(Name and Date)
7:55-8:00:Arrive to school with your student(s), provide front office with Driver’s License and obtain Raptor Security Badge. This must be worn and visible the entire time you are on campus today. If you have a lunch requiringrefrigeration, you may use the refrigerator in the teacher’s lounge or the kindergarten area refrigerator. (make sure to label it!)
8:00-8:10:A Watch D.O.G.S representative will provide you with a brief orientation. Store any items as desired in PTA room.
8:10-8:20:Help with carline and greet incoming students.
8:20-8:45:Report to the announcement area(next to library) to appear on morning announcements and then have a picture taken of you and your child for the Watch DOGS Wall of Fame. You may also walk your child to their classroom at this time.
8:45-9:30:Volunteer to help in ______classroom.
9:30-10:30Volunteer to help with 5th grade specials (this may or may not be where your child attends specials that day).
10:30-1:30:Lunch and Recess
This is the most flexible part of your day. Don’t forget to sit down and have lunch with your child(ren) at a visitor table during their designated lunch time(s). If you didn’t bring own lunch from home, you may purchase one at the school.
Lunch Duty: please spend part of this time helping out in the lunchroom. There is a WatchDOGS or RRE apron you can wear; fill the pockets with napkins, ketchup and plasticware to hand out as needed. While the cafeteria is a fun place to get to know the kids in a relaxed setting, please try to help maintain a calm environment. Thank you!
Recess:Most grade levels have recess at some point during this time period. Feel free to join any of them for as long as you wish!
1:30-2:00 Meet in front office or library to provide additional assistance.
2:00-3:15Join 5th grade for recess (classes rotate in 20 minute shifts)/patrol exterior and interior of the building.
3:15-3:30:Report to library, locate a computerand complete end of day survey. If needed, computer log-in instructions:
User name: RRE
Password: 123RRE
Open Internet Explorer and click on “favorites” in upper left corner of screen. Scroll down to link “WatchDOGS end of day survey”
The school code answer for question #1 is TX1692
Please return the Watch DOGS folder to the front office and ask them to give it to Mr. Smith. Also, return your Raptor Badge to the front desk.
Thank you for being a super WatchDOG!