The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has developed Grade Specific Catholic Education Curriculum to identify key or core religious education concepts for each grade level and to articulate these in competence-based language. The structure of these one-page summaries is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and a separate Scripture section. The Catechism of the Catholic Church has four parts: the Creed, the Sacraments, Commandments, and Prayer. These sections also have been described as "What the Church Believes," "What the Church Celebrates," "How the Church Lives," and How the Church Prays."

The grade-level summaries are divided into the following sections:

·  Historical/Creedal/Church

·  Moral Life

·  Liturgy/Sacrament/Prayer

·  Scripture and Life Experience.

The Historical/Creedal/Church section refers primarily to doctrines, dogmas and creeds.

The Moral Life section describes the moral values contained in the Commandments and Beatitudes - those major codes that guide the lives of Catholic Christians.

The Liturgy/Sacrament/Prayer section refers to the Sacraments, Liturgical Seasons of the Church year, Mary, and the saints.

A separate section on Scripture cites passages that are appropriate for learning and applicable at each grade level.

The Life Experiences section describes key areas in a child's life that reflect the human growth and development factors that need to be taken into account in religious formation.

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee Grade Specific Catholic Education Curriculum provides concise descriptors that identify what should be learned and lived as we share the treasure of our faith with our children on the life-long journey of being Disciples of Christ. ~Milwaukee Archdiocese

Integrated into the Archdiocese curriculum include Sacramental preparation, weekly Mass preparation and participation, Reconciliation, daily prayer, special Rosary events, and human justice concerns volunteerism.

When it comes right down to it, can you think of a better investment than our children? A firm foundation is the cornerstone of a child’s future. St. Peter Church recognizes that and currently subsidizes about 55% of the costs to educate a child. Upon enrollment, families enter into a covenant with St. Peter School which is a formal, good faith, binding arrangement for the education of your child.

Tuition Rates are as follows:

Income level should not be a barrier to a Catholic education. We do have financial aid available. Registered parishioners who have paid their registration fee should submit tuition aid requests for their children in 1st – 8th grade with a signed copy of your current year’s Federal Income Tax Return by no later than June 1. Because of budgeting concerns, we can not accept requests after that date.


Basketball (boys)

Basketball (girls)

Softball (girls)

Volleyball (girls)



Girl Scouts




Student Government

Student Council

Academic Challenge

Battle of the Books (2006 Champs-Westosha)

(2005 Champs-Westosha)

(2004 Champs-Westosha)

(2003 Champs-Kenosha)

Mad Science


Piano Lessons

Young Rembrandts

CYO Band

St. Peter’s School opened in September, 1915 as the parish’s heart and lifeline. In spite of a limited number of parishioners and resources, St Peter School provided a center for families to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. The Sisters of Notre Dame were the first to head our classrooms and our first sixth grade class donned graduation finery in 1917.

In 1924, the sisters of St. Francis of Assisi came from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to teach school subjects in English to the largely ethnic parish. They integrated Lithuanian history, songs, and prayers to recognize the strong traditional homes from which these students came.

As the school continued to grow, it relocated to its current 30th Avenue location in September of 1965. There were five sisters and two lay teachers. As time marches on, we find an evolving educational landscape which needs to respond to the changing world. While religion permeates our school program, we no longer employ ordered religious staff. Our staff today is made up of enthusiastic, licensed, lay professionals dedicated to carrying on the tradition of Catholic educational excellence here at St. Peter School.

