The Global Platform for DisasterRisk Reduction
(8-13 May, 2011, Geneva, Switzerland)
Side Event:Risk Identification and National Capacity to Manage Risks
Date & Time:10 May, 2011 at 13:15 – 14:15
Venue:Room C-CCV
Comprehensive risk informationunderpins the risk reduction efforts of national governments, sectoral agencies, municipal authorities, civil societies, and the private sector. This event is an opportunity for countries to share experiences, discuss challenges, and consider new approaches to developing and enhancing their capacities for identifying and managing risks. Presentations will showcase risk assessment programmes implemented by national governments and institutions. The event will produce recommendations to improve the support provided by the UN agencies in order to help countries to better identify and manage their risks.
13:15 – 13:20Opening Speech
Mr. Neil Buhne, Director of UNDP/BCPRGeneva
13:20 – 14:00Country Presentations:
- Mr. Armen Yeritsyan, Minister of Emergency Situations of Armenia
- Ms. Maria del Pilar Cornejo, Minister of Disaster Risk Management of Ecuador
- Ms. Laura Gurza Jaidar, General Coordinator, National Civil Protection of Mexico
- Ms. Nathalie Zaarour, Disaster Risk Management Unit, Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Lebanon
14:00 – 14:15Panel Discussion:
With high-level authorities from countries and representatives from UN agencies
Guidance Notes for Country Presentation and Panel Discussion
1) Country Presentation
The country presentations will showcase risk identification programmes that are fully led and implemented by the government and national institutions with the technical support from UN agencies. It will be an occasion to share their experiences and discuss their challenges, needs and expectations.
Each country presentation should be delivered within 10 minutes and follow the following outline:
- Overview of risk identification programmes (5 minutes)
- Challenges encountered (2 minutes)
- For example, data availability, national coordination, information sharing, integration and management, use of risk information, national capacity, sustainability, etc)
- Lessons and good practices (2 minutes)
- Comments on agencies’ support and expectation (1 minutes)
2) Panel Discussion
The panel discussion with high-level representatives from the countries and UN agencies is to take stock of the countries’ experiences, to learn from their challenges, and to produce recommendations to improve the support provided by the UN agencies in order to help countries better identify and manage their risks.
The Panelwill focus on 4 main topics:
- Common challenges the countries are facing
- Agency support
- Sustainability of risk identification programmes
- Topic proposed by the audience
The panel discussion will be summarized by the moderator of the panel discussion, who is selected among the agencies’ representatives.