The Government of the Russian Federation

State Education Budget Institution

of Higher Professional Education

National Research University

Higher School of Economics

All-Faculty Elective Course

Programme of the Course

“Management of Culture Projects”

The Author of the Programme:

Burukina, О.А., PhD, Associate Professor,

Approved at a Meeting of Project Management Department “_06__”_сентября_____ 2011

Head of the Department, Dr Hab. (Economics), Professor Anshin V.M. ______[ Signature]

Recommended by the Academic & Methodological Council “___”______2012

Председатель ______[ Signature]

Approved by the Vice-Rector of NRU HSE “___”______2012

Vice-Rector Roschchin S.Yu. ______[Signature]

Approved by the First Vice-Rector of NRU HSE “___”______2012

First Vice-Rector Radayev V.V. ______[ Signature]

Moscow 2011

The Programme cannot be used by other departments of the University and other higher schools without a permission of the Department – the Programme Designer.

/ National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Programme “Management of Culture Projects” for the Specialisation 080500.68 “Management” Master’s Course “Project Management: project analysis, investments, realization technologies”

1  The Course Outline

The current dynamic changes in European policies and the structure of the Russian society stipulate the need for forming a new type of top managers for both state enterprises and commercial companies acting in the sphere of culture and arts. Understanding the need for changes and their professional management has become a key characteristic of top-managers of the new type, determining the future of the socio-cultural sphere of the contemporary Russian society.

The process of democratization of culture processes in Russia, decentralization of the national management system, the variety of the existing organizational and legal forms of culture activity, autonomous activity of cultural organisations – all these factors provide favourable conditions for the prosperity of Russian culture. In the current circumstances culture managers act as active participants of the resource development process and formation of strategic directions for sustainable development of the cultural sphere in the Russian regions and the country at large.

The Course “Management of Culture Projects” is studied by the 1st year students of the Master’s Course of the NRU HSE’s Faculty of Management. The course is of interdisciplinary character orientating students to problem understanding of project management processes in the sphere of culture. This course teaches the scientific background and technological aspects important for project management both in national and multinational teams. This course will focus on specific features of project management in exhibition business, cinematography, events industry, museum business, and visual arts, and contributes to developing students’ skills of independent analysis of basic principles and models of culture projects in view of economic, political, social and other factors influencing their success.

The course aims at training competitive experts in culture and art projects management, which implies intellectual, creative and spiritual development of students’ personalities.

Management of Culture Projects is an important component of project management education in many advanced higher schools. It reflects the ultimate goal of the National Research University Higher School of Economics – formation of an integral scope of generic, subject and professional competences in of students’ integral personalities basing on integrative and competence approaches to both training and learning.

Taking into account the NRU HSE’s active participation in “Tuning Russia”, the European project aimed at reforming the national systems of higher education within the European Area of Higher Education and beyond it, the students’ professional training is provided at the high level of European standards implying competitiveness and career prospects.

The course equips project management students with substantial knowledge of project management in creative industries that will be useful in the co-requisite courses, and their practical work.

The course is offered in English, which allows using foreign authors’ authentic works in the original and is sure to support HSE students’ acquaintance with world achievements in culture project management and their integration into global research discourse.

In accordance with the aforementioned tasks, the Course is structurally divided into two thematic blocks –

Section 1. Creative Industries and Project Management in Culture;

Section 2. Specificity of Project Management in Particular Creative Industries.

This structure contributes to students’ integral understanding of specific characteristics of project management in the sphere of culture and arts and formation of a holistic knowledge system in the field and adjoining disciplines on the basis of multidisciplinary approach in students’ consciousness.

Section 1 introduces students to the field of project management in culture and management of culture projects, covering basic notions and categories and letting students form an integral understanding of the mission, goals, tasks and fundamental principles and problems of project management in the sphere of culture, as well as specific features of cultural construction and cultural policies in federal states and their integral components.