The education of any child begins long before he or she is enrolled into a school. At baptism, parents are entrusted with their child's life that God gave them. Along with parents and godparents, members of the parish community make a promise at a child's baptism as well. They promise to support the family as they help their child to grow in God's love.
As the primary educators of children, parents are always teaching their children - through examples, through words, through lessons, through experience. But parents alone are not the sole educators of children. Parish communities are partners in the education of children. Parishes provide resources that support parents in this very important mission. These include Catholic schools and religious education programs.
In addition to programs and resources, parish communities provide another means of education - its people. Adults, parents and parishioners alike, can teach children the valuable lesson of how important it is to love one another. Support from a parish community will help a family grow in faith and in God's love. Parents, with the support of the parish community, share with their children the principles in which our faith is grounded, as well as how to live our faith on a daily basis.
The role parents play in their children's education doesn't end when the children start school, it just changes. Living as a model of God's love will always be one of the most important ways parents can educate their children.
~Milwaukee Archdiocese

Raising a family in these times is a tough thing to do. St. Peter School wishes to support families who need extended care for their children. Nurturing supervision, tutoring, socialization, and guided activity are the main goals for our Before and After School Care Program. Parents register their children at the beginning of the year and can use it on an as-needed basis. There is no minimum or maximum for usage. Breakfast and snacks are available for a nominal fee and parents are billed weekly.

Technology permeates our curriculum as St. Peter School prepares our students for the digital age. Our full compliment of classroom Apple Macs and lab PCs allow our students to learn the latest in cutting edge computing in a safe environment on two different platforms. In addition to integrated technology within the scope and sequence of Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math, students attend computer class twice a week. In this environment, they gain command of several Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Students are able to demonstrate their expertise in these areas through presentations with our LCD projector and SmartBoard technology. Our new, wireless environments further infusion of technology into the classroom. Keyboarding and other applications are taught early and monitored throughout the students’ careers at St. Peter. Students learn responsible Internet usage as they investigate the world around them through our carefully constructed and implemented Technology Curriculum.

St. Peter School recognizes the importance of a strong mathematical foundation upon which higher order mathematical concepts are built. Our teachers utilize the comprehensive, core math program, called Saxon Math. It offers additional hands-on and enrichment activities, problem-solving and performance tasks for all grade levels. The series enables teachers to differentiate instruction and provides open-ended questions for students to practice justifying their reasoning and to illustrate that they have learned the necessary skills and concepts. Saxon Math helps students to work toward mastery in three ways: by reviewing, maintaining and building upon previously learned skills; through direct, explicit instruction of new content, mathematical thinking and vocabulary; and by applying, reinforcing and demonstrating cumulative learning. Saxon Math is recognized as the nation’s best-selling and most thoroughly researched mathematics program for grades K-12. Based on instruction, practice and assessment distributed across the grade levels, Saxon Math programs incorporate more than 25 years of research and classroom experience. (from

Science teaches us very important problem solving skills that can be transferred to all facets of life. The Scientific Method of experimentation and discovery reminds us to gather all we know to make an educated guess as to the outcome of about a particular question or dilemma that we have. Students participate in hands-on activities and devise experiments in our science lab. Our science program, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Science, provides students with accurate, standards-based content designed to create scientifically-literate citizens. Students learn through rich, readable content, integrated technology, strong visual connections, and hands-on activities. (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) On-line support is provided for home review and reinforcement!

Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Social Studies provides standards-based content, developed from the latest research and organized around the themes of Social Studies. The program integrates reading support in every lesson and instills citizenship through real-life role models. (McGraw-Hill) Our Social Studies program introduces children to the world around them, engaging students in civic and community process, history, and geography.

Scott Foresman Reading is designed to help teachers build readers through motivating and engaging literature, scientifically research-based instruction, and a wealth of reliable teaching tools. (Scott Foresman) It provides seamless integration of phonics, grammar, reading, writing, and spelling, creating a more meaningful environment in which to learn. The phonics base of our reading program encourages lifelong reading habits that follow children throughout their school career and beyond.

There are a number of opportunities for involvement at St. Peter. Our school is open and friendly. Opportunities exist for involvement in our classrooms, ministries, and organizations. We encourage volunteerism through our strong Home and School Association. Our open and friendly school thrives because of parental direction of fundraisers, social events, and assembly programs. Our Home and School Association sponsors numerous on-going fundraisers, such as MarketDay and Scrip. Volunteers are always welcome to participate in scouting, athletics, or one of our many Christian Formation ministries, such as Bible study and School Advisory Board.