The Gods Must Be Crazy

Film Study and Analysis

Make point form notes on the following questions while watching the film:

What do you see in the way of the 7 elements of culture through Xi’s group?

Social Organization: Customs and Traditions:

Religion: Language:

Arts/Literature/Music: Government:

Economics – (Hunting/Gathering)

What beliefs/values/norms do you see Xi and his family exhibiting?

What aspects of material culture do you see Xi and his family use?

What skills do you see Xi and his family exhibiting that are appropriate to his environment and economy?

What does he think of the white people he meets?

How does the coke bottle create problems in Xi’s group?

Take note of the behaviours, beliefs, and aspects of material culture that Xi encounters that baffle him.

Answer the following questions after watching the film:

1. Explain how the coke bottle as a foreign material element does not fit into Xi’s culture. Why do you think it has such a negative effect?

2. What elements of the other cultures Xi encounters are strange to him? Explain why, according to his worldview, they don’t make sense. Choose at least three.

3. Explain why Xi thinks the white woman might be a god. What does this say about his belief system?

4. Why does M’pudi find it difficult to translate the Bushmen’s language in court? What aspects of Xi’s culture are reflected in the words his language has/doesn’t have?

5. What does this movie explore about norms, values, behaviours, and culture? What has Xi learned? What have the other characters learned? What did you learn?

6. What issues do you see arising for groups like the San and the Hadza as the world gets smaller, and more elements of cultures (material and non-material) are introduced?

Knowledge and Understanding /10

- well selected information from the film and the course

- all information used is correct

- all questions answered thoroughly and supported with film elements

Thinking /5

- sophisticated analysis and response to questions

- sound interpretation of film aspects

- strong commentary on the significance of material culture and its connection to our non-material elements of culture (beliefs, values, philosophies, taboos, etc.)

Communication /4

- clear, concise writing

- no careless errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Application /6

- use of course terms/concepts

- strong evaluation of Xi’s cultural values and the future of groups like his in a modernizing world

- good personal reflection on the lessons of the film