Section 2 provides students with an opportunity to get acquainted in detail with specific features of managing culture projects in particular creative industries and basing on the knowledge and skills previously acquired in the courses of psychology, sociology, political sciences, different kinds of management and other disciplines, to creatively process the received material at the seminars and role-play.

Based on the recent researches and achievements the Course of management of culture projects provides a high level of theoretical knowledge and professional training necessary for the students’ successful employment in government and commercial structures specializing in the sphere of culture and arts and starting a career as prominent professionals.

The Course Programme includes lectures (24 in-room hours), seminars (24 in-room hours), and students’ independent out-of-room work (36 hours). Students’ independent out-of-room work aims at processing the theoretical material offered at the lectures, reading for the seminars, test and final exam and writing an essay.

2  Application Sphere and References to Norms

This Programme states minimum requirements to students’ knowledge and skills and determines the contents and kinds of classes and accounting.

The Programme is intended for the course instructors, academic assistants and students studying the Master’s Programme “Strategic and Corporate Management,” the Master’s Programme “Marketing,” specialization “Company’s Marketing”; the Master’s Programme “Marketing Communications and Advertising in Contemporary Business”; the Master’s Programme “Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, Implementation Technologies”; the Master’s Programme “Human Resource Management”; and the Master’s Programme “Marketing,” specialization “Strategic Marketing”.

The Programmed is designed according to:

·  The Federal State Education Standards of Higher Professional Education;

·  The University’s Curriculum for the Specialisation 080500.68 “Management”, Master’s Course “Project Management: project analysis, investments, realization technologies” approved in 2011.

3  Aims of the Discipline

The course “Management of Culture Projects” aims at training experts in culture project management in general and creative project management in particular, able to plan and efficiently carry out creative projects with optimum expenditures.

The aforementioned aim includes the following intermediary goals –

·  formation of an integral picture of contemporary post-industrial economy and creative industries’ contribution to its development;

·  formation of an integral notion of work specificity in multicultural project management;

·  learning creative industries’ specific features and specificity of project activities in culture;

·  understanding of the prospects of development of project management in creative industries (event management, film project management, etc).

Learners’ competences formed as a result of the discipline mastering.

On mastering the discipline students are supposed to

know fundamental problems of culture project management and innovative methods of solving them, as well as key tendencies in project management evolution in creative industries;

be capable to use the acquired knowledge in their practical activity, as well as demonstrating them when taking the final exam on culture project management;

understand researches in the sphere of project, strategic and international project management in creative industries and know the recent achievements in the spheres of project management, risks management and personnel management;

have skills to work with project tasks and theoretical research literature.

As a result of the discipline mastering students master the following competences:

1. Systemic

UC competence codes / Competences
SC-М4 / Capable of improving and developing his/her intellectual and cultural level and developing the trajectory of his/her professional development and career
SC-М2 / Capable of offering models, inventing and testing methods and tools for his/her professional activity
SC-М5 / Capable of taking administrative decisions, estimating their possible consequences and taking responsibility for them
SC-М6 / Capable of analysing, verifying, and assessing the completeness of information acquired in professional activity, and making up and synthesizing the missing information and working in indefinite conditions when necessary
SC-М3 / Capable of mastering independently new research methods, changing the research and research and production profile of his/her activity
SC-М7 / Capable of organizing a multilateral communication (including intercultural communication) and managing it
SC-М1 / Capable of pondering (assessing and processing) the mastered methods of professional activity
SC-М8 / Capable of professional activity, including research activity in international environment

