The Great War: World War I Outline

The Great War: World War I Outline

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The Great War: World War I Outline

Pre War Alliances:

Triple Alliance - ______, ______, ______

Triple Entente - ______, ______, ______


Causes of World War I (in Europe):

M______- the building up of strong armed forces

A______- agreements between nations to protect each other

N______- pride in one’s nation

I______- powerful countries were taking over weaker countries

A______- no international peacekeeping organization

C______- Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of ______was assassinated by a nationalist (terrorist) from the country of ______

  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______


  • ______promised his troops, “you will be home before the leaves

have fallen from the trees.”


  • Deadly battles were fought w/ nothing to show but a stalemate.
  • ______

American Neutrality

Define neutrality: ______

Why would Americans have allegiances to countries of either alliance? ______

  • The United States remains neutral to be an impartial mediator (plus our economy boomed!)

Two events that draw America into the War:

  1. Submarine warfare / the sinking of the Lusitania – a German submarine sank the Lusitania off the coast of Ireland. There were 128 ______on board and the ship was carrying ______(it was not a battleship and it was not carrying military personnel)
  1. Zimmermann Telegram – a telegram was intercepted from ______to ______. The message asked Mexico to attack ______. In return, Germany promised ______



America prepares for War:

Selective Service Act: ______

War Industries Board: ______

Liberty Bonds: ______

Victory gardens / rationing: ______

The Two Sides (the Allied Powers v. the Central Powers)

Allied Powers- ______, ______, ______, 16 other countries and the United States

Central Powers - ______, ______, Bulgaria and Turkey (the Ottoman Empire)

Fighting in World War I

Trench conditions were ______

New weapons were ______

Role of women during the war was ______

Russian Revolution: WWI brought heavy losses and economic hardships to Russia. People protested the shortage of food and the discontent turned into a revolution. By 1917, a new leader named ______led the people and a new form of government known as ______emerged. By 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, a treaty between ______and ______ended Russia’s involvement in WWI.

Armistice Day:(an agreement to put down “arms” signed at the ______hour on the ______day of the ______month)

At the end of the war, President Wilson announced his plan for peace called ______.

Some important points include:

  • Freedom of the seas
  • An end to secret alliances
  • Self-determination: ______
  • The League of Nations: ______

The European allies, however, did not want peace; above all else, they wanted to punish ______. They accepted some of Wilson’s Fourteen Points, but added other provisions to the Treaty of Versailles.
Treaty of Versailles– key terms:

  • ______lost territory to France and Poland
  • ______lost all of its overseas territories
  • ______lost its navy and powerful army was reduced
  • ______had to accept full blame for starting the war
  • ______had to pay billions of dollars in reparations (payments for damages caused during the war) to the Allies
  • Austria-Hungary was divided into new, smaller nation states
  • The League of Nations was established

The allied leaders of Europe signed the Treaty of Versailles. Now all President Wilson had to do was take the treaty back to the United States and have the Senate ratify (approve) it. Sounds easy right? But people at home, upset by the costs of warand the loss of lives, wanted to return to a policy of isolationism.

What provision of the Treaty of Versailles might cause America to get entangled in future conflicts inEurope?