The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. - William James
3 Teenage Girls Die Shortly After Receiving The Gardasil (HPV Vaccine) That Texas Governor Rick Perry Tried To Make Mandatory for All School Aged Girls
est Covina– I had my newsletter all finished with a different lead article about stress, and had to redo everything at the last minute when I learned about this shocking story!
So here it is…my source is the June 9th issue of the British Medical Journal, and the doctor’s reports to the FDA that were obtained by through the Freedom of Information Act.
Now, let me warn you…this is going to be terrifying for any of you with young girls who are recommended to get this vaccine.
You can read the whole story at
The 3 deaths happened here in the US right after the girls were vaccinated. One girl died within 3 hours. One girl who died was only 12 years old.
But there is even more…These 3 deaths were part of 1,637 reports of adverse reactions, 371 of which were “serious.” Out of 42 women who were pregnant when vaccinated, 18 had spontaneous abortions or fetal abnormalities.
Additionally, other side effects have ranged from Bell’s palsy, to paralysis, Guillen-Barre syndrome, and seizures.
And imagine, this vaccine was the one that Texas governor Perry tried to mandate that all school aged girls get…but…read on to find out his motives…
It was revealed that Perry had received large campaign contributions from Merck, who makes this vaccine. Additionally, his former chief of staff had become a lobbyist for Merck. Mandating thevaccine would have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars from vaccine sales, which cost $360 each series. Nice profits…but is it worth the risks that have happened?
So who was he really looking out for…the health of __ girls, or the health of Merck’s stock value and campaign contributions? Quite a conflict of interest…
Here is another disturbing point about the Gardasil vaccine. It is estimated that about 20 million people are already infected with HPV, the virus that Gardasil is designed to prevent. Most instances of these HPV infections, even the pre-cancerous or cancerous ones, resolve on their own.
For those that don’t resolve and turn into cancer, The American Cancer Society says that the survival rate for cervical cancer is about 90 percent.
So you have to calculate…which is riskier…the possibility that a virus you may already have may turn into a 90% curable cancer, or getting a vaccine that has already, in just about 1 year of use, caused this many serious injuries and deaths.
In fact, regarding Gardasil side effects, NVIC (National Vacccine Information Center) Health Policy Analyst Vicky Debold, RN, Ph.D, stated "These young girls are experiencing severe headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of vision, slurred speech, fainting, involuntary contraction of limbs (seizures), muscle weakness, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet and joint pain. Some of the girls have lost consciousness during what appears to be seizures."
How safe does this sound to you?
Did you know that,according to vaccine manufacturers,some of the vaccines that you may have given your kids carry the risk of “severe mental retardation…and motor coordination impairment,” and chronic diseases like Hepatitis C and Creudtzfeldt-Jakob disease (a deadly, incurable brain disease like ‘Mad Cow’)? Read on to find out which ones these are…
Now, these types of results are not just limited to the Gardasil vaccine. There are other injuries that occur from other vaccines as well.
Because of this, I have compiled a list of commonly held myths about vaccines and have listed some research that dispels them. I list some sources on page 4, so you can read for yourself and make your own decisions.
I want to make sure that you understand that I do not profess to be an expert on vaccines. However, I have spent many hours reading books and reviewing data online about them, and was disturbed enough about what I learned that I had to share my findings with you immediately so you can make an informed decision about what is right for the health of your family. With that said, here are the myths and the facts that counter them…
Myth #1- Vaccines are totally safe and their side effects are mild. Besides what you have already seen about Gardasil, here are 11more points against this widespread false belief:
1) Jonas Salk, inventor of the Polio Vaccine, testified in 1977 that the 87% of the polio cases which occurred in the US since 1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.
2)The Centers for Disease Control admitted that ALL US cases of polio after 1979 were caused by the VACCINE.
3) In 1999, the Hepatitis B vaccine caused more adverse reactions than the number of cases of the disease itself. In 1999, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Jane Orient, MD, said that deaths and adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccines are “vastly underreported, as formal long-term studies have not been completed,” and “for most children the risk of serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of Hepatitis B.”
4)Vaccine manufacturer Eli Lilly says on its own safety data sheets that thimerosal (a mercury based preservative which is still used in some vaccines, including the flu shot, DPT shot (Adacel Jan 2006), Tetanus shot (ActHIB Dec 2005), and others), can cause severementalretardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment.Go to the manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline website, and read the Flulaval vaccine insert. The FDA website also shows that thimerosal is present in Fluviron (May 2006), as well as some lots of Fluzone.
