The Grace Weekly

September 19, 2010

Prayer Requests

There is nothing more important than prayer for GraceAcademy!! Accordingly, this item is being moved to theTOP of our weekly newsletter. The Board hopes that you will join us in lifting these needs beforeour Heavenly Father.

- Continue to pray for Bob and Sharon Wolf as Bob recovers from a serious infection in the midst of his cancer treatments.

- The Board originally committed to a three-year plan of its members being involved in the day-to-day operations of the school. We felt that this was necessary to ensure that the vision of a classical, Christian, and college model school was implemented effectively. As webegin our third year of operations, we are also beginning the search for an experienced Administrator.Please pray that the Lord would lead us to anoutstandingindividual with apassion for the Lord, ourstudents, families, and school.

- We are undertaking two major fundraisers this year - the Chili Cook Off in December and a 10K race in April.Please pray for the success of these two fundraisers. Related to the 10K race, please pray forpeople to participate in the organization of this major event.

- Continue to pray for our teachers - that they will teach with excellence, that the Lord will guide them and grant them wisdom as they implement their lesson plans and as they work with each individual student each week. Pray that they will be godly role models and that they will plant seeds to bear fruit for eternity in the lives of our students.

- Please pray for the Lord to provideindividuals or couples with classical, Christian, or other education experience as we seek to repopulate the board. Please contact any board member with the names of people who you know may fill this need.

Grace Academy Basketball

Calling all 6th-8th gradeGraceAcademyand homeschooled girls and boys. If you're interested in playingbasketball for the fall 2010 season, please contact Joe Temple o let him know!I need to know by Wednesday, September 22, 2010. Here are some details:

* Practice 2x/week for approximately 1 1/2-2 hours

* Games vs.Watauga County Middle Schools, starting inNovember and going through January (1-2 games per week)

* $100 per player fee to cover practice facility, referee, and uniform fees

* A fun time to learnwith friends and develop your basketball skills!!!

Please let me know if you have other questions. Go KNIGHTS!!!


Joe Temple

GraceAcademy Athletic Director

Organizational Meeting for The Rock 10K Race

Next Thursday, September 23, at 5:30 p.m. at Harvest House, there will be an organizational meeting for a committee to plan Grace Academy's new fundraiser - The Rock 10K race to be run in April, 2011. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Merrill Littlejohn or more information AND plan to attend the meeting next week. We are hoping this will be an annual event that will grow to include thousands of runners and raise thousands of dollars for our school. You do not have to be a runner to participate!

Attention Grace Academy Students

Choir 2:45-3:45, Mondays, at LWCF, 2nd grade and up, $25 a month

In this class the student will learn proper vocal technique, breathing and diction, and sound placement while singing a variety of songs. The student will learn note reading, have an introduction to part singing, and will learn how to follow a conductor. We will also set a goal of performing a mini musical. We would like to perform for local nursing homes as well as parents and friends.
Please contact Ruth Bullock at (c) 828-964-9006

BM-Music Education
BM-Voice Performance
MA-Music Education/Jr College Teaching
MA-Voice Performance
I have taught private voice, beginning to intermediate piano lessons, and concert band instrument lessons for over 25 years. I have sung professionally in FL, NC, and SC. I have taught music in the FL and NC public schools.


Attendance at GraceAcademy on school classroom days is very strongly encouraged in order for your child to receive teacher instruction and explanation of the week’s assignments. Parents of students who need to miss school classroom instruction for any reason should contact the student’s teacher ahead of time or as soon as possible (as circumstances allow) in an attempt to keep the student current with assignments.Please contact the school office at 773-7830 on any school classroom instruction day that your child is sick. Depending on the age of the student, it is always the student’s and/or parent(s)’ responsibility (not the teacher’s) to initiate recovery of missed information and to pursue the make-up of assignments and tests.School classroom instructioncannot be delayed or repeated for a returning student who has been absent and is not current with the assigned work.

Excused Absences:All absences will be considered excused if the student is current with all assignments when returning to class. If a student is not able to meet any requirement or deadline because of extended absences or extenuating circumstances, parents and/or the student must make special arrangements with the child’s teacher(s) to produce a reasonable and agreeable plan for assignments completion.In such cases, if the student is able to complete assignments adequately under these new special arrangements, the absences will be considered excused.

Unexcused Absences:If the parent and/or student has not made an honorable effort to be current with the material and complete all assignments according to the above guidelines,the absences will be considered unexcused. Excessive unexcused absences, because they severely hinder the student’s academic success at GraceAcademy, will place the student in jeopardy of suspension. The GA Board, in consultation with the teacher, will have the final determination in this judgment, and all remaining tuition for the student in question will become due and payable upon suspension.

Please schedule doctor and other appointments for your children outside of school classroom times.Also, please consider our inclement weather policy when scheduling appointments on Fridays during months of possible snowy weather.GraceAcademy occasionally schedules school classroom make-up days on Fridays when school is cancelled due to inclement weather.

Thank you!

The faculty and office staff want to thank the parents who providedfood and supervised classrooms so that the teachers could meet together on Wednesday.Everything was delicious and the time together was so enjoyable!

Veritas Press History Helps

The Veritas Press web-site contains the answers to the worksheet and test questions for Veritas Press History, which GA uses in grades 2-6. This information should be helpful to parents in gradingstudents' work and in discussing the material with them. Go to click on "Resources" (in the blue bar across the top), then click on "Downloads", scroll down to "8. Other Resources", then click on theanswers for the time period that your child is studying. Parentsmay want to print these out and place them intheirCo-Instructor Curriculum Guidebook.

Harris Teeter and Box Tops for Education

Please remember that we are participating inHarris Teeter’sTogether In Educationprogram. Our account name and number is GraceAcademy - Boone, 7878.You can link or re-link at a check out in the store or you mayregister at on the Together in Education link and follow the instructions..Please take time this week to pass this information on to friends and relatives via e-mail, snail mail, or a phone call- an individual may link to as many as five schools. This is available for us at ANY Harris Teeter location, so out of towners cansupport us,too. Remember, too, that you may turnBox Topsin any day in the blue checked container in the school office. Both of these arevery simple ways to raise money for GraceAcademy.

National Punctuation Day

This Friday, September 24, is National Punctuation Day - "a celebration of the lowly comma, correctly used quotation marks, and other proper uses of periods, semicolons, and the ever-mysterious ellipsis". Please visit their web-site atfor ideas for fun activities for your family to celebrate this important national holiday!


Thursday, September 23 - Organizational Meeting for the 10K Fundraiser, 5:30 at Harvest House

Thursday and Friday, October 14 and 15 - Fall Break

Friday, December 3 - Chili Cook Off, Boone United MethodistChurch