ECD thematic group meeting notes
Thursday 13th November2014-Held at AEE (African Evangelistic Enterprise)


The Forum for Education NGOs in Uganda (FENU) is a national coalition of civil society

organisations who work together on joint advocacy to improve education in Uganda. FENU works through thematic groups which include the Early Childhood Development group. This group works together to improve Early childhood education in Uganda.This document outlines notes made at the ECDmeeting on 13th November 2014.


Members were welcomed and introductions were made. AET was appreciated for hosting the meeting.


ESSRupdate (Fred FENU)

The meeting was updated about FENU’s work during the Education and Sports Sector Review (ESSR) which took place from 24-26 September. In preparation for the ESSR, the groups gave their recommendations which were compiled into booklets and posters. These were distributed to all stakeholders at the ESSR.

The meeting was informed that FENU also worked with the ministry to advocate for change of the system where ESSR came after budgeting thus making it difficult for the ESSR undertakings to be implemented. FENU wrote a paper and presented it to the different platforms stating that the ESSR process should come earlier in August so that the undertakings are fed into the next financial year budget. These suggestions were agreed and starting this year, there was a budget planning workshop to discuss the undertakings from the ESSR and how they can be fed into the budget.

Update on new under 3s curriculum (Deborah Magera, curriculum specialist , Early childhood Development NCDC)

The group was informed that the learning frame work for Early Childhood Development was put down in 2005 and is due for review. This process will be funded by the world bank. The reviewed framework has been translated in various languages that include ; Karamajong, Pokot, Leblang, Lugbarat, Arur, Runjyankole rukiga, Luganda, Japadhola, Ateso, Lusoga, Kumama, Runyoro- rutooro, and in Kiswahili

The learning framework also has a supporting document, i.e a care givers guide. The framework has learning areas, age bracket, language curriculum (to meet the need of the community) child centred approach which involves play, among others.

For the pre-school curriculum presentation by NCDC, please click here>

Issues arising

The group discussed the challenge of most parents who do not know the use of play in the early years of children thus influence ECD centres to give examination to their children. The group agreed that there is need to sensitize parents to appreciate play in ECD centres.

Advocacy work on play

The group discussed the possibility to do some advocacy work around play next year to sensitize the community about the importance of play. It was agreed that the group at the next meeting discuss the action plan for this advocacy.

FENU strategic plan and theory of changes

The FENU strategic plan which was for 2009-2014 is due for review this year. The FENU secretariat has been doing some work to draft a strategic plan for 2015-2019. The meeting was asked to discuss the priority areas and input into FENU’s strategic plan.

The meeting also discussed the concept of theory of change. The theory of change is a new concept that is being developed by NGOs. The theory of change is like a demonstration of reasons why an organisation is engaging in the work it does. The group was asked to share reasons why they think that coming together and discussing issues as FENU is important in working to achieve quality education for all. Below are the reasons that the group shared;

  • Opportunity to learn from stakeholders
  • Contributing to strategic direction of ECD in Uganda
  • Bringing CSOs together to advocate for quality education in Uganda
  • Monitoring progress of different activities
  • Recognition of other members’ work with the same vision
  • Collective voice is bigger than one voice
  • Sharing best practices is good

Action Points

Action points / Responsible person/ organization
  • Discuss the issue of play at the next meeting
  • Invite specialists about play to the meeting
Send around learning framework to the group / FENU and NCDC

Date and venue of next meeting

The group agreed to hold the next ECD thematic meeting on 12th February 2015 at STROMME foundation.

Forum for Education NGOs in Uganda (FENU)

Website: E-mail: Phone: +256 312 262154/5