5) Annual Flu shots increase Alzheimer’s risk.Dr. Hugh Fundenburg, one of the most quoted biologists of our time (with nearly 850 papers in peer review journals), found that if an individual receives too many (5) consecutive flu shotshis or her chance of developing Alzheimer's disease is 10 times greater than if they had one, two or no shots. He stated it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that are in flu shots and other childhood vaccines. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes eventualcognitive dysfunction.
6)If you have pets, especially dogs and cats, vaccines given between the shoulder blades can cause of a very aggressive tumor called a “sarcoma.” Sarcomas are very aggressive and tough to treat. There is even a special group of veterinarians called
The Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force dedicated to
resolving the dilemma.
7) The House Committee on Government Reform, under the direction of Dan Burton, has been looking at autism since 2000. They found that if childhood vaccines are given at the recommended schedule that the level mercury that children are exposed to exceeds federal guidelines. This is where the link to autism comes into play. Autism now occurs at a rate of 1 child per every 166 births.
8) Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen (cancer causing agent) and embalming fluid, and aluminum(linked with Alzheimer’s), are present in the following vaccines: Anthrax, Gardasil (HPV), Havrix (hepatitis A), and more.
9) Infectious agents and viral diseases, like hepatitis C, Creudtzfeldt-Jakob disease (Mad Cow) and other blood borne illnesses can occur from the following vaccines because the vaccines use human plasma (blood) to create them. Though the risk is small, the manufacturers have a disclaimer about it on their inserts. Check out these inserts for proof from the manufacturer: Measles (Attenuvax), Hepatitis B (BayHep B), Rabies (Imogam),
10) There has been a Government Slush fund of taxpayer dollars for parents whose children suffer permanent disabilities after being vaccinated. Since 1991, over $1.4 Billion dollars has been paid for injuries. Why do you and I, American taxpayers pay for the injuries and not the companies that make the vaccines? That’s because special legislation has been passed to protect the manufacturers from lawsuits so that the value of the corporate stocks are protected.
11)Vaccine injuries are more common than they are reported. In 1991, the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System) was set up to begin to keep track of vaccine injuries. This was an offshoot of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Prior to 1991, no data existed to track vaccine injuries. Since that date, the CDC estimates that only 10% of all vaccine injuries get reported, while other agencies estimate that as low as 1% get reported.
and their family.
Myth #2- If my child does not get vaccinated, they can’t go to school! Another complete falsehood. In 48 of the 50 states, you can ask for a waiver when you register your child. Many school employees do not know this law, but it is true for all Californiaschools, and they cannot deny your child entry in the school.
Myth #3- Vaccines have wiped out diseases. Before they were invented, we were not able to control the spread or rates of disease and death.
Vaccine companies love to spout of the numbers of how many people used to come down with something compared to how many do now and take all the credit for this change.
This one is easily disputable just by comparing the stats for death rates of each disease around 1900 to the year BEFORE the vaccine was released. Here are a few:
Presented by Laser Chiropractic & Massage 1020 W Covina Pkwy, WCovina(626) 338-3600
Inspirational Story Of The Month –
(Names And Details Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy.)
Discovery Of Ancient “Mega-Lake” And What It Has To Do With Your Health
Here’s an amazing and interesting fact. Scientists have just discovered an ENORMOUS “Mega-Lake” larger than Lake Erie! And you wanna know what’s even more amazing?
Thought you would. This “mega-lake” is located in Darfur. That’s right – the desert!
How is this possible? How could a lake so big be missed for all these years?
Well… because…
It’s Really Not There!
You see, scientists, using radar technology, have peeled away the sandy cloak covering Darfur’s bone-dry landscape and have reveled the basin that once was the mega-lake.
And here’s what one of the researchers said about the unbelievable find:
“When you go into these deserts and you look at the land, it’s so dry and lifeless you think there has never been anything alive there. Then you look in the past, and you see there were rivers and lakes,” said study team member Farouk El-Baz, Director of Boston University Center for Remote Sensing.
Now named the “Northern Darfur Mega-Lake,” it was once estimated to cover over 12,000 square miles with 600 cubic miles of water when filled to capacity.
With technology, I’m even going to try to begin to explain – researchers reconstructed a picture of what the area looked like in its hey day. They surmise the lake was fed with plenty of rainfall and had numerous rivers. The area was said to be lush and green.
