Geography Curriculum
St Laurence in Thanet Junior AcademyYear Overview
Year 3 / Where do you live?Study of the UK – countries, cities, geographical regions, human and physical characteristics, hills, mountains, coasts, rivers, land use patterns. Understand how some aspects have changed over time.
Make use of maps and symbols, atlases. Fieldwork – local area (land use, traffic survey)
Link to maths – co-ordinates.
History link – Roman Britain
Local area link to Canterbury
Year 4 / Local area – links to Science Habitats Term 1 or 6
Trip to Broad Oak Road Nature Reserve. Locate on maps, use of symbols and keys.
Looking at the Isle of Thanet.
History Link - Anglo/Saxon Struggle
Study of UK. Consolidate map skills, look at land changes.
Water Cycle, Rivers, Coastlines – links to Science Term 3
Opportunity for local area trip looking at coastlines.
Physical Geography: Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Year 5 / Europe
Use maps, atlases, globes to identify countries, cities, physical features in Europe. Possible link to languages.
Geographical Skills
Eight point compass.
Six figure grid references.
Ordnance survey maps/symbols/keys
Use globes to start introducing Locational Knowledge Vocabulary. This could include:
Latitude, longitude, Northern and Southern Hemispheres, tropics, Arctic and Antarctic Circles, Time zones.
History Links – Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt
Geographical similarities and differences between them and UK.
Identifying human and physical features, including trade, natural resources.
Year 6 / History Links – WW2
Local sites. The war tunnels in Ramsgate. Map work. Identifying countries involved on globes and maps.
Use globes to consolidate Locational Knowledge Vocabulary. This could include:
Latitude, longitude, Northern and Southern Hemispheres, tropics, Arctic and Antarctic Circles, Time zones.
Consolidate map reading skills – six-figure grid references.
Be able to interpret Ordnance Survey Maps.
North and South America – links to Science Living Things and Habitats and Evolution
Similarities and differences of a region within N and S America. Focus on South American rainforests / way of life.
Also link to Mayan (History Non-European Society)
Observe, measure, record and present physical and human features in local area. Could compare to South America study.
The four areas in the Geography Curriculum:
1)Locational Knowledge
2) Place Knowledge
3)Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
4)Physical Geography