Stories of Personal Character

Learning Circles: Computer Chronicles

January - May 2005

3d Grade

School #10

Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

The Most Important Thing In My Life

My school changes me. When I go to school, it changes me. My school teaches me, develops my mind, and gives me interesting information.


School-Gymnasium #10

Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

The Most Important Thing In My Life

Last year I went to Kapchagay, with aunt and mother. Kapchagay has very big sea. We swimming to the sea every day went. The sea water is very warm. We went to Almata. In Almata we go to the park. In the wired on the merry-go-rounds. In the Kapchagay we were 7 days. It was very better days in my life.

Glynina Kseniya.

School-Gymnasium #10

Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

The Most Important Person

In My Life

My mother is the best woman because she always helps me. She always takes care and loves me. Mother is kind, hard- working. She is the example for me.


School-Gymnasium #10

Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

The Most Important Thing In My Life


Father suggested me to play hockey, and I agreed with him. Father bought me sport form. And I went to the Sport Palace. Our team is big. There are only girls in it. Trainers are good. Their are 3. I like hockey!


I started to play chess 3 year ago. I traveled around Kazakhstan.

In our family father and Oksana occupied chess. Oksana have occupied for 4 years. She traveled around Kazakhstan and Russia.

I like chess!

Alina Samborskaya

School-Gymnasium #10


If I Could Change Myself

If I could change my self, I would make my self a genius. If I was a genius I would be happy because I would be very smart. If I were a genius I would be in college now or I would be working in a lab making a robot that will clean a house in 5 minutes. It would make everyone’s life easier.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

What I Would Change?

If I could change one thing about me it would be how I started my last fight with one of my friends. I would just go on like it’s a normal day. Another thing I would change was when I jumped off a couch and broke my leg when I was 4 Years old. I would say to my friend could we just watch a movie instead? But nope I just jumped off the couch. I had to go to the hospital. Those are all the things I would want to change right now.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

If I Could Change...

If I could change one thing about myself I would change my hair. I would change my hair because I have short hair and I would like long hair, also I would like to change my hair wavy instead of straight. That’s why I would like to change my hair.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Life Change

If there were one thing in my life to change it would be that I could be the richest man alive. I could buy everything that’s ever been sold. I could do anything that I wanted with my money. Buy a nice car, buy a nice house, and pool. Then when I am out of money I can still have fun.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My Most Prized Possession

My most prized possession is my World Series trophy. This is my most prized possession because it was my first year in Little League and we were playing the best team in the league, the Houston Astros. I was on the Boston Red Sox that season. Coming into the playoffs we had a losing record 6-7, but in the playoffs we never lost (the rules are if you lose two games you're out). In the last inning of the World Series our team was down three runs but our team came back and won by one. I was very happy! My trophy is in my bedroom and constantly reminds me of that wonderful season and final game!


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Prized Possessions

My most prized possession is a small metal apple with designs that my aunt gave me for Christmas 3 years ago. My other prized possession is a stuffed turtle I got when I was 3 and I still have him.

Those prized possessions I could never have slept without when I was 6 years old. Now I have out grown those possessions and need new ones that I’m yet to find.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

A Few of My Most Prized Possessions

A few of my most prized possessions are my dogs Apollo, Zues, and, Minky. Every day I go outside and play with my dogs. Everybody in my family loves dogs. I could not choose which is my favorite.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Prized Possession

My prized possession is my dog, Ozzie. Ozzie needed a home three years ago, so we adopted him. Just before Ozzie joined our family, another dog attacked me. I was frightened of dogs for a little while because of my attack. Ozzie helped me over come my fear of dogs. I love dogs again. I think it is because Ozzie is so kind and gentle, and protective of me. He sleeps with me at night, cuddles with me on the couch. We play ball together, and every summer we swim in the pool. Ozzie loves the water. He really is like having a best friend.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My Most Prized Possession

My most prized possession is my stuffed rabbit. He is special because I got him on my first Easter. I named him Treasure. I slept with him every night for the last 10 yr. When I go to sleepovers I don’t take him. One time when I was really little, I took him out of the house and I lost him but then I found hem, since then he has never left the house again, or my bed.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

A Favorite Prized Possession

One of my favorite prized possessions is my stuffed animal, Mr. Cow. He is very special to me because my mom’s friend bought me him at the Hampton Classic Horse Show in New York. She bought the stuffed animal for me when I was 3 years old because she missed my birthday party. This stuffed animal is important to me because I have had it since was a little girl! Mr. Cow travels with me to vacations and sleepovers. Mr. Cow is a prize possession and I will always take care of him and treasure him.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

A Prized Possession

An item I prize is a domino trophy that my Grandma won. She died one year ago. I got to keep the trophy, and when I look at it reminds me of her. I am also reminded of my Grandma when I play dominos with my Dad.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My Prized Possession