All This Is Quite Interesting - But What Does It Have To Do With You And Your Health?
The first point is this.
How do you think the “mega-lake” in Darfur went from12,000 square miles of surface area and 600 cubic miles of water to…
Do you think it happened overnight? If not overnight… how about a few weeks, months… or even… years?
Of course not. No one in his or her right mind would think a change that big would (or could) take place overnight.
And that’s the link all this has to your health. What’s that… you don’t see it?
If you recall, the lead story to this newsletter talked about the detrimental effects of negative thinking and stress on your health. And, obviously, simply having negative thoughts for one day is not going to give you cancer or cause a heart attack.
No sir. It is a slow process that takes place over a long period of time. And let me stress this (no pun intended!) is the long-term effect of something that seems relatively harmless.
Go back and read that last sentence again… because… it is the key to you living a long and healthy life. Or, at least one of the biggest keys.
Just like the drying up of the mega-lake in Darfur – your health starts out “lush and green” and after years and years of small abuses…
It Changes So Slowly, The Determination To Your Health
Goes Unnoticed Until Major Symptoms Arrive
And when the symptoms arrive – you immediately look for a big, major cause for your problem. Sure, some health problems are caused by “sudden” happenings like a car accident, poisoning or other trauma to your system.
But most of the time, when we get sick, it is not from one major event.
The take home message this month is that a lot of pain and sickness comes from the long-term effects of seemingly insignificant stresses to your body. Mental and physical.
If you want to stay healthy and pain-free… start paying attention to all those small things. And, if you are already in pain or unhealthy… don’t only look for big, earth shattering causes. There is a good chance the solution you are looking for is so simple you keep overlooking it.
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Presented by Laser Chiropractic & Massage 1020 W Covina Pkwy, WCovina(626) 338-3600
Continued from Page 2: Vaccines and Their Potentially DANGEROUS Side Effects
Polio: 1921 caused 7229 deaths, in 1956 it dropped to 1654 deaths, a 77% decreaseBEFORE the VACCINE. Influenza: 1916 caused 54,283 deaths, in 1971-75 it dropped to 491deaths, a 99% decreaseBEFORE the VACCINE. Additionally,large drops in other disease death rates occurred long before vaccines were introduced. From 1900 to 1963, death rates from measles had declined from 13.3 per 100,000 to 0.2 per 100,000a 98% decrease. From 1900 to 1949, death rates from whooping cough declined from 12.2 per 100,000 to 0.5 per 100,000, a 96% decrease. From 1900 to 1949, death rates from diphtheria declined from 40.3 per 100,000 to 0.4 per 100,000, a 99% decrease. Each decrease was before the vaccine was introduced.
These are clear and major changes in death rates for these diseases well before any vaccines were introduced. Again, we saw 96% to 99% drops in rates BEFORE A VACCINE WAS INTRODUCED FOR THAT ILLNESS. Do you still think it is right for vaccine makers to claim responsibility for this change?
So if vaccines can only be credited with about a 1 to 4% influence on the decreased rates of these diseases, then what caused the drop?During those time frames we got better sanitation, clean food and water, and better access to health care and antibiotics that cured some of the illnesses. Look at the countries where these diseases are still occurring in high numbers. They are all poor countries with dirty water, poor sanitation, and a lack of access to primary health care.
Myth #4- The illnesses that we vaccinate against are all deadlyif you’re not vaccinated.
Here is what usually happens when you are not vaccinated and you contract one of these illnesses, assuming you are a healthy child/person, who does not live in a third world country. 1) Measles, Mumps, Rubella: they are mild, self limiting illnesses that usually go away without treatment, and give you lifelong immunity. 2) the Flu: a usually mild viral illness that will go away in a few days 3) Hepatitis A- a mild, self limiting liver illness that usually goes away without treatment in 4-8 weeks 4) Varicella (Chicken Pox) a mild, self limiting illnesses that usually goes away without treatment, and gives you lifelong immunity 5) Diptheria: can be treated with an antibiotic- erythromycin. 6) Pertussis- treated with erythromycin.
So does it seem worth it to you to stick a needle that is loaded with possibly thimerosal, formaldehyde, Ethylene glycol (antifreeze), Phenol, also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, dye), or Aluminum, in your kid’s arm to prevent the above illnesses that either go away on their own or can be treated with antibiotics?