This application can only be made by the PI of the relevant Worldwide Cancer Research grant.
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- 1. Please give details of the publication you are applying for (title, authors, journal).
- The full text of the final manuscript must be attached with this application.
2. Has the paper been accepted for publication? Yes / No (please delete as appropriate)
3. Please give the title and the grant reference number of the Worldwide Cancer Research project grant that supported this work.
4. Please list all the funding organisations acknowledged in the paper.
5. Briefly, what parts of the work in this publication were supported by your Worldwide Cancer Research grant?
6. What are the full article processing costs associated with making this paper open access?
7. How much are you asking Worldwide Cancer Research to contribute? (maximum £2000) Note: if other funders are acknowledged who also offset APCs, we do not expect Worldwide Cancer Research to pay the full cost.
8. Is your institution contributing towards the APC? If not, why not?
9. Please give contact details for a representative of your institution finance office.
The finance office will be informed if your application is successful so that they can invoice Worldwide Cancer Research for the cost.
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- it must be published under a CC-BY Creative Commons, Attribution licence
- it must be made Open Access immediately at the time of online publication and made available through Europe PMC, Pubmed Central or other linked PMC repository.
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