The Genesis Parent Portal is Your Best Friend!

The Genesis Parent Portal is an online tool that gives our parents access to their children’s grades, absences, schedules, upcoming assignments and report cards. When a parent logs on to the Parent Portal they are able to see all of their children in one profile, there are no separate usernames or passwords needed. Parents can see their children’s updated grades live in the Gradebook tab. They can see how their child did on each assignment, test, quiz, etc. The gradebook keeps an updated marking period average for each class and is a great way to see how your child is doing in each of their classes. We at LPMS recommend that you check the Genesis Parent Portal at least once a week with your child so that you are both aware of their progress.
Only the final report card will be sent home. Marking Period 1, 2 and 3 report cards will only be available on the Parent Portal under the Grades tab.
To set up your account, please contact Cristina Puri at 973-696-5520 ext. 242. /

Academic Assistance Program

About Us

The AAP program is run by 2 certified teachers who meet with students in the Media Center to assist with homework, studying, projects and skill building.
Students do not need to be recommended for this program nor do they need to sign up in advance. All students are welcome to attend!
A late bus is available for all bus students.


Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:55 until 3:45
/ Lincoln park middle school
guidance department
973-696-5520 EXT 242
tips for academic success /
Lincoln Park Middle School Guidance Department
90 Ryerson Road Lincoln Park, NJ 973-696-5520

Middle School

Middle school is an exciting time for both kids and their parents; however, it can also bring with it a new set of challenges. With the switching of classes, introduction to lockers and increased academic rigor, middle school can seem overwhelming
Our students can expect homework in each of their academic classes almost every night, coupled with the possibility of homework from a foreign language and/or specials course, studying for upcoming quizzes and tests, along with projects throughout the year. This can be quite daunting since many of our students are involved in extra-curricular activities as well.

How can your child manage it all?

Juggling school, extra-curricular activities, a social life, hobbies and family can bedifficult for anyone. How can your child be successful?
The answer: with support from you and the school. Remember that saying, “it takes a village to raise a child”? Parents working with teachers, guidance counselors, coaches and mentors is our modern day village. /


Every teacher at LPMS wants your child to succeed. They are concerned not only with your child’s education, but their social-emotional development as well. Our teachers strive to build daily lessons that are both educational and engaging.
If your child is struggling in a particular class or classes, please encourage them to talk to their teacher. A recent study by the Scaling Up Program at Vanderbilt University showed that student ownership and responsibility are key to academic success (Cannata, M., Taylor Hanes, K., Smith, T. 2013). Middle School is a great time to begin to foster academic ownership in your child. You can do this by encouraging an open dialogue with your child about their education. What are their academic goals? How do they plan to reach those goals? How can the adults in their life help?
If your child continues to struggle, please contact their teacher. Email is usually best since teachers are in class most of the day. All staff emails are listed on the school website ( in the staff tab under the middle school. The school website also houses our teacher websites where you can find upcoming assignments, helpful links, contact information and access to the online textbooks. /

Tips for Success

1. USE YOUR AGENDA OR MY HOMEWORK APP!!! Write your homework down DAILY and do it. Keep track of projects, tests and quizzes with your agenda or iPad calendar.
2. Keep your locker clean. Make sure there are no loose papers at the bottom and that you can easily access your books and binders. Take gym clothes home every time you have gym so that they can be washed!!
3. Do your homework DAILY
4. Organize your binders. There should be different tabs for homework, classwork, notes and tests/quizzes. Do not keep loose papers in your binder, make sure to put them in the folder part or hole-punch them.
5. Do your homework DAILY
6. Start studying for a test 4-5 days prior to the test. Study for a quiz 2-3 days prior. If you do not understand a concept, this will give you enough time to talk to your teacher.
7. Do your homework DAILY
8. If your grade in any class drops to a low C, go to the AAP program or see your teacher for assistance.
9. Do your homework DAILY!
10. Have a designated study/homework place in your home. Make sure it is quiet, well lit and free of distractions.