Spring 2009. Syllabus for Calculus III (MAC 2313)
Instructor/office/contact info/office hours:
Instructor:Ognjen Milatovic Office: Building 14, Room 2733
Phone: 620-1745 E-mail:
Office hours: Monday 4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.;
Tuesday 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.;
Wednesday 4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.;
Or by appointment
Instructor’s Web Page:
Prerequisite: MAC 2312–Calculus II.
Text: Larson, Hostetler, Edwards, Calculus. Early Transcendental Functions, 4th Edition
Calculator: A graphing calculator, such as TI-82 or higher (TI-83 is recommended). Graphing calculators TI-89 and TI-92 will not be allowed on tests, quizzes and the final exam.
Course Objectives:To have students understand the concepts of vectors, vector functions, and functions of more than one variable, and their derivatives and integrals, and to enable students to display that understanding through a variety of applications. Specific, measurable manifestations of your understanding that will be tested during the semester include your ability to
• algebraically and graphically manipulate vectors, find their components, and determine length and direction
• calculate dot products, projections, and angles between vectors
• solve physics problems, involving velocity, acceleration, force, and work, by using vectors
• differentiate and integrate vector functions
• differentiate the position vector function to obtain the tangent, velocity, and acceleration vectors
• integrate the acceleration and velocity vector functions to obtain the position vector function
• calculate the position, velocity, and acceleration vector functions of a projectile
• calculate polar coordinates given Cartesian coordinates, and vice-versa, and draw graphs of polar equations
• calculate the cross product of two vectors in 3-dimensional space to find normal vectors to planes
• apply the cross product to calculate areas of triangles and parallelograms, and to find the torque vector
• produce equations of lines and planes in 3-dimensional space
• sketch cylinders and quadric surfaces, and recognize their equations
• differentiate dot products and cross products of vector functions
• identify the domain of a function of several variables, and produce a rough sketch of the graph
• sketch the level curves of a function of several variables
• match functions of several variables with their level curves and graphs
• calculate partial derivatives of functions of several variables
• calculate partial derivatives via the multivariable chain rule
• calculate the gradient vector of a function of several variables at a point
• calculate the directional derivatives of a function of several variables, and determine the directions of most and least rapid increase of the function, and the directions in which the function remains constant
• produce equations of the tangent plane to the graph of a function of several variables at a point
• approximate changes in the function by using the tangent plane, the local linearization, and the differential
• determine the critical points of a function of several variables, and determine whether they correspond to local maxima, local minima, saddle points, or none of these
• sketch the graph and level curves of a function of several variables near local maxima, local minima, and saddle points
• determine absolute extreme values on closed, bounded regions
• approximate double integrals by using partitions
• calculate indefinite and definite double integrals
• reverse the order of integration to calculate double integrals
• use double integrals to calculate the volume beneath surfaces
• calculate double integrals in polar coordinates
• calculate triple integrals in rectangular coordinates
• calculate the average value of a function of several variables
• calculate triple integrals in spherical and cylindrical coordinates
By the end of the semester, you will
- extend what you learned in Calculus I and II to functions of several variables
- learn some important mathematical tools widely used by scientists and engineers
- strengthen your skills in numerical and symbolic computation, mathematical reasoning, and mathematical modeling
- gain skills in learning and communicating mathematics
It is essential that you attend classes regularly. The easiest way for you to learn the material, and to know what material has been covered, is to come to class each day. You are responsible for finding out what material has been covered or what announcements have been made on days that you miss class.
Excused Absences or Late Work:
In order to turn in assignments late or to take make-up quizzes/tests, you must bring written proof of some emergency situation; notes from doctors or nurses, documents verifying court appearances, receipts from having a car towed are all examples of valid documentation. Notes from family members are not acceptable. If a situation is of a personal nature, discuss the matter with your academic advisor; an e-mail message from your advisor saying that he/she believes that you should be allowed to make up work is acceptable.
It is strongly recommended that you read the assigned section from the textbook
ahead of time. Thus, when you then see the corresponding section covered in class, you will beable to follow along much more easily (as opposed to seeing the material for the veryfirst time in class).
It is hard to learn multivariable calculus by skimming large quantities of
information in the textbook, searching for highlighted text or equation boxes, or by
skimming worked examples as you would a novel. A much better way to learn and
understand how to apply mathematics is by actively participating in the problem solving
process. You can do this by carefully reading and taking notes on the material presented
in the text, paying special attention to when various techniques/methods/concepts can be
applied. Additionally, instead of just looking at examples in the text, you should try to
work through these examples, filling in any missing information and taking note of any
questions that you may have. To truly understand worked examples, you should examine
them for yourself by working through examples step-by-step, filling in the missing
information as needed. You can then use these examples to help you as you work new
exercises on your own. As you do this, it is helpful that you take note of differences and
similarities in these exercises.
Homework will be assigned with each section. Although the homework will not
be collected, it is essential that you do homework exercises regularly: working these
exercises will help you get a solid grasp of fundamental concepts and techniques of
calculus and will increase your confidence as you proceed to learn new ideas.
Furthermore, questions on quizzes and tests will be very similar to assigned homework
exercises and the examples discussed during class. To help you work and understand
homework exercises, we will go over a limited number of homework exercises at the
beginning of each class.
While doing homework, do not just write down answers. Think about the problems posed, your strategies, the meaning of your computations, and the answers you get. It is often in this reflection that the greatest learning takes place. The main point is not to come up with specific answers to the specific problems you are working on, but to develop an understanding of what you are doing so that you can apply your reasoning to a wide range of similar situations.
To ensure that you are keeping up with the homework, there will be several quizzes during the semester (roughly, one quiz every week). Some quizzes will be given in class, and some will be given as take-home assignments.
Class Participation:
Every class member will be expected to participate in class discussions. Your participation in class can be, for example, your contribution to course discussions and your contribution to answering in-class or homework questions. Please remember that your questions are a valuable part of our discussion of course topics.
The final exam is cumulative and will count as 25% of your course grade. Quizzeswill count as 25% of your course grade. I will drop your worst quiz grade. Two in-class midterm tests will count as the remaining 50% of your course grade (each midterm test will count 25% of your course grade). Course grades will be assigned as follows:
[90 - 100 %: A-, A], [80 – 89%: B-, B, B+],
[70 – 79%: C, C+], [60 – 69%: D], [59% and below: F].
Cheating Policy:
Cheating is an insult to honest students – it will not be tolerated.
Course Topics:
Chapter 10 (Sections 10.1 – 10.4)
Chapter 11 (Sections 11.1 – 11.7),
Chapter 12 (Sections 12.1 – 12.5),
Chapter 13 (Sections 13.1 – 13.9),
Chapter 14 (Sections 14.1 – 14.3 and 14.6 – 14.8)
Some sections may be omitted.
Important Dates:
January 19 (Monday) MLK Jr. Birthday
March 16—21 Spring Break (no classes)
March 27 (Friday) Deadline to Withdraw
April 22 (Wednesday) Final Exam (9:00—10:50)