2. Professional

Competence codes
(in order) / UC competence codes / Competences
А) Instrumental (in kinds of actions)
IC-1 / IC– М1.2.i. 6.1 / Capable of organizing personal independent professional activity basing on legal and professional norms and responsibilities
IC-1 / IC – 1.2 / Capable of organizing project activities
IC-1 / IC – 1.3 / Capable of managing project activities
IC-2 / IC – B 6.1 / Capable of using normative and legal documents in professional activity.
IC-2 / IC – B2.1/2.1/2 / Capable of written and oral communication in a foreign language (English) at a level sufficient for solving professional and research tasks
IC-3 / IC – B2.5.2_3.1/2 / Capable of presenting correct and well-reasoned results of his/her activity (research, professional, etc) in public defending his/her ideas, opinion or point of view.
IC -3 / IC –B2.5.2_3.1/2_4.2 / Capable of presenting correct and well-reasoned results of his/her activity (research, professional, etc) using up-to-date information and communication technologies.
IC -4 / IC – 4.1 / Capable of using information and communication technologies for information search and processing
IC -4 / IC – 4.2 / Capable of using information and communication technologies for presentation
IC -4 / IC – 4.3 / Capable of using information and communication technologies for working with databases
IC -4 / IC – 4.4 / Capable of using information and communication technologies for network communication
Б) Social & Personal
SPC-1 / SPC – М2 / Capable of using social and multicultural differences for problem solving in professional and social activities
SPC – М3 / Capable of determining and translating common goals in professional and social activities
SPC – М4 / Capable of choosing strategies of interpersonal interaction consciously
SPC – М6 / Capable of solving credo, social and personally important problems
SPC – М7 / Capable of developing professional activity, a business and making a choice basing on principles of social responsibility
SPC – М8 / Capable of generating brand new ideas and products, being creative and enterprising

4  Place of the Discipline in the Curriculum

The discipline belongs to the cycle of social and economic disciplines and the block of disciplines providing specialized professional training.

This course is elective for “Strategic and Corporate Management,” “Company’s Marketing,” and “Strategic Marketing” specializations.

Studying the discipline is based upon the following pre-requisites:

“Management of Enterprise Projects,” “Project Management Processes and Tools,” “Cross-cultural Management,” etc.

To be able to master the discipline, students should have the following knowledge and competences:

·  capability to design organizational structures and allocate authorities and responsibilities via delegating them (PC-2);

·  knowledge of various methods of conflict solving (PC-6);

·  knowledge of up-to-date technologies of personnel management (PC-14);

·  willingness to participate in developing organizational strategies using methods and tools of strategic management (PC-15);

·  knowledge of methods of taking strategic, tactical and operative decisions in the process of managing organisations’ production activities (PC-18);

·  knowledge of project management methods and willingness to apply them basing on up-to-date software (PC-20);

·  capability to use quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis when taking managerial decisions and build economic, financial and organizational models (PC-31) [ 03/b3vod11.pdf], etc.

Co-requisites of the course include (for the current and subsequent year):

“Management of Large and International Projects,”

“Project Manager’s Professional Competences,”

“Problems and Tools of Project Management.” The course can also be used for Master’s theses on management of culture and creative projects.

5  Syllabus

## / Sections / Total academic hours / In-class hours / Students’ out-of-class work
Lectures / Seminars / Practical classes
1 / Project Management in Culture & Culture in/of Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
2 / Project Management & Culture Intertwining / 12 / 4 / 8
3 / Project Management in Creative Industries / 12 / 4 / 8
4 / Creative Industries and Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
5 / Event Management / 12 / 4 / 8
6 / Events Industry and Event Management / 12 / 4 / 8
7 / Film Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
8 / Film-making Industry & Film Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
9 / Museum Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
10 / Museum Business & Museum Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
11 / Performing Arts Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
12 / Arts Industries and Project Management / 12 / 4 / 8
Total / 144 / 24 / 24 / 96

6  Forms of Students’ Knowledge Assessment

Control Type / Control Form / 1st year / Parameters / Schedule
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Current (week) / Essay / * / Written creative work of 3-4 thousand words on a chosen topic / 16 March 2013
Home Assignment / * / * / Out-of-class work – preparation of a presentation (app. 15-20 slides) / 23 March 2013
Intermediary / Test / * / Written work (test) – 90 minutes long / 6 April 2013
Final / Exam / * / Oral, prepared in class basing on exam cards / 13 April 2013

Intermediary: test. Final – examination. Monitoring control forms: seminars – 9, essay – 1, written test – 1.

The final mark for the course “Management of Culture Projects” is compiled from the results acquired from the following kinds of monitoring control –