1. The Gabba Cricket Ground is in which Australian city? Brisbane
  2. Which Lib Dem cabinet minister resigned in February 2012? Chris Huhne(perverting the course of justice regarding driving licence points allegedly)
  3. Which French city lies at the confluence of the Rhone and Saone rivers? Lyons
  4. Louis Armstrong Airport serves which U. S. city? New Orleans
  5. Jack Nicholson won Best Actor Oscar for which two films? ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ (1975) and ‘As Good as it Gets’ (1987) (He won Best Supporting Oscar for ‘Terms of Endearment’ (1983))
  6. Which group released seventies albums entitled ‘Fragile’ and ‘Going for the One’? Yes
  7. Trachoma affects which part of the human body? Eyes
  8. The ‘SS’ postcode code covers which English town? Southend-on-Sea
  9. What Lady Chatterley’s first name? Constance
  10. What type of creature is a skink? Lizard
  11. What does the word ‘sec’ indicate on a wine bottle? Dry
  12. Who murdered John Lennon? Mark David Chapman
  13. Which English batsman and team captain was born on 23 July 1953? Graham Gooch
  14. What does the word ‘Taliban’ mean in the Pashto language? Students
  15. The first official Paralympic Games took place in 1960 in which city? Rome (dubious – first games for British World War II wheelchair users was London 1948; London 1952 Dutch veterans also competed; first games open to any nationality of wheelchair user was Rome 1960; Montreal 1976 was first time open to more disability classifications; Seoul 1988 was first time Paralympics (from ‘beside’ or ‘alongside’) term used and held in the same venues as the Olympics.)
  16. Spanish Harlem is in which New York borough? Manhattan
  17. Who won the 2012 ‘Dancing on Ice’ contest? Matthew Wolfenden(from ‘Emmerdale’ apparently!)
  18. Julian Lloyd Webber is a virtuoso of which instrument? Cello
  19. Jane Asher married which cartoonist in 1981? Gerald Scarfe
  20. Carlo Collodi created which children’s character? Pinocchio
  21. 68.89m is the Olympic record for which men’s field event? Discus
  22. What was politician Mo Mowlam’s first name? Marjory
  23. Which two countries share the island of Hispaniola? Haiti and Dominican Republic
  24. How many hulls are there on a catamaran? Two
  25. What breed of dog is Scooby Doo? Great Dane
  26. How many valves are there on a trumpet? Three(trumpets can have three or four piston valves)
  27. What nationality was Anders Celsius? Swedish
  28. What was the first credit card introduced in 1950? Diners Club(WRONG: Diners Club was a charge card – the balance being paid in full each month. Bank Americard in 1958 was the first credit card eventually becoming Visa)
  29. What was Harriet Beecher Stowe’s most famous book? Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  30. Capybara is the largest of which creatures? Rodents
  31. What do the initials V. S. O. P. when discussing French brandy? Very Superior (or Special) Old Pale
  32. The only English Pope adopted which name? Adrian IV
  33. Born in 1947, how is singer and actor David Cook better known? David Essex
  34. In which month is Lady Day? March (usually 25th)
  35. The International Cricket Council is based in which Middle East city? Dubai in the United Arab Emirates
  36. Agadir is a seaside resort in which African country? Morocco
  37. Which vegetable was Baldrick addicted to in Blackadder? Turnip
  38. What is the medical name for the kneecap? Patella
  39. Mauritania was the Roman name for which country? Morocco
  40. Who created George Smiley? John Le Carré