My prized possession is my cat Boom. I adopted Boom 8 months ago at a farm. He was scared of a lot of things because he fell off a ladder when he was10 days old. Now he now stands up to anything. He climbs trees that are 39 feet high. He almost fell off! This is why he is my prized possession.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

The Thing I Collect

I collect coins. I have coins from all over the world. I have coins that are worth 1 cent to $100 in currency. My Aunt Debbie always brings me coins to put in my coin book. She gets these coins by going to different countries. She also has friends that give her coins for me. I display my coins by putting them in a book. I have special sheets that I put my coins in. I like collecting coins.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My Most Prized Possession

The item that is my most prized possession is Teddy. Teddy is a stuffed animal bear and I have had him ever since I was a baby. I can’t sleep without Teddy, I can’t even leave the house without knowing he’s there. If I go to sleepovers, sometimes my friends think I’m too old for him, but he is very special to me. You can even have a teddy when you’re ten like me.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My Prized Possession

My prized possessions are my dogs, Jazzy and Barney. Jazzy is a 2-year-old mutt. Barney is an 11-year-old Siberian husky. We got Barney before I was born. He had run away from his original owners and my sister found him on the street on Long Island. When we found the owners they said they didn’t want him so we got to keep him. Jazzy we got from a shelter in Westfield. Barney has blue eyes and Jazzy has brown eyes. Jazzy likes to go outside and play with you while Barney likes to sleep inside or outside the house. Barney is protective of my brother, my sister and me even when he’s sleeping. He will always be between the road and us, and he will not let cars up the driveway if we’re outside unless he knows them. Jazzy likes to play with toys and chew on bones and Barney doesn’t. I think my dogs are great.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Prized Possessions

My most prized possessions are my two funny looking dogs. Let me tell you about them. Rosie was a Christmas gift six and a half years ago. She is a ShihTzu who likes being pet by me. Rosie can be nervous at times, especially with a beeping cell phone. Rosie is a smart dog, and her favorite thing in the world is a homemade snack.(and Frosty Paws ice cream too!) Roland is my other Lhasa-Shih-Tzu. This dog has a funny and goofy personality. He loves playing with whiffle balls and his rubber doggie pacifier. One day, I gave him ice cubes, and he started throwing them in the air and then pouncing on them. Roland has never shown any mean side to my family, just licking love. When I ask him for a kiss, he licks my nose. These dogs bring joy to me because they're family, and I love them very much.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My Most Prized Possession

My most prized possession is mycoin collection. I collect state quarters. State quarters are my most prized possession because each one has an interesting picture of something important about each state on the back. Each year I get five new state quarters, each one representing a state. I keep them in a special book. I cannot wait until the nextfiveare available. These quarters are my most prized possession.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Person Who Has Influenced Me the Most: My Aunt Barb

My Aunt Barb has made a lasting influence in my life. She lives in Louisville, Kentucky, and I know her because she is a very good friend of my Mom and Dad. My brother and I go to her house every summer and she does a lot of stuff with us. She comes to New Jersey for all my birthdays and always gives me the bet presents. Aunt Barb takes good care of me like I am her own child and I know she will be around me for the rest of my life.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

The Most Important Thing I Have Learned in Life

The most important thing I’ve learned in life is to not let anyone control what I want to do and to stand up for myself. An example of this is someone saying you can’t sit with him/her today, so you have to sit with me. It is my choice with whom I want to sit with. An example of standing up for myself would be if someone told me what I should wear, who I should be friends and best friends with, and whom I should hangout with. I should say, “You can’t tell me what to do, I decide what I want to do. You’re not in charge of my life.” If someone does these kinds of things to you, don’t let it happen and stand up for yourself. The main idea is to not let anyone have control over you. This is the most important thing I’ve learned in my life.


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My Best Friend

My best friend is named Sara. She loves to play softball and soccer most of the time. I consider her my best friend because she is really funny and she likes me the way I am. She is so special because I’ve known her forever, and she is really nice. Sara lives about a half of a mile away from my house. My friends at school can sometimes be really good friends, but other times I just don’t fit in! Whenever I go over her house I always feel at home. I am very glad she is my best friend and I hope she is forever!


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

The Best Advice

The best advice that my Mom has ever given happened when I performed the play “Peter Pan.” I was so nervous; she told me that I should just act like there is no one in the room or picture everyone is in his or her underwear! Whenever I think this way I find that my lines come smooth and easy to my mind. She has been given the best advice to me. It helps every time. Whenever I have trouble with something she is always there to help. From now on, I will always take her advice. That is why her advice is the worlds best!


Fourth Grade

Franklin Township School

Quakertown, New Jersey, USA