470 24TH Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94403

PHONE: 650.341.3699

FAX: 650.312.9562


Rules and Tiebreakers

Home team will be determined by a coin flip at home plate.

Game time is forfeit time. No grace period.

Managers are responsible for the conduct of their respective team members and fans.

Tournament will be played under ASA Rules except for modifications by the Feely Tournament Committee.


  1. 15 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings & 7 runs after 5 innings. No run rule for championship game.Championship is full game. 7 innings for 10’s and 12’s. 6 innings for 8’s.
  2. Tiebreaker after seven innings, if time left.In 8u division it will be after six innings if time left.Games tied at the end of regulation time in pool play will remain tied.Tournament Play-International tie breaker when times up.
  3. Time limit for all games, except final game will be one hour and fifteen minutes. (No new inning)
  4. Time limit for 8u division is a 60 minutes in length. Drop dead at 70 minutes. Game will revert back to last full inning. If a player’s at bat has started it can be finished.
  5. 10U and 12U teams mayuse continuous batting order on Friday and Saturday only. Courtesy runner must be the last completed batter. Sunday tournament play is straight 9. May use flex/DP
  6. Home team will be responsible for the scorebook.
  7. Tournament will be conducted under ASA rules.
  8. Home team to report score.
  9. Dugout assignments:

Pool Play – First team listed on schedule = 1st base dugout

Championship – Highest seeded team = 1st base dugout

If team involved in a double header team will keep dugout occupied.


  1. Teams will be seeded according to their record of all games within their pool. 5 points will be awarded for win, 2.5 points to each team for a tie and no points for a loss.
  2. 1st Tiebreaker – Head to head competition.
  3. 2nd Tiebreaker – Record against higher seeds
  4. 3rd Tiebreaker – Least runs allowed.
  5. Last resort – coin flip.


June 9-11,2017, San Mateo, CA