. Thanks to the excellent recruiting efforts of our members, we have welcomed 11 new members to our chapter.

Our next luncheon will "Welcome Fall" on October 7 at the Salt Creek Grille in Dana Point, including Jim Long’s video program "Range of Light," which celebrates the beauty of the Sierra Nevada.

Placido Domingo Chapter: Illana Richmond, Chairman

The Placido Domingo Chapter had an event on September 12 at the home of Carol & Gordon Hicks. It was a western-themed party with delicious tri-tip steaks for dinner. Jan Mendez entertained us with her guitar, songs and line dancing lessons.

West County Area Guild: Marty Olds, Chairman