MAY 15, 2012


The Fund to Combat Violent Crime Committee was held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 in the Department of Safety and Homeland Security conference room located at 303 Transportation Circle, Dover, Delaware. The meeting was called to order at 2:01 by Chairman Lewis Schiliro. Those in attendance included:

Lt. Fred Calhoun, IIIPresident, FOP, DelawareState Lodge

Tom Ellis (via speakerphone)Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice

Chief James HosfeltChairman, Delaware Police Chiefs Council

Randall L. HughesDeputy Principal Assistant for Special Projects

Lt. Colonel James PaigeDelawareState Police, Proxy for Colonel Robert Coupe

The Honorable Lewis D. SchiliroSecretary, Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Committee Chair

Deborah GoldenProgram Administrator

1) Approval of the October 18, 2011 Minutes of the Meeting

Chairman Lewis Schiliro asked if there were any amendments to the October 18, 2011 minutes of the meeting and hearing none, asked for a motion for approval.

A motion was made by Chief James Hosfelt and seconded by Sgt. Fred Calhoun that the October 18, 2011minutes be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the minutes were approved by the Committee members.

2) Funding Available

R. L. Hughes reported that funding for the two programs is $1,424.143.10 or $712,071.55 each. Mr. Hughes stated that there was some concern that the dollars were not coming in as fast as previously forecasted. There are a number of factors as to why this is happening: August 8, 2012 was the date the collection started; traffic arrests are down; the $15 is not assessed against cell phone or seat belt violations; there is a priority in the placement of funds, i.e. court costs, restitution; and some offenders are paying fines through a payment plan. It is hoped that approximately $900,000 will be in each account by June 30th.

3) Approval of the Fund to Combat Violent Crime Guidelines (copy attached)

DAG Tom Ellis stated that he reviewed the guidelines and suggested they be changed to read “Internal Operating Guidelines for The Fund to Combat Violent Crimes Local Law Enforcement Program” vs. “The Fund to Combat Violent Crimes Local Law Enforcement Program Manual”. This change would make the guidelines less formal and an internal operating procedure. Debby Golden stated that Mr. Ellis had previously discussed some grammatical errors with her and she would also be making those changes.

Secretary Schiliro asked for Committee approval of the guidelines. A motion was made by Chief James Hosfelt and seconded by Lt. Colonel James Paige that the guidelines be approved subject to corrections. Hearing no further discussion, the minutes were approved by the Committee members.

Chief Hosfelt stated that he would present the guidelines to the police chiefs at their Staff Development Seminar scheduled next week.

4) Other Business

A.Schedule for funding process for FY 13 Fund to Combat Violent Crimes Program

It was decided by the Committee the following schedule would be used in the release of these funds:

30 Jun 2012Amount of program funds determined

2 Jul 2012Statement of Sworn Officers sent to Police Chiefs

16 Jul 2012Statement of Sworn Officers due to Dept of Safety and Homeland Security Program Administrator

23 Jul 2012Allocation and applications emailed to participating police agencies

15 Aug 2012Deadline for submission of applications

Week of Sep 3 Committee meets to review and vote on applications

Sep 2013Final Reports Due. Any funds granted to a local law enforcement agency that are not fully expended within twelve (12) months of receipt thereof must be returned by the agency to The Fund to Combat Violent Crimes within 60 days, unless the agency has requested and has received an authorization in writing for an extension of up to 120 days by the Committee

The Committee will accept one application per agency for entire amount of funding and funds will be released as soon as possible after approval of the grant application.

5) Adjournment

Chairman Lewis Schiliro called for any other discussion and hearing none called for a motion for adjournment. A motion for adjournment was made by Sgt. Fred Calhoun seconded by Chief James Hosfelt. The Committee members approved the motion and the meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debby Golden, Program Administrator

Department of Safety and Homeland Security

P.O. Box 818

Dover, Delaware 19903

(302) 744.2674