Senior Scholarship Application
The Ponder High School Band Booster Club will be awarding a one-time scholarship at the annual Ponder Lion Band Banquet in May.
To be eligible to receive a scholarship, you must:
- Be a graduating Senior at Ponder High School and UIL eligible all six 6 weeks
- Be a member in good standing of the Ponder High School Lion Band
- Submit this completed application to the scholarship committee on or before May 9, 2012
- Must place in upper half of audition tryouts
- Must provide minimum of 2 letter of recommendations ( 1 from teacher, 1 from someone other than a relative that has known you for at least 5 years).
Please complete this application neatly and legibly.
Please answer honestly and check your responses for correct punctuation and grammar.
Incomplete or illegible applications will not be considered for scholarship.
All applications will be reviewed by the PHS Band Booster Scholarship Committee.
Please include proof of enrollment in college or trade school. Unused scholarships will become void after twelve months.
Decisions will be final. The scholarship check will be made payable to the student designated on the application.
Your signature below authorizes the PHS Band Booster Scholarship Committee to verify all information
requested on the application. The Band Booster organization reserves the right to disqualify any applicant based upon misrepresentation confirmed by the Scholarship Committee.
I certify the accuracy of all information stated in this application to the best of my knowledge.
Student signature:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______
What is your current class rank?______
Current GPA:______SAT Score:______ACT Score:______
PHS Counselor Verification Signature:______
What college are you planning to attend, or, if undecided, to what colleges have you applied?
List any academic awards you’ve received in the past four years: (please note date of receipt)
List any school activities or clubs (other than band) you’ve been a member of in the past four years: (please note any service as an officer or other leadership role)
List any major, non-band-related community service projects you’ve been involved with in the past four years: (Please note dates of service)
Please check all that apply:FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSenior
I auditioned for All Region Band.______
I performed with All Region Band.______
I auditioned for Solo/Ensemble.______
I performed Solo/Ensemble.______
I was a member of the PHS Concert Band.______
List all awards you’ve received for Band in the past four years:
List all awards you’ve received for Leadership in the past four years:
Please attach a 500 word essay describing what being a member of the Ponder High School Lion Band has meant to you. Describe how you have grown/changed/matured both as a musician and personally. What opportunities have been made available to you and what have you gained from those opportunities? Incorporate any personal experiences and memories as necessary to make your point. Essay must be typed.
Please note: Upon submitting this application, your essay becomes the property of the PHS Band and may be used in its entirety or in part in promotional materials for the PHS Lion Band Program. Please check one of the following options and sign below.
_____I understand that my PHS Band Booster Scholarship Application Essay, once submitted, becomes the property of the PHS Band Program and as such, may be used in promotional materials for the Lion Band.
In these materials the band may print my name as author of the quotation.
_____I understand that my PHS Band Booster Scholarship Application Essay, once submitted, becomes the property of the PHS Band Program and as such, may be used in promotional materials for the Lion Band.
In these materials, the band may not print my name as author of the quotation.
Student SignatureDate
This completed application must be received by the scholarship committee no later that
May 8, 2012
Please mail to: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 501
Ponder, Tx 76259
Attn: Scholarship Committee
Confidential Reference
Ponder High School Lion Band Booster Club
Reference Form: Senior Scholarship
Please make copies as needed and attach with letter of recommendation
Please do not reference students name except at top where indicated
Student Name:______School______
Reference Name:______Position:______
Instructions: Please rank the candidate with 1 as lowest rating, 5 as the highest. Please feel free to make additional comments on one additional page, front side only. This will greatly assist the committee in the selection process.
I feel I know the candidate well enough to compare him/her with his/her peers1 2 3 4 5
The candidate is committed to personal enrichment through learning1 2 3 4 5
Please Provide Explanation/Comments:
The candidate chooses appropriate challenges1 2 3 4 5
The candidate makes maximum use of resources and effort to meet challenges1 2 3 4 5
The candidate has the study and organizational skills required to succeed in a1 2 3 4 5
college/university environment
Please Provide Examples/Comments:
The candidate takes on responsibility and inspires others to work in positive directions1 2 3 4 5
The candidate is realistic about making and carrying through on long-term commitments 1 2 3 4 5
The candidate has a positive and mature attitude 1 2 3 4 5
The candidate is cooperative and provides a good role model 1 2 3 4 5
Please Provide Examples/Comments:
Respondent Signature:______Date:______
Thank You! Please mail this form to:Ponder High School Band Booster Club
Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 501 Ponder, Tx 76259